jaga 翻訳実績

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It turns out that the time gap between your initial sketch and your follow up elaboration is conducive to a better published piece. Chris explains that the first step is called a ‘sketch’ for a reason:

We named the initial act of creating with Hi “sketching”, but made the sketching tool as enjoyable to use as possible, because we want people to use it over and over and over again.

But the subsequent steps in the process lets you digest, process, and maybe come up with something you didn’t think of while you were in your moment. By breaking up the process in this way, it doesn’t feel like a process at all. More like a brief instant message session, or a FourSquare check-in that others might actually care about.





jaga 英語 → 日本語

Personally I really hope that Hi does well, in much the same way that I’m rooting for time-machine app Yesterscape, which archives moments of today for tomorrow. I’m still dreaming of a web service that will do a better job of archiving our stories and culture, letting us scrub through a rich timeline of any given location. I think there’s a huge need for services of this kind, and I really hope we can see more spring up in the future.

1. The old Hitotoki still exists as Hitotoki classic if you ever want to browse those moments.

2. If you don’t want to develop it further, that’s cool too. Just click ‘that’s all I’ve got’.


筆者は個人的に、Hiがうまくいくことを望んでいる。同様に、今日の瞬間を明日のためにアーカイブするタイムマシンアプリYesterscape を応援している。また、筆者は未だに、自分たちのストーリーや文化をアーカイブし、ある場所についてのリッチなタイムラインを行き来できるようにしてくれる優れたウェブサービスを夢見ている。多くの人がこのようなサービスを求めていると思う。今後さらに多くのサービスが登場することを切に希望する。

1. 昔のHitotokiのモーメントを閲覧したければHitotoki はHitotoki classicとしてまだ存在している。
2. そこでやめたければ、それはそれでクールだ。「that’s all I’ve got(それだけ)」をクリックすればいい。

jaga 英語 → 日本語

Most social brands
The L2 researchers find that the best performing brands on WeChat are Clarins and Coach, while Uniqlo and Clinique are rocking Line’s Japanese and Southeast Asian user-base:

WeChat and Line still have lots of room for growth – and lots more to offer brands. WeChat already supports loyalty cards in the app, and might soon expand to mobile payments and serve as a sort of digital wallet. The Line and Kakaotalk platforms are also infinitely extendable, and both are currently trying out things like digital publishing. There’s a lot more to come from Asia’s messaging apps.

Check out this nicely animated video summary of the report’s findings:






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Veritrans launches payment API to boost Indonesia’s e-commerce space

The e-commerce market in Indonesia is looking at better payment gateways with Veritrans. Will it cause a spurt in credit card usage online?

The co-founder of Lazada Indonesia wasn’t kidding when she said that the e-commerce scene in Indonesia is onto a boom. However, among the countless challenges founders have to face when starting up in Indonesia, the largest country in Southeast Asia, there is one which stands out for most. Monetizing is no easy task, and to monetize online, you need a good payments gateway.




Lazada Indonesiaの共同創業者はインドネシアのeコマースは急成長しようとしていると述べたが、それは冗談ではない。しかし、東南アジア最大の国であるインドネシアで起業する際に創業者たちが直面する課題は数多くある。そして、その中でも突出したものが一つある。収益化が簡単ではないということだ。また、オンライでの収益化には優れた決済ゲートウェイが必要だ。