I am sorry for having kept you waiting so long.I double checked it and found that the description was incorrect due to my mistake.I made a mistake in describing because I thought it was another item.I am completely responsible for it.I am really sorry for having made you feel sad.Therefore you can choose whether you return the item to me and get a full refund or you can keep the item with you and get a partial refund.Needless to say, I will cover the shipping fee when you return the item to me.Regarding the partial refund, you can keep the item with you and I will issue a refund for 150 USD.I had not been aware of the mistake before you pointed out it.
About one year ago, I could scarcely understand what she was saying. So I tried my best to translate her words.It sometimes took approximately one hour to translate one single statement.Recently I can understand more than I used to at that time, but still I often have a hard time.She sometimes replies to me without reading my message very carefully.It also happened today. She repeats the same thing dozens of times. I can see it once I read her reply. Her reply is talking about different things.Especially when I tell important things to her, she does not listen to me carefully.She just talks what she wants to talk to me. Therefore some friction is easily made between us.Even when I reply to her in English, the same thing also happens.
Thank you for letting Japanese company know about it.If I come across further concerns, I will contact you again.
Thanks for getting in touch. We work with a company called Unit & Guest in Japan. I have copied in Tatsuya who will be able to help. If you have any further questions please let me know.
ご連絡どうもありがとうございます。弊社は日本にあるUnit & Guestという会社と協業しております。このメールをサポート担当のタツヤをCc:に含めてお送りしております。もしさらにご質問がありましたら、遠慮なく私にお知らせください。
Hi. Did you got the solution about the issue? O am looking forward for your answer.How much will you refund for the lens?If I return the lens the podtage will be very expensive from Canada. It is more than $60 for regular airmail. If the price is ok I will keep it as backup lens and then search another one with no defects, because fixing this lens defect will cost me $160. Is is not worth to fix it.Please let me know.Thanks for reply.Does it include the battery cover, it appears missing in the images?
Thank you for talking with me over the phone the other day.Regarding the documentation material which you asked, we have received it from the consigner. So I attach it with this mail. You can confirm the credit of your company is indicated.We would appreciate if you can confirm that we can use the article after now without any limitation by replying this mail.We would appreciate if you can reply to us no later than December 22nd due to the due date of the transaction of business of the consigner.
There is one more thing needed to be confirmed with you.1. Our price did not include any import customs fees in your country. We would like to warmly remind you that you will need to clear the custom after the goods delivery in your country. You could check the tax rate with your local customs to get to know how much customs feesyou will have to pay. 3. If you would like to do lower value declaration, we could do it as you requested. But we will not responsible for all the Risk & Fine which caused by lower value declaration. Please cautiously think about it. And normally we would do 60% of order value for customs. At this time, we would like to do $229 for your order.
ご確認頂きたいことがあと一つございます。1. 弊社の価格はお客様の国の輸入税や関税を含んでおりません。商品がお客様の国に配送されたのち、通関の手続きをとって頂く必要がありますのでご承知おきください。課税率や実際に支払う必要のある課税額については、お近くの税関にお問合せください。3. 商品の価値の申告額を低めに申告することは可能ですが、そのことによって発生するリスクや罰則について弊社は責を負いません。そのてご承知おきください。通常、弊社では注文の商品の60%で申告を行います。今回の場合お客様の注文に対しては229ドルとなります。
Currently we cannot login Airbnb, so we are very sorry for the late message to you.
We often use DHL for our transaction, so the import cost of DHL is very low. Therefore please send it by DHL.As the Japanese instruction manual is ready, please refer to the attached file.
I am sorry for the late delivery this time.As it is near the close to another year, it takes longer than usual to deliver the items.The item should be definitely delivered by the end of this month or the beginning of next month. Please wait a little more.I am sorry for causing inconvenience to you, but I appreciate your patience.
連絡ありがとうございます。12/1に元気な男の子が生まれました。予想外の帝王切開で、妻が未だに少し調子が悪くしばらくの静養が必要なようです。彼女はしばしの産休(育休)に入らせていただきますが、お休みをいただいた後には精力的に今後も企画・デザインの仕事にも復帰したいと希望しておりますので宜しくお願いします。仕事復帰時に必要なphysician documentation stating とはどんなものですか?仕事を再開する事が問題ないと記された医師の診断書のようなものですか?
Thank you for your message.A vital new baby boy was born on December 1st.My wife delivered him by Cesarean section unexpectedly, and she has not been feeling well even now. So she seems to need to take a rest for a while.She will be on a maternity leave (childcare leave) for a while, but she would like to be actively back to the planning and designing work again in the future after the leave. I appreciate your support. Can you tell me what is physician documentation stating which is necessary when she is back to work?Is it anything like a doctor's certificate which proves there is no issue in restarting her work?
Thank you for your reply!I can well see how much you are worried about.I think the rubber was pressed during the transportation, and it was probably distorted as a result.However, please do not worry too much!If you get the part warmed by a dryer, you can fix the distortion very easily! But, please do not put the dryer too close to the rubber.If you warm it too much, the rubber would suffer the heat denaturation and get discolored.If you have any further comments, please do not hesitate to tell me about them!It is my pleasure to support you.
I think whether NEC would settle or not depends on the contents.However, December 28(Wed) is the last business day of this year for the companies other than financial agencies.After the day, they will be closed and on year end and new year holidays.And December 23rd(Fri) is the national holiday in Japan, so there are only seven business days from December 19th(Mon) to December 28th(Wed).I am afraid it is a very tough circumstance despite I think it depends on the contents.Also I am afraid that NEC would not agree to the contents and would not put their signature.It is mandatory for both NEC and SAP to agree to the contents.
