Musicians and cooks for instance, are usually musicians and cooks by the time they are four or five years old. Physicians usually decide on their careers in their teens, if not earlierBut most people, especially highly gifted people, do not really know where they belong until they are well past their mid-twenties. By that time, however, they should know the answers to the three questions: What are my strengths? How do I perform? and. What are my values? And then they can and should decide where they belong.Or rather, they should be able to decide where they do not belong. The person who has learned that he or she does not perform well in a big organization should have learned to say no to a posi-tion in one.
Thank you for your kind reply.Could you let me know if the 20% cash back is available?Since I have heard you have a program of 20% cash back for $1000 or more purchase per month.If the program is applied, I intend to purchase more than $1000 every month.Sincerely yours,
The sound is not as focused as some of our other 80xxx's; it has a nice "fat" quality. Mechanically, this horn has a recent overhaul with good pads and the original Selmer resonators.
I don't mean that it's better or worse than other 80xxxs... just unique. Most 80xxxs have a very directional projection. Not too many feel as fat and free-blowing as this one (which is my own personal preference).
To make room for the new 2012 product, AA has either tweeked the designs, or completely discontinued the following products. The BB GUIDE JACKET has been discontinued in the color loden for the 2012 season, and we have purchased the remaining inventory
新しい2012製品の生産ラインを確保するために、AA社はデザインを全く変えないか、または完全に生産を中止する。 BBガイドジャケット社は2012年シーズンは濃緑黄色製品の販売を継続しないこととし、我々は残りの在庫を購入した。
Facebook Overtakes Cyworld in Korea?A recent report in The Korea Times is indicating that Facebook has overtaken the nation’s dominant social network Cyworld in terms of monthly visitors.The article cites metrics from which says that Cyworld Mini Hompy saw 15.9 million visitors in August, down from 18 million the previous month. Some of you may recall that Cyworld was hacked back on July 26th. Though it seems the network’s decline started well before that, with a number of failed efforts to expand beyond Korea’s borders and increasing competition from other services.
フェイスブックは韓国でサイワールドを追い抜くか? 最近コリア・タイムズは、フェイスブックが韓国で最も有力なソーシャルネットワークであるサイワールドを月間ビジター数で追い抜いたと報じた。 記事はサイワールドのミニホームページであるMiniHompyの8月のビジターが前月比1800万人減の1590万人だったとのRanky.comの数字を引用した。 サイワールドが7月26日にハッキングされた事を思い出す人もいるかもしれない。 しかし、失敗に終わった多くの韓国の国境を越えて広がろうとする努力と、他のサービスとの競争の激化により、サイワールドはハッキング以前から衰退し始めていた。