The following is a list indicating the name of the defect products and the numbers .I have attached the purchase order, so please check the details and the number.I have marked in red.This time, I have made the first order on November 10th, and the additional order on November 22th, so I have received products for 2 orders.Are you going to deliver the replacement and the back order at the same time?When can you deliver the back order?I’d like to make an additional order. Is it possible to deliver at the same time?Is it possible to make the OEM product?If you have some references, please send me.I have checked your company’s web site. Do you accept an order for wholesale?
You are selling products at Amazon.com, so you know it has each site by each manufacturer’s model number, and each seller sells product at each site.Even if it completely looks like genuine product, being cheap and good quality, a replica product cannot be sold at the site at Amazon. (Amazon account might be deleted if you sell a replica product.)Products in the list I sent are model numbers of popular products at Amazon. (All are genuine products made by manufacturers)So, I cannot buy a replica even if it is cheap, has a good quality, and looks like geneuine.Thank you.
I checked the product.I think it's okay.The product with good appearance is expensive in Japan.The advantage of this product is Japanese skilled service engineers replace the transistor and other defective parts, as well as supplies such as lamps.So, the condition of the electric circuit is very good.You can use it over a long time.It was not shown in the picture this time, but we will give you the drawing to install the player on the board for free.For the above reasons, this is a really good buy.Thank you very much.
It might be possible to mount the gold pick guard for jazz master, which is sold separately. However, we do not recommend the mounting because the position of the hole may not be the exact same position.We cannot guarantee the gold pick guard can be mounted. We are not responsible if any problems may be caused by mounting. So, we cannot offer the service of mounting.However, if you wish to try the mounting on your own responsibility, it is possible for us to take an order of the guitar and the gold pick guard separately.In that case, please mount the pick guard on the guitar by yourself.Than you very much for your inquiry.
Your order has been already shipped yesterday.Our company asks for 35 euro for every express delivery because some items are heavy or high price.As your ordered item was low price and light in weight, it would be okay if you would keep the item and we would refund you 20 euro.If you wish to return the item due to the customer reason, we will refund you the balance after deducting the postage of 15 euro, after receiving the item you sent back.Please let us know which you would prefer.We will wait for your response.
Kaminoko-ike Pond (Hokkaido)Kaminoko-ike Pond, located near Ura Mashu, is formed by clear and cold spring water. Ground water from Lake Mashu flows from the bottom of the lake, which shows mysterious emerald green color.The clarity of the water in the lake is very high, so fallen trees under water can be clearly seen. Depending on the weather, the water surface turns mysterious emerald blue.Is it true that the population in Japan is aging rapidly?The percentage of Japan's elderly population (65 or older) is increasing from 5.7% in 1960 to 24.1% in 2012.
We have confirmed you wish to return the item.The full price for the item will be refund. Also, the postage for returns will be refunded if you kindly use postal service when retuning the item. Refund amount: $118.55Postage for returns: Please let us know.*When you have finished returning the item, please let us know the tracking No. and the postage.We are very sorry for causing the inconvenience by the confusing item name.We will proceed to refund to you once we have received the tracking No. from you.Thank you very much for your kind cooperation and understanding.
◇CNプレイガイド http://www.cnplayguide.com/a-nation_island_asia/発売日初日特電 0570-08-9966 発売日以降 0570-08-9999 ◇イープラス http://eplus.jp/a-nation-ap/a-nationオフィシャルサイトはこちら【URL】http://a-nation.net/
◇CN Play guide http://www.cnplayguide.com/a-nation_island_asia/Special phone no. on the first sale date 0570-08-9966 Reservation no. after the first sale date 0570-08-9999 ◇EPLUS http://eplus.jp/a-nation-ap/a-nation official site is below.【URL】http://a-nation.net/
イトーヨーカドー「恋★浴衣」「COOL STYLE」TVCMソング ニューシングル「Wake up!」詳細↓http://avex.jp/aaa/discography/#group1007341「Wake up!」Music Videoはこちら!
ITO YOKADO "Koi★Yukata" "COOL STYLE" TV CM songNew single "Wake up!" Details are below ↓http://avex.jp/aaa/discography/#group1007341"Wake up!" Music Video is here!
Thank you very much for your inquiry.At the moment, overseas shipment is only limited to Asia and Oceania regions.We might be able to ship to other countries, but we need to check how much it will cost for a shipment beforehand.If you don’t mind, could you please let us know the name of the country you wish to ship out?If we have found there is no problem, we will change the setting so that the country will be added to the option.We are sorry for the inconvenience, but looking forward to your reply.
集合チェキ会:[グループショットチェキ会参加券]は、メンバー全員とのグループショットチェキ会にお一人様 1回ご参加いただけます。 【スタンプカード】2014月9月17日(水)発売「Heroine」をご予約いただきますと、スタンプカードを無料配布致します。1,000円(税込)お買い上げごとに、スタンプ1個をカードに捺印致します。スタンプが30個集まりますと、メンバー直筆サイン入りの色紙をプレゼント致します。
Taking cheki with all members : If you have a [group shot cheki ticket], you can take group shot cheki with all members once.[Stamp card]If you reserve “Heroine”, which will be on sale on Wednesday September 17th 2014, you will get a stamp card for free.You can get one stamp per purchase of 1,000yen (including tax).If you collect 30 stamps, you can get a signature board with the autographs of the members.