The item I did not order arrived.And the item I orded was not in the package.Please refund all the money.Don't send what I did not order!Should I send back the item to you with shipment fee on your charge?
By making computers learn many English sentences, we can know what word or phrase comes after what word or phrase.We put it into practice. When we input some word or phrase, the sentences which include them will be shown The word or phrase which have close relationships with imputed word or phrase will be shown The result will be referred on the web browser I do not know if this method is effective or not, I think it is one of the best way to master languages in the shortest time, because we can learn thoroughly only the words and clauses which interest us.
発想を変える必要がある僕たちは今どうやって言語を操っているか〜という単語群があった時,ネイティブはすぐに並び替えられるネイティブは there の 後には are が続きやすいことを経験的に知っている逆に there の後には my は殆どこないことを経験的に知っているネイティブは単語レベルでは考えていない.句で考えている.→正確には句ではないが,便宜上句とするネイティブはこの句の組み合わせで文章を組み立てている.従って,句と句の繋がりやすさを知ることは言語習得の要と言える
We have to change our way of thinking.How are we speaking languages now?When a group of words ~~ is shown, native speakers can put it in order instantly.Native speakers know by their experiences that "there" will tend to be followed by "are".In the same manner, they know that "my" will not come after "there" by their experiences.Native speaker do not think on the basis of word, but of phrases. To be precise, it is not phrase, but we regard it as phrase for convenience.Native speaker combine sentences by putting phrases in order.Accordingly, it can be said that to know how to connect phrase and phrase naturally is the most important thing for mastering languages.
昨日説明書のデーターを送ってくれたと思いますcraneの説明書のデーターも欲しいですcrane-mとcrane封入されている説明書が同じなら不要です下記の商材のmicで取得した番号を教えてください添付した写真のようにアルファベットが入っている番号ですあとこの番号ですが、本体に記載を行なっていますか?パッケージではなく本体に記載がしてあるか知りたいです。またbluetooth sigの認証は問題ありませんか下記のURLですbluetooth 製品を販売する時はこの認証が必須です
I think you sent data of the manual yesterday.I would like to have the manual of crane, too.If the manuals of crane-m and crane is the same, I do not need to have it.Please let me know the number you got from mic for following items.As attached photos, the number should be the one including alphabet.As for this number, is it on the main part?I would like to know if it is written on the main part instead of the package.Is there any problem with the certification of Bluetooth sig?URL is as below.This certification is necessary for us to sell Bluetooth products.
日本の千葉県へ配達をご希望で間違いないでしょうか?滞在されるホテルで商品の受取ができるのであればご希望のご住所への配送を承ります。日本国内への配達であれば5/22から5/31までに商品をお届けすることは可能です。ホテル名「ビジネス旅館 あずさ」配達先住所 〒278-0037 千葉県野田市野田430 TEL 047-122-5761 上記の内容で間違いないでしょうか?配達伝票に記載するあなたの名前を教えていただけますでしょうか?5/23に商品は到着する予定です。
Is it correct that you request delivery to Chiba prefecture in Japan?If you can recieve the item at the hotel you are going to stay, we will send it to the address you will mention.It is possible to deliver between 22th and 31st of May if we send it to Japan.Hotel "Business Inn Azusa"Address 〒278-0037 430 Noda、Noda, Chiba JapanTEL 047-122-5761Is the above mentioned detail correct?Could you let me know your name to be written on the delivery ticket?The item is to be arrived by 23th May.
This is the third time of my visit to philippines and I feel excited every time as the situations I have never experienced in Japan are always waiting for me.I am glad having met you again. A year has passed since I met you last. To my regret, my ability of English seems to have become rather worse. Though you kindlly taught me many things a year ago, I have forgotten most of them except for the phrase "---" taught by ◯ ◯. I am sorry, but I will be happy if you teach me kindly and politely.
