jaga 翻訳実績

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jaga 英語 → 日本語

But for straight-up graphic design, there aren’t a lot of tools out there with the democratizing potential of Instagram.

Canva is a candidate. Launched for users in United States and Australia that are on the waiting list, the web app aims to make graphic design dead simple. While Photoshop is expensive, complicated, and has a steep learning curve, Canva is supposed to be free, simple, and easy to learn.

It is created by an Australian startup of the same name. Back in March, it announced a USD 3M fundraising round involving prominent Australian and US investors like Matrix Partners, InterWest Partners, 500 Startups, Facebook’s director of engineering Lars Rasmussen, and Yahoo! CFO Ken Goldman.




Canvaは同名のオーストラリアのスタートアップにより開発された。今年の3月に同社は300万米ドルの資金調達ラウンドを発表した。このラウンドにはMatrix Partners、InterWest Partners、500 Startups、Facebookのエンジニアリング部門ディレクターを務めるLars Rasmussen氏、Yahoo! CFOのKen Goldman氏などの著名な投資家が参加した。

jaga 英語 → 日本語

The app makes using stock images easy. Canva has a searchable library of premium images which cost $1 each per design use — much cheaper than what many stock photography sites are offering. In total, users can pick from one million images and hundreds of fonts. I also have the option of selecting images from my computer or Facebook account.

I’d certainly like to share more about my experiences, but many of the app’s features doesn’t seem to be working in my case (other users appear to have no issues though). I was told the engineers are pushing a bunch of tweaks, so I’ll update this article when the app is fixed.




jaga 英語 → 日本語

In any case, Canva holds a lot of promise in giving everyone access to cheap yet sophisticated-looking layouts. But I doubt such tools will entirely displace the profession anytime soon. In fact, it could help designers work more productively and act as another monetization channel since the platform enables creative professionals to share their layout and photos with others.

While there’s been a lot of hype about how apps like Instagram are replacing professional photographers, the creative industry ultimately involves aesthetic taste, an eye for good visuals, and creative spark.

That won’t be as easily replicated.





jaga 英語 → 日本語

3. There will be 1000 pieces of advice. Listen to all, but only choose those that matters.

From the first point, while it is sweet to have 1000 people giving you advice, it can also be the biggest pain in the butt as well. Before Demo Day, we had a month to prepare our final pitch. We pitched to mentors, investors and to each others. “Fake it until you make it” is the term that we use. Everyday, we pitched like it’s the real pitch at the Demo Day. If there were two people watching your pitch, you will get two different pieces of advice. If there were six, you will probably receive five different advice (likely one of them will agree with some other in the group).


3. 1000のアドバイスをもらうことになるだろう。すべてに耳を傾けること、しかし、重要なものだけを選択すること。

1番目の観点からいうと、アドバイスをしてくれる人が1000人いるということはありがたいことだ、しかしそれは最大の悩み種になることもある。Demo Dayの前に最終のピッチを準備するための期間が1ヶ月あり私たちはメンターや投資家に対しあるいはお互いにピッチを行った。「できるとようになると言い聞かせ、うまく出来るようになるまでがんばろう」と言い聞かせていた。Demo Dayでおこなう本当のピッチだと思って毎日ピッチを行った。ピッチを見ている人が2人いれば2つの違ったアドバイスをもらうだろう。6人ならばおそらく5つの異なったアドバイスだ(6人のうち1人はほかの誰かと同じ意見の可能性が高い)。