Their high-energy drive can propel them towards a fruitful creative career.Physical Work: Members of the MilitaryThe military, in which order and discipline are key, may seem like the last place for a person with ADHD. Yet some do very well in the armed forces. That’s because the intense mental focus and physical demands of training keep their minds and bodies engaged. They have clear instructions, an objective, and incentives to reach their goals.Be Independent: EntrepreneursEntrepreneurs must have determination, boundless energy, and the desire to succeed. They also have to share that drive by interacting with investors, employees, and customers.
彼らの高いエネルギーは実りある創造性の高いキャリア形成を促進します。肉体労働: 軍隊の兵士軍隊では、秩序と規律が鍵となりますが、ADHD の人にとっては最も不向きな場所であります。しかし、場合によってはとても強力な武装戦力ともなることがあります。これは、強力な精神的集中力とトレーニングに求められる肉体的な強さが精神と肉体を鍛錬し、職務に向いたものとするからです。軍隊では明確な指示系統、目的、そして目的達成のための奨励が存在します。何物にも依存しない: 起業家起業家は、判断を行う必要があり、底知れない精力が求められ、成功へのあくなき欲求が必須のものとなります。彼らは、他の投資家や労働者、顧客とのやりとりを重ねながら、おさめるべき成功を分かち合う必要があります。
This profession also allows ADHD adults to work outside of a typical office setting, interact with others, and use their boundless energy to complete assignments.Hiring Employees with ADHDAdults with ADHD make very industrious employees. They are high-energy, naturally curious, and eager to succeed. Making a few small adjustments can help an employer establish a productive work environment. “People with ADHD flourish when expectations and deadlines are clear and put into writing,” Dr. Sarkis says. “Employers should break down projects into smaller tasks and assign deadlines to those components.”
Identifying a coworker that can help an ADHD employee with the more challenging aspects of the job, such as paperwork, is a good way to ensure success. It may take extra work to integrate an employee with ADHD, but with time it’s likely to be a very successful partnership.
I did nothing in my side.The price is, the price of the item is $332.49, and the totall is $357.49 including the sipping fee.I did not list the item with the price, Euro.I cannot modify the price after successful bidding.What would you like to do?Are you going to cancel it?I am ready to ship the item to you.I am looking forward to your reply.
I just purchased your Canon FD 300 f4 L lens from ebay. The price was 293,40e (euro) and shipping 22.06e totalling to 315.46e. This was confirmed by subsequent email. After that there was another email claiming the total price was 328.55e?Please clarify. I bought it believing that the price including the shipping was 315.46e.
私はちょうどあなたからキヤノンFD300 f4 L レンズを eBay で購入しました。価格が 293.40 ユーロで、配送料が 22.06 ユーロ、トータルで 315.46 ユーロでした。この価格は後で送られてきたメールで確定されたものですが、その後に別のメールが来て、そこではトータルで328.55ユーロである、と書かれていました。、どちらの値段が正しいか、ご確認頂けますか?私は値段は送料込みで 315.46 ユーロだと思って購入した次第です。
Can you please correct three invoices now, and send them to me by e-mail. Please attach the copy of certificate of origin as well. At first, I heard that the amount of the import was 2,400Kg, but it is 2,790Kg despite that the description in the document was 2,790Kg. Right? As the business hours of the bank is till 2pm in Japan time. Unless I go to the bank to send money as soon as possible, we cannot be in time. Otherwise we cannot be in time because it would take 10 days for the documents to be delivered to Japan. We need to receive the document no later than 10th. As Mr. Sato is visiting Vietnam from tomorrow as well, we only have today available.