Thank you for your message!Nothing is more encouraging for us than your heart-warming message.If you don't mind, would you post this wonderful message for the review of the item?You can do that just by copy and paste.We will be grateful if you do that as your message must be useful information for other customers.The below is linkWe would appreciate your kind cooperation and hope to have good relationship between you and our company xxx.
メールありがとうございます。①Vikas Exports.サンプルの制作が20日に終わるとのことでしたが、完成しましたでしょうか?前回、お願いいたしましたが、デザインを変更しているため、サンプル確認 → 正式発注 でお願いします。②Sonu handicraftお願いしている、サンプルの訂正は出来上がりましたでしょうか?出来上げっていない場合、サンプルの完成はいつになりますでしょうか?また、コンテナの予定がわかりましたら、ご連絡ください。I/Pもお待ちしております。
Thank you for your email.1. Vikas Exports.Have you finished producing the sample as you told me that it would be done by 20th?Because of the changes in design, as I asked you the last time, I would like you to follow the procedure as below. confirmation of the samples → formal order.2. Sonu handicraftHave you done the correction to the sample as required?If it has not been done, when will it be finished?Please let me know the schedule of the containers.I am also waiting for I/P.
I will definitely pay for half of billed amount this week. But the payment for the latter half will not be done the day after this holiday. You are to ship the items after you confirm the payment of whole amount. Is it possible for you to make some discount for items? In that case, I will be able to pay as invoiced. The reason why the payment will not be done soon is bad exchange rate. Once you ship the items for what is paid, will you accept cancellation for unpaid? I can resell the items to other customers, but I may cancel another items I have already ordered.
日本でも現在メタボリックシンドロームが蔓延しているので、このメニューを食べた人も自分の為になるし、その分でアフリカの子供も同時に食事をとれる。つまり場所は違えど、同じテーブルで食事をする(Table for two)というのがこのプロジェクトのコンセプトです。食べ物に限らず同じようにどこかの国で余ってるものがどこかの国で不足していることはたくさんあるはずですので、こういった画期的な仕組みを考え、提供できたらと思います。
In Japan, the Metabolic syndrome prevails at present. If someone choose this menu, he or she will get better in health, and at the same time, children in Africa are able to get their meals.In other words, having meals at the same table (Table for two) is the concept of this project.Not only foods but also many things are enough and discarded in some counties. But in other countires, they are in need. Therefore, I would like to think of such kinds of revolutinary ideas and offer them.
どのような苦難や我慢も後々すべてがbeneficialになると思っています。何かをやらされていると感じるとそれはHardshipとなります。中学の頃の英語の勉強がそうでした。ただし、あの頃一生懸命やったので今はbeneficialとなってます。 仕事でも人間関係で我慢することは多々ありますが、後々そういった人々に助けられることもたくさんありますH&Sがなければ成長しないし、さぼった分というのは必ず後になって同じ問題が起こります。そういうとき、神様はみてるなあとつくづく思います
I think any sufferings and perseverence will be beneficical later. When I feel I am forced to do something, it becomes hardship. That was the case when I learned English in junior high school.However, I studied hard in those days, and it became beneficical now. At working place, I feel much perseverence in the relationship with other people, I get support from them later in many cases.I can say I never grow without H&S. If I do some lazy work, I have to face with the same kind of problem later for sure.At that time I feel God is always watching me.
1.20歳のときに日本の離島を訪れたときに見た圧倒的な大自然の美しさを感じた時に神はいると深く感じました。2.この学校に入ってからです。3.妻もとても大事なのですが、今は両親が一番大事だと感じています。 年を取ればとるほど両親へのありがたみを感じますし どんどん弱っていく姿を見ると支えてあげたいという気持ちも強くなります。4.10年くらい前、東京などの都市部にいた時は神を信じていませんでした。 といいますか、忙しくて気持ちが向かなかったのかもしれません。
1. When I visited a saparated island in Japan at the age of 20, I felt that God exists by seeing overwhelming beauty of the nature.2. Since I entered this school3. I love my wife, but the most important persons for me now are my paretnts.As I grow older, I feel more thanks for them. Seeing them get old and weak, I would like to support them sincerely.4. I did not believe in God when I lived in Tokyo about 10 years ago. Probably, I was so busy and had no time to think about it.
