jaga 翻訳実績

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jaga 英語 → 日本語

Looking at the big picture, what distinguishes your digital endeavor compared to others out there?

MeetDoctor is a digital health platform, that’s how we call ourselves. We are definitely not a portal. I like the word “platform” because it means we are providing a foundation for digital healthcare activities.

Today our main services are online consultation and health articles, but this is just the beginning. As a platform, we will continue improving and extending our site so that through time, many stakeholders in the healthcare industry can benefit from it.





jaga 英語 → 日本語

What encouraged you to play and scale up in this field?

Healthcare is something that people will always need and they will also seek for help in looking for the right services. We want to help the healthcare ecosystem by providing a digital platform where patients and health care providers to interact and be engaged.

We are very optimistic that MeetDoctor will be the solution for people to improve and maintain their health through our educational content, online consultation and other services that we are going to launch soon. While these are currently in Indonesia, hopefully one day we can extend our services to Asia.





jaga 英語 → 日本語

Purported iPad 5 Rear Shell Shows Off New Form Factor

I have to admit,I hadn’t heard of case maker Tactus until last week,but in the space of just a few days it has published an unveiling date and specifications for the fifth-generation iPad,the plastic casing for Apple’s rumored low-cost iPhone,and now the fifth-generation iPad’s new aluminum shell.

Although there’s no way of confirming this shell is genuine — it could have been manufactured by a third-party company building fakes — it looks pretty convincing to us.As expected,it looks just like a bigger version of the iPad mini’s rear shell.


iPad 5のものといわれているバックパネルによりその新しい形状が明らかにされました


このボディが本物かどうか確認するすべはありません。偽物を製造しているメーカーが作ったものかもしれません。しかし本物だと思わせる説得力が十分あります。予想されていた通り、iPad miniのバックパネルを単に大きくしただけのように見えます。

jaga 英語 → 日本語

The shell is narrower than previous 9.7-inch iPads,but it won’t hold a smaller display.Instead,the new iPad will likely have thinner bezels down either side of its screen,just like the iPad mini,which will allow its body to become more compact.It’ll also be significantly thinner than previous models,thanks to an IGZO display,Tactus claims.

Great news for you Tacties who still thought the current iPads were too thick,as the predictions may be coming true: Apple are finally supposed to be using IGZO displays with their retina resolution screen,which means a thinner iPad is definitely on the cards.

Apple has reportedly been poised to adopt Sharp’s IGZO display technology for a number of years,


ボディは以前のiPadの9.7インチよりは狭いのですがディスプレイが小さくなるわけではありません。かわりに新型iPadではiPad mimiのようにスクリーンのサイドが狭くなりボディの小型化が可能になります。IGZOディスプレイを採用するおかげで前モデルに比べ大幅に薄くなるとTactusは主張しています。



jaga 英語 → 日本語

but it’s though that Sharp’s inability to produce them fast enough and meet iPad demand has meant the Cupertino company has had to wait.Now it appears that issue may have been resolved,and the new iPad could be the first with this technology.

IGZO displays are thinner than traditional iPad displays,and they’re more energy efficient.That means that don’t need such a big battery to keep them going,and they don’t take up anywhere near as much space.Thanks to an IGZO display,the new iPad could be just 7.2mm thick,Tactus claims.

Other features will reportedly include an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera,a new A7X processor,and the same storage options we have now,with the 16GB model still part of the lineup.



IGZOディスプレイは従来のiPadディスプレイよりも薄くエネルギー効率が高いため動作させ続けるために大きなバッテリーの必要がなく以前よりもスペースを取りません。IGZO displayのおかげで新型iPadの厚さをわずか7.2mmすることが可能になるとTactusは主張しています。


jaga 英語 → 日本語

10 Philippine startups get seed funding from IdeaSpace

Philippine startup incubator IdeaSpace has announced the ten winners of its national startup competition. The startups will each receive P500k (USD 12k) in seed funding and six months of incubation, where they will get office space, business operations support, and housing facilities for those not based in Metro Manila.

During the incubation period, the more promising startups could receive additional cash support from IdeaSpace of up to P5 million. Teams will also be introduced to other investors in Philippines, Silicon Valley, and other parts of the world.



フィリピンのスタートアップインキュベーターIdeaSpaceは同社が開催した全国スタートアップコンペティションの受賞者を発表した。これらのスタートアップにはシード資金として50万ペソ(1万200ドル)とオフィス、事業運営の支援、Metro Manilaに住んでいない人には住居が6ヶ月のインキュベーション期間提供される。


jaga 英語 → 日本語

What’s striking about the finalists are the types of problems they’re trying to solve. While they include your usual, hardware, software, and mobile startups, a large amount of them are tackling opportunities in agriculture, energy, healthcare, and transport. These finalists were picked from over 700 entries.

IdeaSpace was launched in March 2012 as a non-profit organization that has drawn support from First Pacific Company, Metro Pacific Investments and the PLDT group, chaired by successful tech entrepreneur Manuel V. Pangilinan. It has received P500 million (USD 12.1M) in funding for five years. IdeaSpace’s CEO is Earl Valencia (his story here).



IdeaSpaceは2012年3月に設立された非営利団体でFirst Pacific Company、Metro Pacific Investments、成功を収めたテクノロジー系起業家のManuel V. Pangilinan が議長を務めるPLDTグループに支援されており5年間で5億ペソの資金提供を受けている。IdeaSpace’のCEOはEarl Valencia氏だ (氏の経歴についてはここを参照)。

jaga 英語 → 日本語

Pages, a new product which was unveiled yesterday, is a webpage builder for restaurants, bars, and food establishments. While it hasn’t officially launched yet, Burpple CEO Elisha Ong gave a hint of what is to come by sharing its landing page on Facebook.

It does more than spew out mobile-friendly HTML and CSS. Pages includes the ability to display interactive menus, it leverages on its mobile social network to promote an establishment through recommendations and testimonials, and it integrates online food ordering for takeaway or delivery (its partnership with Chope probably has something to do with that).


昨日公開された新サービスのPagesはレストラン、バー、その他の食品関連店舗用のウェブページビルダーだ。サービスはまだ正式に開始されていないがBurppleのCEOを務めるElisha Ong氏にFacebookのランディンページを見せてもらいどんなものが登場するのかの手がかりを得ることができた。

PagesはモバイルフレンドリーなHTMLとCSSを生成するだけではない。Pagesにはインタラクティブなメニューを表示する機能があるほか、同社のモバイルソーシャルネットワークを利用して推薦やユーザーの声と通じ店舗を宣伝することができる。また、食品の持ち帰りや配達のためのオンライン注文機能が統合されている。これはBurpple とChopeが提携したこととなにか関係があるのかもしれない。