D2C Announces Launch of the “;Dcloud” Cloud Service for Users WorldwideBack in March, I wrote an article about 5 Very Cool Japanese Mobile Technology Companies from Mobile World Congress and highlighted a company called DCloud. The company is the world’s first Emoji (animated emoticons) based cloud service developed by a consortium between Bijutsu Shuppan, d2c and Dentsu. Simply, it allows developers to embed an SDK into their app and let their users play with over 100k cute emoji’s. Especially for Japanese girls, emoji’s make their messages more cute and animated, wah! In March the service was in beta; now it is fully public.
D2Cは全世界のユーザー向けに "DCloud"クラウドサービスを発表この間の3月に、「 5 Very Cool Japanese Mobile Technology Companies from Mobile World Congress(モバイルワールドコングレスで見つけた日本の5つのとてもクールなモバイルテクノロジー会社)」という記事の中でDCloudという会社を取り上げました。DCloudは世界で最初の絵文字をベースにしたクラウドサービスを美術出版・d2c・電通とともに共同開発した会社です。その機能はとてもシンプルで、デベロッパーは自社のアプリにSDKを埋め込むことによって、ユーザーは100k以上のかわいいアプリを使用できるというものになっています。特に日本の若い世代の女性にとって絵文字はメッセージをもっとかわいく、そしてアニメーション化させる大事にツールなのです。3月の時点ではβ版でしたが、いまは完全に実用化されている模様です。
In the coming months ;Dcloud will develop SNS, chat and blog applications for both the Android and iOS mobile operating systems.
Yes, brand new. I buy auctioned storage units. sometimes I find great stuff, sometimes nothing. this was in one of the units i won at auction. I got a good price for the storage locker so i can sell for this price and still make a small profit. I'd rather sell more at cheaper price than a little at high or outrages prices. It just seems fair.
How is $30.00 for both with shipping. I really can't go lower or I'll be making no profit at all. Keep in mind, these are boxed and brand new. Just say the word and they are yours...and thanks!!
両方の送料あわせて30ドルではいかかですか? これ以上安くすると、私側の利益がないです。念のためですが、それら(商品?)は箱に入っていますし、新品ですからね! どうでしょうか。この条件で取引をすればもうそれらはあなたのものですよ! お読みいただいてどうもありがとうございます。
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WebMoney is the most standard prepaid electric money for online game and purchasing the music. You do not need to give your information, so its very safety. Also you can use WebMoney for most of online games. This is Digital cash and that indicate as 16 digits letters and numbers.
As you have indicated that you are unable to pay from a US-based account, we can make a one time exception and accept a US Money Order as payment for this purchase. If you wish to pursue this option, please contact us for additional instructions. If you are unable or unwilling to submit payment, we regret that we would have no choice but to file an Unpaid Item Report withn eBay for this purchase, which would lead to an Unpaid Item Strike against your account.
You are bidding on a vintage Francie and Casey lot. The Frncie doll is a Malibu Francie and is in near mint condition. The Casey doll has Titian hair that is really nice. She has some pailing on her nose, chin and the left side of her face. The pailing on the left side of her face is probably from her earring being left in her ear. The rest of her body coloring is a nice peachy flesh coloring. Her legs click and hold their positions. The clothes included in the lot are: