Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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ビジネス 法務 技術 特許 サイエンス IT
20 時間 / 週
gloria 英語 → 日本語

Use a damp (not wet) cloth to wipe the breastpump and proceed as follows:
1. Open the battery cover, remove the expanded-plastic liner.
2. Wash the expanded-plastic liner with clear, lukewarm water and squeeze
out well. Allow to dry thoroughly.
3. Pour about 1 dl of warm soapy water into a container.
4. Connect the tubing and the power cable onto the pump.
5. Hold the end of the tubing that is not connected to the pump in the container
with the soapy water.
6. Hold the device over a dry flushing bath and switch on. The water is pumped
through the tubing into the device and flows out again through the opening beneath the battery cover. Allow it to pump until all the water has been flushed through.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

7. Repeat this procedure again with 1 dl of clear, warm water.
8. Then leave the device switched on for a further 3 minutes, so that the pump
can dry out.
9. As soon as the expanded-plastic liner is dry, put it in place again
and close the battery cover.
10. If necessary, clean the pump kit according to cleaning instructions
«Prior to first use and once daily».
XI Warranty
This is a single user product. Use by more than one person may present a health risk and voids the warranty. 1-year warranty for the unit from the date of purchase, excluding pump kit. The manufacturer is not liable for any damage or consequential damage caused by incorrect perati- on, inappropriate usage or use by unauthorized persons.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

***Note: Eagle Edit 3.0 works with any properly functioning PC or Laptop running Windows XP, Vista, or 7 32 or 64 bit Operating System.
Step 1: Plug the Eagle Eye Converter into your PC via USB. You should detect a blank item. Make sure the switch on the bottom of the Eagle Eye is switched to “Play” If it is turned to “Program”, it will detect a Cypress device and it will not work.
Note: Be sure that nothing is plugged into your Eagle Eye when you plug it into your PC; the Eagle Eye does not require a keyboard and mouse to be plugged into it while setting up your Eagle Eye in Eagle Edit 3.0.
Step 2: Insert the included CD-Rom into your CD-Rom drive.


***注意:Eagle Edit 3.0は正常に動作するウィンドウズXP、Vista、7の34ビット又は64ビットのオペレーションシステムのPCかラップトップで動作します。
ステップ1:Eagle EyeコンバーターをUSBでPCに接続する。ブランクアイテムが検出されます。Eagle Eyeの底のスイッチがPlayになっていることを確認してください。スイッチがProgramに入っていると、Cypressデバイスが検出され、動作しません。
注意:PCにEagle Eyeを接続するときはEagle Eyeに何もプラグがさされていないことを確認してください;Eagle EyeをEagle Edit 3.0にセッティングしているときにEagle Eyeにキーボードとマウスを接続する必要はありません。

gloria 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Step 3: We suggest copying the entire content of CD and the SAVE folder to a directory of your choice on your PC. Double-click the Penguin United icon to run the Eagle_Edit_3.0 key mapping program on your PC.
Step 4: Begin mapping by clicking the text field adjacent to the corresponding controller buttons.
Step 5: Hit the key that you wish to assign on your keyboard or mouse.
Step 6: Work your way down by repeating steps 4 and 5 to assign the rest of the “Directional Pad”, “Left Analog Stick”,“Button”,and “Initiate Scope Mode” categories.
For example: To assignÇas“W”,click inside the text field next toÇand hit “W” on your keyboard.
To assignÈas “S”, click inside the text field next toÈand hit“S”on your keyboard


