Takayuki Kida (kidataka) 翻訳実績

9年弱前 男性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
kidataka 英語 → 日本語

・Higher ARPU (average revenue per user)? Maybe. If it can deliver innovative new features. But it has had limited success on this to-date. (Paper is still vapor.)

・New products? This seemed to be the strategy the past few years, but apparently not now, since the company is shutting down the new product lines it added.

Making matters worse, Dropbox’s valuation makes it difficult for the company to focus on a specific market segment. It is simply too large to not be all things to all people. No doubt, Dropbox’s remaining capital of the $1.1 billion raised gives it some runway to figure things out. But it will need to do so soon, or more changes in the name of “focus” could be on the way.




kidataka 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

For the trainer, InfoGym allows the creation of workout routines and meal plans for the client. InfoGym launched in late 2014 and have 80,000 end-users and total revenue of S$300,000 (US$214, 868).

It is seeking funding to replicate and scale what it claims is already a proven system in Singapore and Asia.

3. Eventory

Boasting the youngest team of the startups on show, with the trio of Co-founders (Yu Shengkun is CEO, Tong Zhi Heng is COO, and Peng Shensong is CTO) in their early 20s, Eventory is a lead generation platform that matches event organizers, brand managers, and vendors.





Eventoryは、3人の共同設立者(Yu Shengkun CEO最高経営責任者、Tong Zhi Heng COO最高運営責任者、Peng Shensong CTO最高技術責任者)を持ち、ショーの中で最も若いスタートアップのチームを抱え、イベント計画者、ブランドマネージャーそしてベンダー(供給者)を結び付ける世代を先行くプラットフォームだ。