"I look like something you give your kid when you tell them Grandma died.""C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin.""That's my bad. I was sending a tweet.""The brewski run.""I wuv you.""Okay, alright, so that's where we'll draw the line.""You know what I'd like to do to her, something I call the dirty Fozzie.""Will you take care of me for ever and ever?""Good talk, Coach.""Stick your finger in the loop of my tag.""C'mere, ya bastard.""I didn't know you had a baby. Is it alive?""You ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh, God, that was so good! Now I'm gonna stuff my f@!#in' face with Pepperidge Farm.'" "Well you never should've trusted me, I'm on drugs!"
こんにちは。一つ、調べてもらいたいことがあります。9/27付けでそちらに到着した商品で、トラッキングナンバーxxxの荷物の内の1つに「Bose wave music system」があると思うのですが、箱を開封して、中身を確認してもらいたいのです。箱の中は、1.製品本体、2.電源コード、3.カード型リモコン、4.デモンストレーションCDの4種類のものがあればOKです。チェックした後は、また封をしておいて下さい。もし、足りないものがある場合はご連絡下さい。宜しくお願いします。
Hello, there is one thing I would like you to check. Out of the products you received on 27th of September, I believe there is a package with tracking number XXX, and within it should be the " Bose wave music system". I would like you to open that package and confirm the contents. There should be the following four goods: 1. Product itself 2. Power cord 3. Card system remote control 4. Demonstration CD. Would you please re-seal the package after you have checked that the above is present. If you are missing anything, please contact me. Thank you in advance.
To answer your question... I always have something I want to express, then try and find bits and pieces to introduce to that world, as part of my imagery. At the moment, I do not have a standardised process. Draw a rough sketch --> shoot the necessary goods --> photoshop if necessary Ideally I would like to go about my work in a seamless manner like this, but there are always problems which prevents it. The biggest issue I have is that I have not met an ideal model. There is a limit to self shot photos. To not be able to look at the photos objectively because of this is a bit of a tricky issue I am dealing with.
Thank you for your response. You are right, if you could ship the goods today on Monday it should reach my warehouse by Thursday. Would you be able to advise me the date of arrival in Japan, just in case? Please find attached again the tracking number that was advised to you last week. Please also note the attached invoice. I will be waiting up during the night again tonight, and would be pleased with a fast response.
After double checking the product and making enquiries with the worker who conducted the audit, we have been enlightened with a new fact. There was no error in the number of A received. I truly apologise for our error. However, the following remains unresolved:We do not have enough of B and C. There are, in my view, two possibilities:1. We accidentally put E in D and sent it to our customer; or2. You accidentally put E in F and sent it to us. We will find out the answer to the above tomorrow. This is because the products we sent to our client will arrive tomorrow. I apologise again for the inconvenience caused by my lack of management. I will contact you again in due course.
1配送スピード 低価格 オンラインでの処理ができる2日本語対応3段ボールを使い古しでなく、丈夫なものにしてほしい商品が壊れないように丁寧に扱い、運送中壊れないきちんとした梱包(日本人は外箱も商品の一部と考えていますので、つぶれていたりするとっショックです)メーカーと同レベルの梱包を期待しています。4今のところありません5アメリカでしか買えない商品があるため6ほとんどない 初めて知りました逆に質問なんですが、どの位安くなるのですか?
1. speedy delivery, low prices, on-line handling 2. Japanese friendly 3. I would like the packaging to be strong and not second hand. Careful handling of the goods and ensuring that the goods are not damaged during delivery (Japanese people consider the outer packaging as part of the goods, so are very disappointed if the box is not perfect.) We require packaging to be in the same standard as the manufacturer.4. Nothing at the moment. 5. Because there are some products only available in USA6. Hardly any. I never knew that, and here is a question for you; how much cheaper will it be?
Aさんが来日する際には、弊社にて関連施設(A社などの介護事業者や老人ホーム等)のご視察手配から、実際のご案内まで、フルアテンド対応をさせて頂ければと思っております。打合せの中でもありましたが、投資家、企業のご紹介をお願いできればと思います。・ヘルスケアの分野の投資家、ファンドのご紹介・ヘルスケア関連企業のご紹介 特にウェブ、インターネット周辺 製薬企業やヘルスケア関連出版企業今後とも、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
In the event of Mr/Ms A's visit we would be pleased to devote our full attention to his/her visit, from organising the inspection of related faculties (for example, retirement homes and carers companies such as A) to showing him/her around those places. As we discussed in our meeting we would appreciate your introduction to investors as well as businesses: * Investors and Funds in the health care area;* Businesses relating to health care services Especially relating to Web/Internet Publishing companies specialising in healthcare publications and pharmaceuticalsThank you for your time thus far, and we look forward to continue working with you.
I am considering of purchasing your product. I just attempted to make payment through PayPal. However, the settings will not allow you to accept payment from a non-USA based PayPal account, so I am unable to make payment to you. Would you kindly change the settings on your account so that you may accept payment from a non-USA account?
To Whom it may concern, We have retested the product and was successful in purchasing all of the add-ons, including those specified by you. To be sure, we conducted the test in Japanese, English, as well as multiple iOS settings but all proved to be working. We ask that you kindly try again from your end.
