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Researchers just built a free, open-source version of Siri

Major tech companies like Apple and Microsoft have been able to provide millions of people with personal digital assistants on mobile devices, allowing people to do things like set alarms or get answers to questions simply by speaking. Now, other companies can implement their own versions, using new open-source software called Sirius — an allusion, of course, to Apple’s Siri.

Today researchers from the University of Michigan are giving presentations on Sirius at the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems in Turkey. Meanwhile, Sirius also made an appearance on Product Hunt this morning.




今日、University of Michiganの研究者らがトルコで開かれているInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systemsにて、Siriusについてのプレゼンテーションを行っている。時を同じくした今朝、SiriusはProduct Huntにも登場した。

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“Sirius … implements the core functionalities of an IPA (intelligent personal assistant) such as speech recognition, image matching, natural language processing and a question-and-answer system,” the researchers wrote in a new academic paper documenting their work. The system accepts questions and commands from a mobile device, processes information on servers, and provides audible responses on the mobile device.

Some startups have been striving to develop their own smart assistants, but none has yet been able to challenge Apple, Google, or Microsoft. Perhaps following the arrival of Sirius, that could change.


「Sirius・・・IPA(インテリジェント パーソナル アシスタント)の主要機能である音声認識、画像マッチング、自然言語処理、質問応答システムを実行する」、研究者らは最新の学術論文で自らの研究成果についてこのように論じた。このシステムはモバイル機器を通して質問やコマンドを受け取り、サーバー上で情報処理し、またモバイル機器を通じ音声で回答する。


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When Apple chief tech exec Kevin Lynch demonstrated texting on the Apple Watch today at an event in San Francisco, he showed a conversation he was having with his friend on WeChat. The friend suggested having dinner at a restaurant called Fig and Olive. Rather than key in a response, he picked a wacky picture of a cartoon giving the thumbs up sign.

Had he chosen not to respond with an emoji, Lynch would have had to dictate his response message to the watch. Now, we don’t know how well the dictation feature works on the Apple Watch. But even if it’s perfectly functional, who the hell is going to talk into their wrist?


Apple社の技術担当副社長であるKevin Lynch氏が今日サンフランシスコで開かれたイベントでApple Watchを用いたメール送信のデモンストレーションを行った。そこで同氏はWeChat上で友人と交わした会話を披露した。その友達はFig and Oliveというレストランで夕飯を食べないか、と提案していた。それに対して文字入力で変身する代わりに、親指を立てるを描いた一風変わったアニメーションの画像を送った。

同氏が絵文字以外の方法で返事しようとしたなら、時計に向かって返信メッセージを声で吹き込まなければならなかった。Apple Watchの音声入力機能がどれほど性能が良いかは分からない。しかし、どれほど機能が完璧でも、果たして、手首に向かって話しかけようとする人がいるのだろうか。

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First and foremost on this feature list is Events from Gmail, which automatically converts emails into Calendar events wherever the app thinks it necessary (if a time, date, and location are mentioned in an email, that’s usually enough to trigger it). Also included are Assists, which make suggestions for things like places and contacts to save you time creating events. Finally, the new Schedule View (pictured at the top of this article) makes your calendar easier to scan by showing you everything on your calendar in a timeline view.

In short, the iPhone app has all the major features of the Android app; it’s not exactly a 1.0 release. The app even features Google’s Material Design look specifically for iOS.


多数ある機能のうち真っ先に挙げられるのが、Gmailと連携したEvents機能で、メールの内容でアプリ自身が必要だと判断したものをCalendarのイベント欄に取り込まれる(通常は時刻、日付、場所の記載があれば十分動作する)。また、Assists機能も搭載されており、イベントの企画などをする時に、場所や連絡先などについてアドバイスをくれるので時間短縮につながる。最後に、新機能のSchedule View(本記事上の画像参照)は、ユーザのカレンダーをタイムラインビューで表示してくれるので目を通しやすくなっている。

つまり、iPhone向けのアプリにもAndroidアプリと同じ主要機能があるので正確にはバージョン1.0リリースではない。iOSを対象としたGoogle社のMaterial Design機能までもついている。

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Patent details Google’s ideas for smart home doorknobs, doorbells, wall switches, and more

Google clearly has big ambitions for its Internet-connected Nest and Dropcam hardware. A new patent shows how these gadgets — and a host of other devices — could be tied together into the smart home of the future.

In September 2014, eight months after Google acquired Nest for $3.2 billion and three months after Google’s acquisition of Dropcam for a reported $555 million, several Google employees applied for a patent called “Security Scoring in a Smart-Sensored Home.”

The name is somewhat deceiving, in that it doesn’t mention the more significant technologies addressed in the patent.




2014年9月、Google社が32億米ドルでNest社を買収した8ヶ月後、そして同じく5億5千万円米ドルと報じられる金額でDropcam社を買収した3ヶ月後、Google社員数名が、「Security Scoring in a Smart-Sensores Home」という名で特許を出願した。なんとも曖昧な名で、特許の中身の、より重要なテクノロジーに関しては何も触れていない。

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Of course, these technologies, described as they are in a patent application, may never come to market. But it is clear that people inside of Nest are thinking of ways for parent company Google to expand its reach and its market share inside the home.

And it wouldn’t be very surprising to see Google moving toward home security. For one thing, Google in December was close to partnering with ADT, according to a report from Forbes.

The technology in the patent with the greatest potential impact is a “smart doorknob” that comes with a remote-controlled lock. Should Google-owned Nest begin to sell these, they would challenge startups like August as well as more established companies like Kwikset.





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A “smart doorbell” could recognize the person coming toward the door and communicate visual or audio information through some other system.

From there, a “registered mobile device” (a phone or something else) can remotely unlock the door, according to the patent.

“For example, if when inside the home, the occupant receives notice from the smart doorbell 106 that a trusted neighbor is approaching the door, the occupant can use the mobile device 166 to unlock the door so the neighbor can let himself or herself in,” the patent states. “Alternatively, the occupant can speak an audible command instructing the smart doorknob 122 to unlock.”





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The patent also includes two-part Internet-connected “smart entry detectors,” which can be affixed to windows or doors and the walls next to them. These systems can be armed, so they then sense when windows or doors are opened or broken. They can send messages through wireless communication systems like ZigBee.

Additionally, the patent mentions “smart wall switches” for picking up on lighting conditions and dimming lights when necessary, and “smart wall plugs” for controlling fans or air conditioners.

Some or all of these tools could come together and draw on artificial intelligence in a way that goes beyond what, say, the Nest learning thermostat can do.


特許には、2つのパーツから成る「smart entry detectors」の事も記されているが、この製品は窓もしくはドアと、その隣り合った壁に取り付ける事ができる。上記のシステムを入れる事で、窓やドアが開けられたり、壊されたりしたのを感知するようになる。ZigBeeの様なワイヤレス通信システムを用いてメッセージを送る事も可能だ。

更に「smart wall switches」は照明の状態を感知し、必要に応じて照明を落とし、「smart wall plugs」は、ファンやエアコンを調節してくれると特許に記載されている。

これらのツールのうちのいくつか、もしくは全てを組み合わせ、人工知能を活用して、例えば、Nest learning thermostatの能力を上回る事ができるようになるかもしれない。