Dear Mr. (またはMrs.) EndaHow was the condition of the outer box when it was delivered?The item might be broken during the shipping.Also, could you send me the picture of defect part of the product?Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Do the maker need to know whether we are selling their products to anyone? Negotiate this order considering it as an additional to our past orders. With the conditions given from you, we have to place an lower price order. If you cancel it, we do not order this brand ever again. Although we are thinking to order other products, it will be difficult for us to do so. As you can see from other orders, this bags is not very popular. I am not sure how much consideration the maker puts on this product. If we are the only retailer of this product, we may be able to meet your requests. We can buy it from other vendor, too.
Hi,Due to your fake Email refund you have now been reported to EBay and Paypal for fraud. They will take measures now to freeze your account and ban you from their services.From this action I will now be undertaking a cancellation of this trade and seeking full refund out of principals as you have proven yourself untrustworthy. I wouldve given you benefit of the doubt but now I suspect model was damaged/not as photographed prior to your shipping and no insurance wouldve resulted from a claim.Regards,Nathan
I send an Email via smart phone, but I have just noticed the email was not delivered.I am re-sending this email. I apologize any inconvenience you might have experienced.Regarding this order, we had received several messages from you requesting fast shipping. Therefore, in order to satisfy your need, we shipped the item directly from our vendor so that the time of shipping & handling can be shorter as possible. However, we received your message reporting the low quality of the product, with photo. We are truly disappointed. Thus, we refunded you all costs immediately, no return of the product required.
This is a loss for all of us, ourselves and our customers. We learned from this mistake and will change our shipping and handling procedure to check all of actual products, no exceptions, before shipping. Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience towards our misjudgment.
I have shipped the watch (または、置時計や壁掛け時計は、clock)on June 19 to you.Please refund me for that.Also, I had shipped a wrong watch, different from what it's supposed to be, by mistake on June 12.Please check on that matter, too.
(1)Are you willing to not get the physical? I'm willing to do it if you agree to this, and that when you get it that you leave us feedback. Awaiting your response. If you accept the offer then I assume that my terms are agreed apon. Thank you Jeremy(2)Here you go, as agreed upon here is the code. No physical items will be sent. The price drop was the shipping amount.(3)I've sent you your access key, and you agreed for me not to send you the physical items. I put that in the terms of the discounted price offer that I sent you, and by purchasing you agreed to that. Please leave feedback for the transaction as I had the code sent to you within 1 min of payment. Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend
(1) ハードコピー(若しくは物理的な現物)は、不要でしょうか?もし、あなたがハードコピーが不要であるということに合意していただけるならば、そのように対応致します。その商品(現物ではなく、電子上のデータなど)を受け取りましたら、フィードバックを残してください。お返事をお待ちいたしております。この申出を承諾なさるならば、この契約条件に納得いただけたものであるとみなします。よろしくお願いいたします。ジャーミー(2)お待たせいたしました。先にご了承いただいた、商品のコードです。物理的現物は送りません。配送料金の文だけ、商品の値段を差し引きました。(3)アクセスキーは、すでにお送りしました。また、現物を送らないことで合意頂いております。商品価格割引の取引条件として、その旨(現物を送らず、コードのみを知らせること)を呈示して、あなたに送付しました。その割引価格に支払いをしたことで、その取引条件に合意したことになります。あなたからの支払いを受けてから、1分以内にコードを送付しておりますので、この取引に関するフィードバックを残してください。宜しくお願い致します。良い週末を。
No plastic part is used for the head part of the robot. It is made with only cloth for the most parts, and it has a simple, pillow like structure, front and back panels combined together.All graphic designs on the cloth is printed on it.The part with "X" mark can be removed from the product, which is one of its functions.RemoveI have updated the product specification; however, due to the size of the files, they had been returned for several times. Would you be able to use the file transfer services like "high-tail*注"? (*注:固有名詞の正式なスペル不明です。)I will resend you the product specification again with more compressed one. We would like to ask you a quote.
When and how should I pay $300? Am I supposed to pay $300 at the time of accepting the products?
I am willing to order the same products for the same quantity again within 2 weeks after I receive the products. Would you give me a discount of $300 as to cover the customs duty?
The package had been delivered on April 5th, and I opened to check inside. I had ordered 5 items; however, there were only 4 items in the delivered package. As you can see in the picture, the item number O is missing. Please be sure to ship it immediately. Also, I have noticed a few imperfection of the following items. First, regarding the item number O, it is supposed to be a red knitted sweater, but it is sewn with white thread, which is quite visible on the outer surface at first glance even before wearing it. Not only that, both cuffs are ragged, so it is not wearable at all. The item number O has also ragged cuffs.The above-mentioned items seem to be defective products to me. Are these defects?Please send me prompt reply as soon as possible.