His admiral was Ahenobarbus, Cato's nephew, under sentence of death for alleged complicity in the murder of Caesar; his open ally was Pompeius, in whose company stood a host of noble Romans and respectable knights, the survivors of the proscriptions, of Philippi, of Perusia. With this moral support Antonius confronted his Caesarian rival. For war, his prospects were better than he could have. hoped; and he at once demonstrated his old generalship by the sudden and complete rout of a body of hostile cavalry. His brother had tried to defend the landed class in Italy from the soldiery; and Antonius himself had been inactive during the War of Perusia.
彼の司令長官はCatoの甥である、Ahenobarbusだった。彼は、Caesar殺害においての、共犯ということで死刑宣告を受けていた。彼の共犯者は、Pompeius、彼の会社は、貴族階級のローマ人と、尊敬すべき騎士達、PerusiaのPhilippiの追放からの生還者達のホストとして成り立っていた。この精神的援助と共に、Antonius はCaesarianのライバルに対して立ち向かった。戦争に向けて、彼の見通しは、彼が思っているよりもはるかに良い物だった。突然の敵の騎馬隊によっての完全な敗北は、かつて彼の昔の指揮力を実証するもんだった。彼の弟はイタリアで、軍人より地主階級を守るため努力していた。そして、Antonius自身もPerusia戦争には、加わらなかったのである。
We can not fix it.The loupe need to be taken out for this plate.Attaching loupe is attaching swage, ・・・if we chip rivet away, we can take loupe out. I am saying we can, but it's not a easy job.... However, we don't have any rivets which we need for reattaching after metal plate work.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Hi,I am interested in the item, but was wondering if you could provide a little more info?Would you be able to give a list of the holo cards with card codes? It would be really helpful, as it is difficult to tell from the pictures.Thanks for your timeCalum- calumtm3
yamahaya88102012さんへこんにちは。その商品に興味がありますが、もう少し詳しい説明を載せていただけないでしょうか?Holoカードのリストを、カード番号と共に教えていただく事は可能でしょうか?画像から判断するのは大変難しいので、もし教えていただけるなら、大変助かります。お忙しい中、お時間をいただき、どうもありがとうございますs。カルム- calumtm3
100ドルの返金を受領しました。小さなキズですが、日本は神経質な顧客が多いです。新品で販売した場合、クレームになる可能性がありますし、訳あり品として販売すれば販売価格が下がります。私にはデメリットしかありません。私としても何度もあなたにクレームを報告する事は心苦しいです。今後このような事をできるだけ避けるため、厳重な梱包をお願いします。ebayのThe golf stormは別アカウントですか?
I received the refund of $100.It was only a small scratch, but many Japanese care for those little things.If we sell that as a brand new, there is a possibility that we get a complaint, if we sell it as an imperfect item, we will have to drop the price.There is only disadvantage for us in this situation.I also feel bad making complains again and again, but to avoid this kind of situation, please be careful when packing the products. Anyway, The golf storm on ebay is your different account?
ご連絡頂きましたペイパルの住所と配送先の住所ですが、当方、アメリカの転送会社を使っており、その住所を記載させて頂きました。先に購入方法について、メールで確認させて頂けば良かったと深く反省しております。つきましては大変お手数で恐縮ですが、注文のキャンセルと返金処理を宜しくお願い致します。後、大変素敵なお店だと思いましたので、また是非、 Amazon Checkoutを使い、他の商品など購入させて頂きたいと思います。それでは諸々お手数おかけ致しますが、何卒宜しくお願い致します。
Regarding the addresses of paypal account and for delivery you gave me, I am using American forwarding company, so I printed the address. I deeply regret that I didn't check purchasing method in advance. I am very sorry, but please process cancelling and refunding my order.However, I like your shop very much, I would like to purchase other products using Amazon Checkout next time. Sorry for all the hassle.Thank you in advance.
This is the end of the street. Please have a look at a site map if you require a rescue.
I am lost the track. Please check the site map if you need to be rescued.
Please follow the rules of rubbish disposal.We will check with monitoring camera, and if anybody can not keep the rule, we will return the rubbish to them.Also, we have to charge you 3 months of penalty fee as it is shown on the contract.Shared bicycles are need to be sheared with others.If you would like to use it for a longer period, please buy your own bicycle. We can't find our shared bicycle at the moment, if you know where it is or have seen it, please let the janitor or co-janitor know as soon as possible.If many of you can't keep the rule, we have to stop offering shared bicycle.
I have sent CPT by EMS.The tracking number is 545.You should receive it in a week.I am sorry I made a mistake on ordering sheet.I have attached corrected ordering sheet this time.As we need HDMI cable as soon as possible, it would be very helpful if you can dispatch it soon.We can purchase only RPMQ90, right? How much for RPMQ90? I am not good at speaking English, so please use email for communication.I am sorry for sending you many request, but hoping to hear from you soon.Best regards,
I think they will be 20 to 30 of them, but I haven't checked all the headset yet, I will send them every time I return the main unit. Other than that, as our customer's opinion we get, that the speakers are too tick and hurting their ears. Please think about its improvement too.
I have found some errors below.If there is no particular problems with them, please ignore those.(I have fixed mine by myself, so there is no problem on my side)・The tags of the web pages below don't close properly.・I think something is not right about HTML of setting address of covering image. (might be only my mistake) Also, I have already requested this, but it would be great if I can post messages on hush tag pages. I will be really grad if I can do it, because I think it is very convenient.Lastly, the script was great, I truly appreciate it from my heart.