So you need only a red MR box???I dont have one extra in stock, but I can get yo one from MRI think the box is only 10 Euro but the shipping will be highIf yo pare not in a rush, I can have them send it with my next shipment and it should cost less if shipped with a big shipment, so the total should be about 25 to 30 Euro with shipping to me, and then I still have to charge you to ship to you, which is the same as a 1/18 scale models or $44Unless if we wait and combine the shipping when you buy something else which will bring it to only $8Let me know if yo need me to order one for you
そういたしますと、赤色のMRボックスだけご入用でよろしいでしょうか?あいにく在庫の中には無いのですが、MR をおひとつ用意させていただきます。MRボックスはたった10ユーロなのですが、配送料が高いです。お急ぎでなければ、次にご注文頂きましたときに一緒に発送いたします。まとめて出荷するほうが安価で済むはずです。配送料の総額は25~30ユーロになりそうです。配送料はお客様がご負担をお願いいたします。18分の1の縮尺のモデルと同じ配送料、$44ドルになります。次の注文まで待って、他に購入されるほかの商品と一緒に配送する場合は、たった8ドルの配送料になります。さらに何かご注文頂けるかどうか、お知らせ下されば幸いです。
SPEEDThe maximum forward speed and turning rate of your Segway PT can be set at different values based upon which key is used:Beginner Key (black):Maximum speed: 6 mph (9.6 km/h)Slower turning rateIntermediate Key (yellow):Maximum speed: 8 mph (12.9 km/h)Medium turning rateAdvanced Key (red):Maximum speed: 12.5 mph (20 km/h)Most responsive turning rateRangeRANGELithium-ion: 15-24 miles (24-39 km) on a single chargeNiMH:8-12 miles (13-19 km) on a single chargeThe range for the i180 varies with type of battery, terrain, riding style and payload. Under normal riding conditions, you can expect to ride within the range noted for that battery type.
スピード前進の最高速度とセグヴェイPTの転回レートはどのキーが使用されているかによって設定されます。初心者キー(黒色)最高速度: 毎時6マイル(毎時9.6キロ)ゆっくりした転回レート中級者キー(黄色)最高速度: 毎時8マイル(毎時12.9キロ)中程度の転回レート上級者キー(赤)最高速度: 毎時12.5マイル(毎時20キロ)最も素早い転回レート走行距離走行距離リチウムイオン:一回の充電で15~24 マイル(24~39キロ)ニッケル水素充電池:一回の充電で8~12 マイル(13~19キロ)i180 の持続走行距離はバッテリーの種類や路面状況、ライディング・スタイルや負荷に依存して変化します。通常のライディング条件ではバッテリーの種類によって上述のような走行距離を想定できます。
Operating rangeTEMPERATURELithium-ion:14º to 122º F (-10º to 50º C)NiMH:32º to 122º F (0º to 50º C)When stored and charged at room temperature, the i180 can perform in a wide range of operating environments. Actual performance is dependent on battery temperature, terrain, riding style and payload. TerrainThe i180's large tires and tall profile make it suitable for a wide range of applications and terrains. The Segway HT's inertial sensors constantly monitor the rider's position relative to gravity. This allows the Segway HT to adjust for changes in terrain while keeping the rider upright.PayloadTotal capacity (rider & cargo): 260 lbs (118 kg)Rider: 100-250 lbs (45-110 kg)
稼働範囲温度リチウムイオン電池華氏 14度~122度(摂氏 -10度~50度)ニッケル水素充電池華氏 32度~122度(摂氏 0度~50度)室温で保管、および充電された場合、i180 は幅広い温度の範囲で稼働可能です。実際の性能は、バッテリーの温度、ライディング・スタイルや負荷に依存して変化します。路面i180 の大きなタイヤと車高の高さによって、路面状況を選ばずに様々なところでライディングを楽しめます。セグヴェイHTの慣性センサーは常に重力に対する相対的なライダーの位置を監視します。そのため、セグヴェイHTはライダーの体を垂直に保ったままで路面状況の変化にも合わせて進むことができます。積載量総最大積載量(ライダーと荷物): 260 ポンド(118 キログラム)ライダー: 100-250 ポンド(45-110キログラム)
SpaceSPACEPlatform height: 8 in (21 cm) Footprint: 19 x 25 in (48.3 x 63.5 cm)Ground Clearance: Li-ion batteries: 3 in (7.6 cm)NiMH batteries: 4 in (10 cm)We designed the Segway PT to take up no more space than the average person. About as wide as the average person's shoulders, it raises you 8 inches off the ground, providing a clear sight line of your surroundings.WeightWEIGHT83 lbs (38 kg)Portability was a key design objective. That's why we made the Segway PT light enough to handle, small enough to store in the trunk of a midsize sedan, and collapsible enough to fit in tight storage spaces.