ステップ3:CDの内容全部をコピーしてフォルダをPCの任意のディレクトリに保存することをおすすめします。Penguin UnitedのアイコンをダブルクリックしてEagle_Edit_3.0キー割り当てプログラムをPCに入れます。
ステップ6:ステップ4からステップ5を順に繰り返し、残りの”Directional Pad(方向指示パッド)”、“Left Analog Stick(左アナログスティック)”、“Button(ボタン)”、そして“Initiate Scope Mode(範囲モード開始)”を割り当てていきます。

gloria 英語 → 日本語

*The mouse movement is fixed to mirror the movement of the right analog stick. Therefore, mapping the right analog stick is not necessary.
*Scope Mode allows you to have two different Advanced Calibration settings on one keymap (a primary and secondary setting). Pressing and holding the assigned "Initiate Scope Mode" button allows you to calibrate or activate an entirely different sets of calibration.
This allows you to better customize your setup for games that use different sensitivities while aiming down the sight or using a vehicle. Be sure to remember that for whatever key you assign to the "Initiate Scope Mode" button, it does not toggle between the two settings and requires you to hold the button down,


*Scope Mode(範囲モード)を使うと2つの異なるAdvanced Calibration(より高度な較正)設定を1つのキーマップに設定することができます(一次設定と二次設定)。割り当てられた”Initiate Scope Mode(範囲モードを開始する)”ボタンを押したままで、較正を行ったり全く異なる較正のセットを起動させることができます。
これにより、サイトに合わせたり手段を使いながら、感度が異なるゲームのセットアップをより良くカスタマイズできます。"Initiate Scope Mode(範囲モード開始)"ボタンにはどのキーを割り当てても2つの設定間で切り替わることはなく、ボタンを押し下げたままにする必要があることを忘れないでください。

gloria 英語 → 日本語


According to Stella Fayman, of Entrepreneurs Unpluggd, PR can make or break your company’s launch, especially if you are looking to gain early customers. That’s because getting attention in notable publications accomplishes three goals:

1. Early exposure for your brand
2. Excitement about your product from potential customers
3. Social proof that your company is worth exploring
Reporters generally cover companies that are going through significant life cycle events such as launch, funding, or new product launches. This will be one of the few times you can generate buzz naturally by just being novel, exciting and having an interesting message, says Fayman.



Entrepreneurs UnplugedのStella Faymanによると、初期顧客を増やしたいと思っている場合は特に、PRがあなたの会社の立ち上げをしてくれるあるいは突破口を作ってくれるという。これは目立つパブリケーションで注目を集めることが次の3つのゴールを達成してくれるからだ:


gloria 英語 → 日本語

What to Do Post Launch

Even before you launch your team should formulate a plan of attack using the information above to guide your brainstorming. To structure your thoughts and the actionable tactics you create, use Noah Kagen’s quant-based marketing approach. As you document your approach and track the results using Noah’s template, you will be able to see which marketing tactics drive results and which don’t.

As you learn what works and what doesn’t you will to want to double down on the winners (top 80%) and replace the losers (bottom 20%) with new tactics and then repeat the process. Your goal of continuous growth for your startup must be matched with a drive for continuous learning and experimentation.



あなたが立ち上げを行う前から、あなたのチームは上記の情報を使って攻勢プランを練ってブレインストーミングをスムーズに行うようにすると良いだろう。あなたの考えや、実行できる戦略を構成するには、Noah Kagenの金融ベースのマーケティングアプローチを使うと良い。Noahのテンプレートを使ってあなたのアプローチを文書化してその結果を追跡すれば、どのマーケティング戦略が良い結果を出しどのマーケティング戦略が良い結果を出さないかがわかるだろう。


gloria 英語 → 日本語

many thanks for further order, now everthing is clear, I booked the 3 bindings - now we have 10 bindings 610.- Euro and shipping price 61.- Euro (91.- - 30.- Euro discount) = total 671.- Euro

I sent a checkout-link with afterbuy and payment Paypal, if the link does not work, you may use the eBay checkout, I changed the shipping price in eBay, so that the total is 671.- Euro. Alternate I sent you a request for the money with Papyal

I´ve fount some rare older alpin plate-bindungs in my depot, I like to make you an offer, today or at the bginning of the week I send you some photos and model informations

kind regards and have a nice weekend