私は日本人です。私はこの商品を6本×2セット欲しい。私は質問があります。・オプションの「matched triodes (balanced)5$」を選択すれば、12本がマッチしたもの、若しくは6本がマッチしたものを2セットを購入できますか?・「matched triodes (balanced)5$」の注文数は1、つまり5ドルでよろしいでしょうか。・日本への送料は19.95ドルで間違いないですか?メールを受け取ったらなるべく早く返信をおまちしております。
I am a Japanese.I would like to order 2 sets of 6 x this item.Also I have question, ・Can I purchase 2 sets of 12 or 6 matched items if I choose the option of 'matched triodes (balanced)5$' ? ・Each order of 'matched triodes (balanced)5$' is for 1 item, means it is $5?・The shipping cost to Japan is $19.95 correct?
DW-5600E-1Vを50個追加注文します。空箱をいくつか添付してください。Invoice #0208の商品が不足していました。下記の商品です。LQ-139E-9A 20個の注文に対し10個でした。 (10個不足)MQ-24-9B 30個の注文に対し23個でした。 (7個」不足)箱がたくさん壊れていたので、いくつかの空箱をたたんで送って下さい。今回の出荷に追加してください。金額の明細書を添付してもらえないでしょうか?それがないと税関でたくさんお金を取られます。
I would like to order 50 of DW-5600E-1V, please send few empty boxes of the items as well.We didn't receive the products of Invoice #0208the lacking items are below,LQ-139E-9A we ordered 20, received only 10 ( 10 short) MQ-24-9B we ordered 30, received only 23 ( 7 short) Also, most of those boxes were damaged, so please fold the boxes when you send them, and send them with this order.Could you please attach invoice as well ? if not, we have to pay a lot for customs. Regards,
13. DHL等の運送会社と契約していますか?もし契約していれば、発送時に関税・内国消費税の支払人を指定できます。つまり、私がそれらの費用を立て替えず、あなたが直接支払うことができます。14. 「一度試験的に1箱だけ私に送る」とのことですが、特に何か書類等は必要ないのですか?私がDHLに尋ねたところ、「必要ない」とのことでしたが、もし今後毎週20台のプレーヤーを日本送るなら、通関時に私が何か手続きをしなければならないかもしれません。その際の費用はあなたがお支払して頂けますか?
13. Do you have a contract with any courier company like DHL? If so, you can choose a person who pays custom and national sales tax. It means that we don't have to but you can directly pay those expenses.14. You said that you will send a box just for a test. Don't we need a specific documentation for that? When I asked DHL for it, they replied that we don't need such a documentation, but I wonder if you send 20 players every week to Japan, I might have to go for some procedures. Could you pay for the expenses for the procedures if it occurs?
Our sellers strive to minimise cancelled orders. We're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. We would like to confirm that you have not been charged for this order. If you have any questions regarding the cancellation of this order, please contact ☆☆If you're still interested in this item, please search for it again on ☆☆. If your order was cancelled due to an undeliverable delivery address, please resubmit your order with a different address.We've included your order details below for reference.We value you as a customer and hope you will continue shopping on ☆☆
Introducing changing into Kyojin easily. You there! Who is busy at work, we won't take much time. Only thing that you need to prepare is a crab meat and your face. How you can make Kyojin from there ・・・(I am sorry if you are eating at the time) Crab meat is a fresh food, so after you used it, please wash it well and eat it soon. /Maepatsuhimeka is a short word for straignth cut fringe like a Japanese princess. (Maegami Pattun Hime Cut) She is a model and a nurse, performing 2 jobs. She is a charismatic model and actively working nurse, and working as a living model and entertainer for a several kind of media to disseminate Japanese pop culture and fashion widely across to the world.She is one of the leader.
I want to know if the Hot Toys Hulk Art Figure is available, and have you got a delivery time ?
Hot Toys Hulkアートフィギュアは販売可能でしょうか?また、発送にどのくらいかかるか分かりますか?
こんにちは。先日、Steinberg Cubase Artist 7を落札しました。商品を確認しましたら、外箱の商品名が画像と少し違っていました。「Cubase Artist」とだけ印刷されています。この商品は、「Cubase Artist 7」ですか?ご返信お待ちしております。
Hello,I won one of your auction of 'Steinberg Cubase Artist 7' the other day.,When I checked the item, the product name on the box was not the one I thought I won.It is printed only 'Cubase Artist'.Is the item Cubase Artist 7?Hoping to hear from you soon.
Hi yes I know you paid this weekend. As per my listing, it states I ship in approx 3 business days. Therefore the item will be in the mail today, which is the third business day from payment being received. Tracking info will be uploaded to the listing and you may track from there on the usps web site. Please note insurance is not part of the shipping for this as it was not requested by you. Thank you.
こんにちは、先週そちらからのご入金があった事は承知しています。私のリストに述べているように、商品はおよそ3営業日以内に発送いたします。ですので、ご注文の商品は、こちらで入金を確認してから3日後の、本日発送されます。お荷物追跡情報は、リストにアップロードされますので、 usps のウェブサイトにてご確認いただけます。お荷物の保険につきましては、リクエストがありませんでしたので、付けておりません。ご了承ください。いつもありがとうございます。
Hello, its ○○.I received a message regarding to the damaged item you received.How many items were damaged? Also, could you please send me some photos of those were damaged?Sorry for the hassle, but it will help us if you let us know and send us photos about them.Kind regards,○○