諸元諸元プラットフォーム高:8インチ(21センチ)サイズ: 19 x 25 インチ(48.3 x 63.5 センチ)最低地上高:リチウムイオンバッテリーの場合: 3インチ(7.6センチ)ニッケル水素充電池の場合: 4インチ(10センチ)弊社はセグヴェイPTを平均的な人体のサイズに合わせ設計しました。人の肩幅と同じくらいの幅があり、地面から8インチほど高いところに乗車することになり、周囲の視野を広く遠くまで確保することができます。重さ重さ83ポンド(38 キログラム)携帯性は設計するうえで大切なことでした。だから弊社はセグヴェイPTを気軽に運べるように軽く、小さく、ミディアムサイズのセダン車のトランクに収められるように設計しました。せまい収納スペースの中でも、おさまりがいいように折り畳み式になっています。
TURNING RADIUS: ZEROOne characteristic of a pedestrian is the ability to turn in place without impacting any nearby person or object, something few vehicles can do. By balancing on a single axle, Segway PT riders can also turn in place. POWERNickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery PacksThe Segway PT i180 can also be outfitted with two 60 cell NiMH battery packs. The batteries are designed with on-board electronics that automatically monitor both the condition and temperature of the batteries. Batteries can be recharged by utilizing any 90 to 260 volt and 50 to 60 Hz AC outlet (typically accessible in most countries). NiMH batteries are designed for approximately 300-500 full charge/discharge cycles.
回転角度: ゼロ歩行者の特性のひとつは近くに居る人や物に影響を与えずにその場で転回できることです。ほとんどの乗り物にもそれは出来ないことなのです。セグヴェイPT は単軸でバランスを取る乗り物であるため、セグヴェイPTの操縦者はその場で転回ができます。電源ニッケル水素充電池パックセグヴェイPT i180 は2つの60セル構成のニッケル水素充電池パックを外部装着できます。バッテリーの状態と温度を自動的にオンボードの電子モニターで監視できるように設計されています。バッテリーは90ボルトから260ボルトの電圧で、50ヘルツまたは60ヘルツの周波数の交流電源(一般にほとんどの国々のコンセントからの電源)を使って充電することができます。ニッケル水素充電池はおよそ300回~500回の満充電と完全放電のサイクルができるように設計されています。
SAFETYRedundant electrical systems. Robust mechanical systems.Safety is our top priority in both design and operation. To help ensure that both Segway PT users and those near them remain safe, we built redundancy into the balancing and electrical systems. If any system begins operating at diminished capacity, the other is programmed to assume responsibility. This allows the Segway PT to maintain balance and bring the rider to a safe stop.The highest design standards were implemented in building the Segway PT's mechanical structures, and each part has been thoroughly tested and analyzed to ensure such high standards were met.
- Campaign for creating your home page for a songWe just started to service to create WEB in Holland. We would like everyone to know about ourselves, so we offer our service for inexpensive price. We commit to create satisfying home page. Please recommend our company to your friends if you are satisfied with our works!- Obtain, manage, update and make payment for the domain on behalf of you- Commission fee for the server- Issue and manage the mail accounts (up to 10 accounts)- Brief modification over the fixed page and parts (up to 3 tipes per a month)- Support for updating WEB sites.
・ ホームページ弊社は日本語、韓国語、英語での打ち合わせが可能ですので、意思疎通がしやすく、ビジネス戦略を的確にホームページに反映することができ、結果、集客性のすぐれたホームページが制作できます。・ ロゴイメージはテキストよりも直感的に情報を与えます。例えば、赤色でも○○社の赤と○○社の赤は全く違うイメージを作ります。そのように、色の調節や、書体の選択、分かりやすいシンボルなどの組み合わせて、一瞬で会社を説明するロゴ、記憶に残るロゴをご提案いたします。
- Home PageWe can have a meeting in Japanese, Korean and English so that the communication is very smooth so that you can easily reflect your business strategy on your home page. As a result, you can get excellent home page which attracts a lot of potential customers.- LogoThe images provides more intuitive information than text. For example, the red of Company ○○ and the red of Company ○○ establish entirely different images. Thus, we offer logos which is easy to explain your company instantly or to remember for a long time by adjusting colors, selecting various fonts and combination of simple symbols and other techniques.
