Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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gloria 英語 → 日本語

Hi, Yes it is a NYC World Of Disney 2006 hidden Mickey bear, as it has its sewn in tag and the t-shirt is attached to the bear's body at the back. I believe the World Of Disney store in NYC closed a few years ago.
Hi, I tried it to be sure---he can sit upright alone(he bends easily at the legs/waist) but I had to lean him forward a bit so he wouldn't fall backwards. He is fairly floppy (not like a jointed, firmly stuffed bear that would sit easily upright). I hope description helps somewhat =) He sits easily upright when something is behind him but will tend to flop if alone


こんにちは、確認のために試してみました---これは自力で座った姿勢をとることができます(脚と腰は簡単に曲げられます)が、仰向けに倒れないようにするにはやや前傾姿勢にしなければなりません。ほんとうに曲がりやすいです(ジョイント式のような感じではなく、しっかり中身が詰まったベアーで、簡単に座らせることができます)。この説明がお役に立てれば幸いです=) 背後になにかあると簡単に座らせられますが、ひとりでに姿勢が曲がる傾向にあります。

gloria 英語 → 日本語

Accompanying the quartet of EL34 valves, a pair of 12AU7 and 12AX7 valves performs pre-amp duties. By using common valves, it allows you to try different tubes ranging from Russian Military Spec to NOS Euro valves. Different branded tubes will of course result in different "voices" and it all comes back to Mr. Tan"s idea of letting the valves do the talking.

Constructed on an industrial strength chassis, Ming Da's MC34-A06 is built like a tank. Thick aluminium face plate, sturdy transformer cases and a beautifully painted body is what you get with this amplifier. And weigh in at 20kg the MC34-A06 is indeed a heavy weight fighter!



業務用の強度を持つシャシの上に較正されたMing DaのMC34-A06はタンクのように構成されています。分厚いアルミの表板、しっかりしたトランスフォーマーケースと美しく塗装されたボディがこのアンプにはあります。重量は20kg、MC34-A06はまさにヘビー級ファイターです!

gloria 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

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gloria 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

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gloria 英語 → 日本語

7.3 Control of Suit; Joinder; Expenses.
If either party wishes to commence a lawsuit to in accordance with Section 7.2, it shall bear all costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with such lawsuit, provided, however, that the non-suing party agrees to allow itself to be named as a party (individually or jointly) if reasonably necessary for jurisdictional purposes. The non-suing party shall use its best efforts to cooperate with the suing party in connection with such lawsuit and shall be responsible for the costs and expenses incurred by it and for those costs and expenses incurred by it at the reasonable request of the suing party with respect to such cooperation.


7.3 訴訟の管理;共同;費用。