hiroo-hiroo (hiroo-hiroo) 翻訳実績

5.0 14 件のレビュー
4年弱前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語 イタリア語
20 時間 / 週
hiroo-hiroo 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

It is my pleasure to meet you at CES, and I appreciate the opportunity to provide you with a quote for Mom Revolution of your company. I truly believe our team at Nagualep
can turn your vision into a reality that you and your customers will enjoy for years to come.

1. Regarding exclusive sales rights in Japan, it depends on the sales volume and sales channels. I think we can talk more about the sales plan in Japan when
Anna (CEO) goes to Japan. I also put the minimum quantity of Na-2 in the attachment.

2. We currently have 6 color machines, if you place an order within these two weeks, there will be no problem arriving in Japan on 2/10.
the price of FOB is $318.


CESでお会いでき光栄です。また、御社のMom Revolutionの見積もりをさせていただく機会をいただき感謝申し上げます。弊社ナグアレップのチームが、御社のビジョンを御社と御社のお客様が、今後長きにわたり享受できるよう実現させていただけると信じています。

1. 日本での独占販売権については、販売量と販売チャネルによります。日本での販売計画については、アンナ(CEO)が日本を訪れた際に、詳しくお話できると思います。

2. 現在6色の機器がありますが、この2週間以内に注文していただければ、2/10に日本に到着するのは問題ないでしょう。

hiroo-hiroo 日本語 → 英語



2022/11/24(木) 18:12

We have prepared a draft based on the contents of the previous meeting. On the basis of this draft, we hope to be able to discuss the next meeting and the following ones.

A is a list of considerations that we believe will be necessary hereafter, but of course, this is just a draft and may not be sufficient.

If there are any other points that need to be considered on the D side, please feel free to append them to this list.

There may be cases where each of these needs to be handled more promptly.

The flow is shown in B. This is still in the process of being developed, but we would be happy to have your additional notes or feedbacks as needed.

We would like to consider a method in which we first receive assurance from E that the information in F will be IP-ed, and then do the same in H.