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gloria 英語 → 日本語

Lisa Marino on RockYou’s Publishing Partners, Ad Platform Growth in Gourmet Ranch And Zoo World July 20th, 2011 №3

ISG: When do you expect to see RockYou’s first official publishing partners game release?

Marino: We haven’t announced any [partners] yet. We’re currently building the pipeline. We’ve got about eight to 10 that we’re looking at. We just started talking to developers in earnest about this opportunity about four weeks ago. Whenever you’re talking any sort of deal execution — whether it’s an acquisition or brand sales, it does generally take 90 days to work through it. So, we’re optimistic that we’ll have a game published probably late this year, maybe a little earlier. Our goal internally is Q4.


グルメ牧場とズー・ワールドでのRockYouの広告パートナー、Adプラットフォームの成長について、リサ・マリノが語る 2011年7月20日、No.3



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For us, this year was a big [release] year. We didn’t get any games out in 2010 which was somewhat challenging for our company… that’s an understatement. Because games are always late, we ended up with a lot of games coming at once. We didn’t intend for that to happen, but it’s [good] that it is happening because we’re able to build out the player network and the scale particularly in a demographic around 40-year-old moms this summer very aggressively. We’ve got Gourmet Ranch, Zoo World 2, we’ll have Cloudforest… and a fourth game that’s in that demographic, but not the same genre, that’s coming out in about October.

ISG: 40-year-old moms and it’s not about pets, huh? Does that mean it’s a puzzle game?




gloria 英語 → 日本語

As for social games specifics, EA did not break out revenues earned by Playfish or discuss upcoming social game releases out of the newly-acquired PopCap Games. Release dates for its upcoming games, The Sims Social and Risk: Factions, are still unspecified, but we know that Sims Social is currently in closed beta. EA CEO John Riccitiello previously said during the PopCap acquisitions call that the company would not detail release plans for upcoming social games for fear of ambush (where a rival company could release a competing game ahead of EA).


ソーシャルゲームの詳細については、EAはプレイフィッシュで稼いだ収益の明細を公表しなかったし、新規取得のポップキャップゲームからの今後のソーシャルゲームのリリースについての討議もしなかった。今後のゲームのリリース日は、シムス・ソーシャル・アンド・リスクによれば、派閥はまだ特定されていないが、シムス・ソーシャルが現在ベータ版を停止していることを私たちは知っている。EAのCEOのJohn Riccitielloは以前、ポップキャップの買収時に、同社は不意打ちのおそれから(ライバル会社がEAより先に似たような競合するゲームをリリーする可能性を心配して)、今後のソーシャルゲームのリリース計画の詳細を公表しないだろうと語っていた。

gloria 英語 → 日本語

It’s interesting to note that EA is splitting its social game development operations into pieces between internal studios. For example, The Sims Social was is designed by the internal Sims Studio “in collaboration” with Playfish while console tie-in social game Dragon Age Legends was developed by internal studio EA2D with no Playfish association. As EA is planning to bring more of its console franchises to Facebook in the form of social games, we wonder if certain internal studios will be expected to produce and run their own social games depending on their product, or if Playfish will eventually become the go-to studio for all EA brands looking for standalone social games.