I am sorry for sending sudden email to you.Would it be possible for your factory to produce the art work of glass such a the one which the attached image shows?If possible, we appreciate if you can let us know the amount of money, delivery time and the number of minimum lot of order.Thank you in advance.
歴史的に有名な絵画の構成や色の配色、筆使い、コンセプトを学びながら、 その絵を真似て描いてみるようという絵画教室になります。 真似て描いてみるので、初心者の方も導入しやすいカリキュラムとなっています。 アレンジしたい!という方は、ご自身のクリエイティビティを存分に発揮してください。 大人だけでなく、子供もご参加いただけます。描いた絵はもちろん持ち帰る事ができますので、家に飾ってみてください。お一人での参加も大歓迎です。趣味の合う仲間にであるかもしれませんよ!
This is the drawing class where you learn the configuration, coloration, brushwork and the concept of historically famous pictures, and mimic the pictures.As you will mimic to draw the picture, it is also easy for beginners to start the curriculum.If you would like to arrange the picture, please feel free to exercise your own creativity as much as possible.Not only adults but also children can participate in the class.You can bring the picture you drew back to your home, so, please display them in your house.We appreciate an individual would take part in the class. You may come across the bodies who have the same taste!
インボイスを訂正して下さい。そして私が書いた様にインボイスを3枚作って下さい。Ms Kateがいつもしてる様にして下さい間違いが多過ぎます。原産地証明のコピーが来てないので直ぐにメールで下さいでないと関税が掛かります。合計16864.00前金9169.80支払い済み残金の支払い金額は7694.20usdを原産地証明のコピーがメールで届いたら直ぐに送金します。明日インボイスA.B.C 原産地証明をEMSで送って下さい。10日までに日本に到着させて下さい。荷物がとれません。
Please correct the invoice.And, please create three invoices as if I created them. Please do as Ms. Kate usually does. There are too many mistakes. As I have not received the copy of certificate of origin, please send it by email immediately. Otherwise I would be charged custom duties. The total is 16864.00, and the amount of prepaid money is 9169.80. The amount of the rest is 7694.20 USD. I will transfer the money, 7694.20 USD, right after I receive the copy of certificate of origin immediately.Please send the invoice A, B and C, and certificate of origin via EMS tomorrow. Please make sure to deliver them by 10th. Otherwise I cannot get the parcel.
1私がサイズを間違えたことにより、出荷が遅れてしまっているDuvet Coverを本日注文した商品と一緒に送ってくれますか?詳しくは、5/18と26に送った〇〇という件名のメールを見て下さい、2インボイスを調べたところ、刺繍糸の色がお願いしたNavyではなくBlueと記載されています。Navyの糸で刺繍した商品をすぐに手配して下さい。3現在、あなた方が在庫として持っている商品をまとめて買い取る話を進めていますが、そのうちの下記の商品を1点、本日注文と一緒に送ってくれますか?
1Can you please send Duvet Cover whose delivery is delayed because of my mistake about its size with the item which I ordered today?Please refer to the mail titled with 〇〇 sent on May 18th and 26th for the details.2When I investigated the invoice, the color of the stitch work is described not as Navy which I ordered, but as Blue.Please arrange the item whose stitch work is made by Navy string immediately.3Currently we are discussing the project to purchase all of your stocks at once, but can you please send one item mentioned below as a sample out of all of the stocks together with the order which I made today to me?
I'm sorry; I'm not able to send a manual return mailing label to your country.However, you may write the following Return Merchandise Authorization number on your original packingslip or a piece of paper, to help our Returns Center process your return:Please then send the Luna Mahogany Series Mo'o Concert Ukulele back to us at the address inthe return label via an economical mail method, and let us know what your return shipping costs werethrough the link below so we can refund you this expense.
Regarding the number of items, I am planning to purchase them as the attachment shows.I am going to place an order for total 500 sheets and to expect the delivery for four years, so please produce the items following this schedule.Please let me know the amount of money of each item in case I place an order for this quantity of sheets.The destination of the delivery is New Jersey, which is the same as used to be.When can you deliver the item for the first delivery in the shortest?I would like you to ship the item at the earliest.Do you use chat system, such as Skype, in order to make the communication smooth?If I can contact you by chatting, please let me know your ID.