これから iBeaconを使って何かおもしろい事をしようと考えている方のヒントとなるような、かつまだ誰も試した事のない視点での検証を心がけてお届けいたします。これを読めばあなたも iBeacon博士間違いなし!はじめに調査内容に移る前に、まずはiBeaconの概要とポイントをおさらいしておきましょう。概要AppleがiOS 7からひっそりと搭載した新機能「iBeacon」は、Bluetooth LEを使用した無線通信技術でNFCのようにデータの送受信が可能です。
Here we show you the results of our study about iBeacon to offer some hints for those who want to do something interesting using iBeacon, viewed from a perspective that nobody has ever tried.You will be a Dr. iBeacon, once you read this! Introduction Before dealing with the results of our study, let's recap the overview and features of iBeacon first. Overview"iBeacon", a new feature that Apple has quietly integrated into its iOS from iOS 7, is a wireless communication technology using Bluetooth LE, which is capable of transmitting and receiving data just like NFC.
iBeacon徹底解剖!の前に基本のおさらいiOS7の隠れキラーコンテンツとも呼ばれる「iBeacon」。2013 年9月のリリースから約半年が経過しましたが、未だフラッグシップと呼べるようなサービスが登場していない状況です。興味を抱きつつも「具体的に何が出来るの?どこが凄いの?」と疑問を抱えている業界関係者の方も多いのではないでしょうか。そこでTechTechでは「iBeacon特集」と題して、iBeaconの特徴や限界を明らかにするべく、独自の体当たり調査を行いました。
Thorough dissection of iBeacon! But recap of its basics first"iBeacon" is also referred to as a hidden killer content of iOS7 . About a half year has passed since its release in September 2013, but there seems to be no such service emerged that can be called its flagship. There must be many people in industry who may have interest yet also questions like "What can it do specifically? What is so great about it?"Hence, TechTech has attempted an exclusive study about "iBeacon's features" to make clear the features and limitations of iBeacon.
Hi, I have checked USPS website and found the following notice. If there is no notification for redelivery, you may call USPS to request redelivery. Please contact them any way. I checked the telephone number of USPS and I think this is their number. Please call them as soon as possible because the item would be returned to me if you do not receive it within 15 days.Thank you for contacting me many times.
I'm sorry for the delivery delay due to my mistake. I could not check your order because of my PC failure.I shipped goods for your order today, so please allow 4 to 6 days for the goods to arrive.- Currently, I am tracking the package in USA post offices.As soon as the package is found, it will be delivered to your home. Normally this tracking takes about two weeks. Please be patient. - Again, I requested Japanese post office to track the package.Even if the package is never located, please be assured that your payment will be returned in full.
いいえ、そんな筈はないですよ。あなたは勘違いしていると思います。私が今問い合わせているEAは下記のあなた達から送信されたメールに記載された2つから選びましたのでどちらにしてもGOLD Scalper EAですよ。金額から見ても下記のサイトの右側に表示されてるEAに間違いないです。そのEAの特徴の上から2行目に100% Gold Tradingとはっきり記載されています。
No, it should not be so. I believe you misunderstood. The EA of question must be the GOLD Scalper EA, since I chose it from two EA's described in your following mail. In addition, the price also proves that this is the EA shown on the right side of the following website.The second line of this EA's features clearly states that this EA is for 100% Gold Trading.
1点、質問があります。sub directoryに設置したいのですがどこを変更すれば良いですか?例えば以下のようなsub directoryに設置する場合の例を教えてもらえますか?http://abc.com/test/面倒な質問で申し訳ありません。おそらく今後、他の方からも同じ質問が出ると思うので対応してもらえると助かりますよろしくお願い致しますあと要望ですが動画を見終わった際に次の動画を自動で再生できるようになれば良いですねただ実装は難しいと思うので参考程度にしてください
I have one question for you. I would like to place it in a sub directory but what should I change? For example, could you tell me what I should do to place it in the following sub directory? http://abc.com/test/ Sorry for your trouble, but I believe the same question will be asked by other people too, so it would be highly appreciated if you would answer my question.Thank you.By the way, I have one request for you. It would be nice if we could play the next video after viewing the first one. But since it may be hard to do so, just take this as a suggestion.
I have experienced my family's terrible grief over my brother's death, who died in an accident and left behind my family behind. I thought I would have to look ahead into the future while watching my family running around to try to find a good way for me to do without having my left breast cut off, although I could have cried and cried if my crying could change my situation. I will take a detailed medical check again from next week. I am grateful for my family, who have been looking for the possibility of even a few percent to avoid my operation. But I know for sure that my surgery will be done definitely on May 21. I'm pondering vaguely that I have something to do now before this operation, which would cause severe pain and make my left hand unmovable for some time thereafter.
Dear Sir or Madam,I do not know why this case has been closed, but the Tracking Numbers ○○○ and △△△ were assigned to those two items that have arrived already. One item still has not arrived yet. Could you refund or send the last one immediately?Best regards, sarafankit2009
合計30個で 790ドルです。通常だと送料込みだと890ドルなので、30個購入してくれたら、100ドル割引できます。合計790ドルです。支払は直接paypalで取引できますか?最初の注文はキャンセルしていいですか?ご連絡お待ちしています。
It's $790 for total of 30. Usually it's $890 including shipment, but if you buy 30, I will offer $100 discount. So it's $790 in total. Can you pay it via Paypal directly? May I cancel your first order? Looking forward to hearing from you.
貴社から購入したEA「Vergil Special 2.0MM」が未だに一度もトレードしてません。このEAの運用を開始してから2週間以上経過しているので明らかに正常稼動していないと思われます。EAをセットした状態のMT4の画面キャプチャ画像を添付しました。次にEAのセッティング内容を書きました。何らかのアドバイスや情報をお待ちしています。補足ですが「Vergil DayTrader 1.5.2」も同じく一度もトレードしてません。
Hi, I purchased Vergil Special 200MM EA but it has opened no orders yet. More than two weeks has passed since I started to run this EA, so I believe this EA does not work properly. I attached a screen shot showing the chart with this EA enabled on my MT4 platform . I also described how I set the parameters for this EA. I'm waiting for your suggestion and any information concerning this problem. In addition, this symptom happened to Vergil DayTrader 1.5.2, as well.