Thank you for your inquiry. I understood the circumstances.I am really sorry for not having able to deliver the product to you.I am sorry that we cannot add the fee due to the limitation of the system of Amazon, the transaction will be canceled once the item is returned to me.In that case, I will arrange the cancel and issuing a refund from Amazon.I am sorry for bothering you, but you need to place an order again if you still need the item.I am really sorry that I could not help you this time.
Please find attached the slides, the MMM / MMA audit and the criteria for structured pilots.Reminder: for the structured pilots, please let me have the completed sheets by 8th January. Thank you.Our next call is on the Wednesday 11th Jan at 12.30 – 13.30 (GMT).At this call we will aim to:-Finalise the Area leads and clarify project remit (5 mins)-Review the structured pilots and agree the final plan and phasing (15 mins)-GfK review (40 mins):-Invite procurement to provide an overview of the contract / negotiation status (Alexandra)-Each category to lead to present their global Expert Tracking brief (which markets, which brands, which audience) In the meantime, have a great break and speak to you in the New Year
添付のスライドをご参照ください。MMM/MMA監査と構造化されたパイロットに関するものです。リマインダー: 構造化されたパイロットに関しては、1月8日までに完成したものをご送付ください。よろしくお願いいたします。次回の電話会議は1月11日水曜日の12.30 – 13.30 (GMT)です。今回の電話会議は、以下の狙いがあります。- エリアの責任者とプロジェクトの権限を最終決定する(5分)-構造化されたパイロットをレビューし、最終的な計画とフェーズ化に合意を取り付ける(15分)- GfKのレビュー(40分)- それぞれのカテゴリーでグローバル・エキスパート・トラッキングの概要に関する責任者からの発表(どの市場、どのブランド、どの顧客層か、について)同時に、素晴らしい休暇と楽しい新年に向けての挨拶を行います。
Thank you for your message. I am really sorry, but the tracking number was incorrect.The right number isRR378687727JPAs you have already submitted the AtoZ claim, you would be able to get a refund and to give a huge penalty to my account one week after, as long as no major issue arises.Once the item arrives, it will be returned back to Japan if you refuse to receive it. Also in case your submission is rejected, we will also issue a full refund if you refuse to receive the item. I am really sorry for having caused you a lot of trouble this time.
the item(Order: 702-1658023-8018624) was tracked as delivered on 9 Dec, but I never received the item.It seems that there was a mistake in the delivery process, the item arrived but not to my address, please refer to the attached image.That's why I ask for a replacement with fastest shipment to catch up for Christmas, I had excellent experience with Amazon.ca and other highly rated seller, they offer the fastest replacement with no extra cost under same situation, Your first email (Dec 13) mentioned that the replacement took "a few weeks to be arrived, at least 1 month", then it probably will exceed the expected period (Dec 16 2016 to Jan 13 2017), what kind of option will I have when it is late?
商品(注文番号: 702-1658023-8018624)は追跡情報によると12月9日に配送が完了していますが、私は商品を受け取っていません。配達の過程で何か誤りがあった模様です。商品は配達されましたが、私の住所宛てに配達されたのではありませんでした。添付した画像イメージをご参照下さい。クリスマスに間に合うように最短の配送手段を代わりに使って頂けるようお願いしたのは、これが理由です。私は以前、同じような状況下でAmazon.ca内の高い評価を得ているセラー様から、追加費用の請求なしに最短の配送手段に切り替えて頂く、というとても素敵な体験をしたことがあるのです。あなたは最初のメール(12月13日)の中で、代替品は「数週間、少なくとも一ヶ月ほどは日数が掛かる」とおっしゃいました。これですと代替品の到着が私の希望する配送期間(2016年12月16日から2017年1月13日の間)より後になってしまいます。そうなってしまった場合、私に対しどのような選択肢をご提示いただけますか?
I am not sure about the reason, but the parcel has been suspended at the customs. So it would take a long time to clear the customs.
返送料について確認したいことがあります。今回は出品者が返送料を負担することでよろしいでしょうか?負担YES or NO?国際郵便の書留は経済的に安いけど配達が不安定で不時着というトラブルがよくあります。安全の高い発送方法"EMS スピード便 保険付"にしたいと思っています。返送料を先に支払ってもらえたらと思います。ロンドンまで¥2200YENかかります。PayPalに出来るだけUSD$に換算して支払お願いします。落札者が負担しなければならない場合は書留AIR便にて返送します。
I would like confirm one thing regarding the shipping fee for returning the item.Can I presume that the exhibitor should cover the return shipping fee this time? Yes or No?The registered International mail is economically inexpensive, but we sometimes come across some trouble such that the delivery is unstable, or that the delivery is delayed. So I would like to use "EMS expedite delivery covered by insurance" to secure safety. I would like you to pay the return shipping fee in advance. It costs 2,200 JPY to send the item to London. If possible, can you please exchange the amount of money to USD and to make payment to my account in PayPal? In case the successful bidder needs to cover the shipping fee, I will send it by registered air mail to return it.
The delivery method of this order is a regular delivery. As you can see, the estimated delivery date is between December 16th and January 13th. AtoZ claim was sent to us from the buyer because the item does not arrive before Christmas. Are we responsible for it?Usually it would arrive before Christmas, and even if it would not, it is still acceptable because it is within the condition of the regular delivery.Furthermore this buyer has requested the discount on the item. I also believe this is an unreasonable request.If the buyer refuses to receive the item and returns the item to us, it is fine with us for the buyer to cancel the order. Please make a fair judgement on this case.