発送状況についての連絡です。2月4日に発送していただいたオーダーナンバー #3462のキャップがまだ届かないのですが、紛失の可能性はありますか?また、そちらで発送状況を確認することはできますか?通常、イギリスからの荷物は10日ほどで届きます。注文をしたキャップがどうしても欲しいので、届かない場合は代替品を送っていただくことはできますか?ご連絡をお待ちしております。
I'd like to confirm the delivery status of my order (#3462). Because I haven't receive a Cap yet as you sent it to me on 4th Feb. Is there any possibility of the lost of the goods? Can you please check the delivery status? It takes 10 days the goods to arrive in Japan from the U.K normally. I really would like to get the cap which I ordered, so if I don't received a goods,is it possible for you to send me a replacement?
no77901The best 10 selections of the mountains in Japan that you can enjoy from the windows of the trip.There are many mountains in Japan that you can enjoy from the windows of the trip. Where the spot you can see them and until where you can see them is a joyful expectation… I have selected the best 10 mountains as representatives.Mt. Youtei (Hokkaido)I could say the best mountain in Hokkaido is Mt.Yoteizan.Mt. Iwaki (Aomori district・Tohoku region)You can definitely see the mountain on the way to Hirosaki from Aomori.It can been seen from everywhere in Tsugaru Plain.Mt. Choukai (Yamagta district・Tohoku region)
We have informed you several times to repair the goods but, we are very upset that you didn't accept our offer to refund the product even though you were busy at work or something else.We had been preparing to send you the replacement even though you have not replay back our offer, in our effort.We were very surprized that you opened the case then.If you send the product back to us, we will refund.In addition to that, we can only replace the product if the product has such deficiency in our policy.We hope you will understand.What would you like to do?
① I received a heater yesterday.I used the heater in a car right after the receiving. Then the heater suddenly stop working one minute later when I turned it on. And the cigar socket in my car is also broken probably by abnormal voltage of the heater. I'll repair the cigar socket by myself to change the fuse or something else but, I'd like to know how you are going to compensate the product. My request is you to refund the money.②If you will send a replacement, Could you send it Ms. Yuriko Yoshida, instead of the payer Kenta Tanaka?③I don't care how you send but I'd request you to send me the replacement as soon as possible in the cheapest way to Japan.
Hi! I'm just about to bid on this instrument... In case I'll get it, would you be interested to do exchange in Tokio, if I'm not mistaken you are based in Tokyo and on tuesday 18th I'll be in Tokyo for a day... Does this make any sense? All the best!
こんにちは! 私は、この楽器に入札しようと思っているのですが、仮に私が入札した場合、その代りに私に東京を案内することに興味はありませんか? 私が間違っていなければ、あなたは東京在住ですよね? 私は18日火曜日の一日だけ東京に行く予定があります。どう思いますか?よろしくお願いします!
Aren't you hurt, painful, being with me? I'd rather to ask Takuma.