Would you like to buy by $298 for the item including shipping charge?The shipping charge differs greatly depending on the country.If the shipping charge is $38, I may have a deficit.I would like to consider this matter after checking the shipping charge enough.So, I would appreciate if you let me know your address.Thank you for your cooperation.I am going to sell by $298.Though there may be a slight difference from the amount billed, I will refund you the difference at once.If I sell by this price, a loss cannot be avoided.How about $300 including shipping charge?
Dear注文した全商品を黒色に変更をお願い致します。並びに、先日のパリでのテロ事件で被害に遭われた方に心よりお見舞い申し上げるとともに亡くなられた方にはご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。これからも良いお取引を宜しくお願い致します。Kotaro kato
DearPlease change color of all items to black.I would like to express my sympathies to the victim of the terroism which occured in Paris a few days ago. For those who was killed, I pray their soul may rest in peace.I appreciate your continuous support.Kotaro Kato
I have put the several pants sold at your auction in cart so that I can buy them.But I am afraid the shipping charge will be so expensive as each of them will be charged about $30 for sizes and items differently.Will you kindly put them together and lower the shipping charge?
卸問屋として、実績のある会社です。今回の出張の際に、商談しても宜しいでしょうか。どちらも大阪のお客さんで、週末の商談を希望しています。最初の商売なので、発注する数量は少ないですが、定期的に発注して、数量も増やしていくそうです。この価格ならば、100個以上の発注をするそうです。請求金額と同じ金額の送金手数料が、かかります。こちらの確認漏れでした。申し訳ないですが、次回 必ず精算します。この商品は、必ず今月中に納品できますか。できない場合は、キャンセルしたいと言っているので
They are a wholesaler with some business results. Can we have a meeting during our business trip this time? Both of them are from Osaka. They would like to have a meeting on weekend. Their order is small in quantity now as this is the beginning of business, but they intend to increase quantity by making orders regularly. If you accept this price, they will order more than 100 pieces. The remittance charge is the same as the amount billed. We did not check it enough. We apologize for inconvienience, but we will pay next time without fail. Are you sure to deliver this item within this month? They will request cancellation if it is impossible.
It became clear that "AWUS036AC" violates the Electric Wave Law of Japan after confirming the Japanese ministry in charge. As a result, we cannot import this product. I am sorry, but I should cancel this order. So please refund the money for this order. I am very sorry for causing you much trouble this time. I apologize sincerely. I will contact you if I find some of your products I can sell in Japan. Thank you for your continuous cooperation.
Thank you for your email of inquiry from the USA.Your shop is famous in Japanese market, and I also have been there.The items displayed in the large shop in a roomy way were convienient for us to see, and the items hung on the wall were charming enough to catch my eyes.As I am interested in some items of yours, please send the wholesale price list by email.Also, please let me know about the order condition and payment term.If you cannot do business as a wholeseller, I would like to buy directly from your shop.I am going to your country for 10 days in August. So, I would like to see you in the meantime if your schedule allows.I would appreciate if you kindly consider about this matter.
I want to be in the sunshine, spending much time feeling the nature, walking, and building muscles by doing some exercises.I want to be happy sharing nice meals with the person I love.I want to enlighten my spirit and mind beauty rather than my outlook.I want to live with nature. I want to see various scenes of nature. I want to live a life filled with the joy given by the beautiful nature. I want to go feeling free with myself.From now on, I prefer the life style which puts more emphasis on how I feel happy with the person I love than how I look like or how I will be seen by other people.
Hello. I am ●● from ◯ ◯ company.Thank you for accepting me for business mission this time.Also, I appreciate you suggested the place for the meeting. I am going to be in San Francisco from 9:00 on 19th. So, please contact me there if possible.Best regards