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Future plans

At the end of May, Triip’s founders plan to put Triip up on Indiegogo for crowdfunding and marketing, and in June they’ll be coming out of beta – plus there’s the upcoming iPhone app called WikiTriip. The app, which takes data from Wiki Vonyage, will allow users to search for information about places they are visiting and also will be data crawled by Triip to see what users are interested in visiting when traveling. This data will be used to suggest and design tours for travelers.

Currently, Triip operates in six countries including Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia.

Check out the video to see people’s experiences with Triip:



Triipの創業者たちは5月末にIndiegogo 上でクラウドファンディングによる資金調達とマーケティングを行い6月にはベータを脱する予定だ。さらにWikiTriipというiPhoneアプリもまもなく登場する。このアプリ(Wiki Vonyageからデータを取り出している)によりユーザーは訪問先に関する情報を検索することができる。またTriipはデータを収集して旅行時にユーザーが何を見物したいかを知ることができる。データはツアーを推薦したり、企画するために使われることになる。



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Domain Name System (DNS) Servers

All host names and addresses stored in an external DNS server are supposed to be exposed to public. Hence, the external DNS server should not hold information about the internal network. The external DNS server may be hosted at the Internet Service Provider (ISP).

• A separate internal DNS server could be set up and placed in the internal network if internal domain information is needed, but the information should not be disclosed to the Internet.

Intrusion Detection and Monitoring

As mentioned above, the intrusion detection and monitoring function can be performed either manually or automatically by using some intrusion detection and monitoring tools.




• 内部ドメイン情報が必要な場合は、別途内部DNSサーバーを立て内部ネットワークに配置することできる。しかし、その情報はインターネットに公開されてはならない。



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Another concern is the viability of releasing a follow-up iPad mini at a price point comparable,or equal to,the current generation.Mass production would undoubtedly affect parts costs for Apple,which has traditionally tagged refreshed products at the same cost as outgoing models.

Shim's statements echo those of noted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo,who in April said setbacks pertaining to adequate display production could see a later than expected release for the so-called "iPad mini 2."

Previous estimates also pointed to a quarter three release for the as yet unannounced tablet,which would be consistent with Apple's usual yearly refresh cycle.


もう一つの懸念はiPad miniの次期バージョンを現在のモデルと同程度あるいは同じ価格でリリースできるかどうかということです。量産することによりAppleの部品価格が影響を受けることはまちがいありません。これまでAppleは新製品に旧モデルと同じ価格をつけて来ました。

Shim氏の発言は著名なアナリストのMing-Chi Kuo氏のものとそっくり同じ内容です。4月にMing-Chi Kuo氏はディスプレイを十分生産がすることができないことによりいわゆる「iPad mini 2」のリリースが予想より遅くなる可能性があると述べていました。


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How A Japanese Craigslist Became Instantly Profitable In Vietnam

For startups that are hoping to build products for everybody, here’s a case study that proves the power of focusing on niche, under-served markets.

In Ho Chi Minh city, there are only about 10,000 Japanese expats living here full-time. Across the country, there’s probably no more than 20,000. For the past two years, the Japanese population has seen a spike with Japanese offshoring companies, factories, and tourists taking a bigger interest in Vietnam. Out of this influx, has come PosteVn, a Craigslist-esque site for Japanese expats living and coming to Vietnam.