背中が煤けてるぜ坊やだからさ反対の賛成なのだ私は元気です。俺の名を言ってみろヒャッハー!ボールはともだちバーローできない理由を探すなあきらめたらそこで試合終了ですよ…?愛ゆえにそこにシビれる! あこがれるゥ!退かぬ 媚びぬ 省みぬへのつっぱりはいらんですよ用件を…聞こうか…禅大和切腹芸者神風
Your back is dusty you're just a little boy, that's why It is the disagreed to the agreed I am well. Say my name wooooh!! Ball is a friend You kidding me Don't look for an excuse If you give up, you realise that that is where it will all end...?For love That's what gives me the jitz! hot! Give up not, Suck up not, Reflect not Don't need to be so egoisticwhat... do you want... Zen Yamato Seppuku Geisha Kamikaze
Turn HR into Your Startup’s Competitive AdvantageAfter 15 years of working for someone else Mikaal Abdulla finally got smart and started his own company. He is the co-founder and CEO of 8 Securities and his journey has taken him through Silicon Valley, New York, London, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore and now Hong Kong.human-resources-pickA lot of factors will determine your startup’s success. Product innovation, consumer adoption, and competition are of course critical factors but get too much ink in the startup press. What is often only given lip service, but is in my opinion the most fundamental determinant of success, is the people you hire today.
I have been very vocal in conveying the challenges that startups in Asia face, particularly in building teams beyond the founding members. I outlined some of the key structural, cultural, and societal challenges we face as entrepreneurs in a post I titled ‘There is No Glamour in an Asia Startup’. I want to focus this post on solutions.My co-founder and I are old men in this startup game. We both came from a 4,000 person company called E*TRADE which was once a startup darling born in Silicon Valley. We both agree that the most valuable lesson we learned before leaving to start our own company was how to lead an organization through both good and bad times and how maintain an execution-focused culture .
私は前々からアジアで企業を起こす難しさ、特に、創始者以外で誰をチームに入れるかという問題について説いている。以前 ‘There is No Glamour in an Asia Startup’ という記事で企業を起こす者が頭に入れておきたい社会的、文化的そして組織的な問題についてふれた。私と私のビジネスパートナーはこの世界では古株だ。私たちは二人ともシリコンバレー発のE*TRADEという雇用人数4000人の会社出身である。私たちはこの会社を辞め企業を起こす時に一番学んだことは、調子のいい時も悪い時も如何にして達成フォーカスなチームを保てるか、だと思っている。
At the peak of the business at ETRADE we managed a team of 500 people across 15 geographies. Some of those local businesses ultimately succeeded and some failed. In almost every case it came down to people on the ground and the quality of their conviction and execution. People, not your product, will be your greatest long-term asset. As you build your team my plea is that you build your startup for what you want it to be and not for what it is today.
When you are a small team of founding members you are full of enthusiasm for your product and the opportunity ahead of you (as you should be). Hopefully your idea will gain traction and you will be in a position to raise money or reinvest positive cash flow to drive growth. One of your first investments will likely be in hiring your first non-founding member. As you move to hire employee four, five, and six you will likely see that they are unable to match your level of enthusiasm. At first you won’t understand why they can’t be as emotionally invested as you but take a step back and think about it rationally.
People work for any number of reasons and have their own ambitions and motivation. It is arrogant to think that every individual that joins should share yours. Don’t dismiss an individual because they don’t want to drink Red Bull with you and write code until 4am. This lack of motivational alignment absolutely does not mean they can’t be a great fit for your startup. The best people I have ever worked with have two clear qualities. They were self-directed and execution oriented. If you want to be a growing company you are simply going to need to anticipate and accommodate the diverse motivations of your team. Furthermore, enthusiasm can manifest itself in different ways.
So how do you turn HR into a competitive advantage for your startup? In Asia, we are typically not fighting a talent war with other startups, as is the case in Silicon Valley. Instead we are competing with large companies that have the perceived benefit of security and a long-term career. When you launch a startup these naturally won’t be the easiest selling points for you. On the basis that you hire people on a foundation of trust and respect, you can really push the envelope. Here are some ideas.• Consider killing the idea of a vacation policyvacationWhen we launched 8 Securities we decided to use our size to our advantage. We started with vacation days.
Statutory vacation in Hong Kong is 14 days so we decided to offer 25. Quality is not measured in days or hours but in execution. Hire execution-oriented people who will deliver what you ask of them and you don’t need to worry if they take an extra day off here or there. I am tempted to kill the vacation day policy all together and not track it. Really, I don’t care. The day we cease to be more focused and productive than our competitors is the day I will rethink this approach. I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Thank you for your continuing business. I have now contacted PayPal. If you could kindly forward me an invoice in the sum of $599 payable by the new email address I have just registered with PayPal we shall effect payment. We will respectfully cancel the current transaction. We would be most grateful if you could reissue the invoice through PayPal and we assure that we will arrange for payment. Thank you in advance.
It seems that part of the email was bugged. Two of the customers who have recently purchased products requested that they would like to increase their order. The first customer would like to increase from 2 cameras to 4, and the other customer would like to increase from 1 to 4 cameras. We identify the code, password, username, mail and company. Would you be able to issue new codes and passwords. Thank you in advance.
5-3Change the phrase, "if only" to, "next time." Instead of saying, "If only I was better prepared," say, "Next time I will be better prepared." "If only" focuses on past failures, whereas "next time" focuses on future successes and builds your resilience.