Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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gloria 英語 → 日本語

Analytically, there are also at least two drawbacks to the procedural definition.
First, it impedes classification because it fails to capture diverse forms of democratic
practice. Democratization waves have produced a striking variety of regimes, many
of which share important attributes but differ from each other and from democracies
in advanced industrial countries. The simple procedural minimum definition cannot
comfortably embrace all these possibilities. Second, this definition encourages
prioritizing easily observable dimensions of elections, and downplaying other
important attributes of democracy which are not covered in a definition that, most
notably, excludes what happens after the voting ends.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

The advantages are clear. Above all, it facilitates
measurement. But on the other hand, understanding democracy in a purely
procedural fashion is problematic because it neglects the content of democracy. It
does not answer the question of what democratic politics is, and instead focuses on
how we might get it. Though choosing leaders through certain methods is an essential
element of democracy, impeccable procedures do not guarantee democratic
governance. This point is especially important because democracy does not simply
denote majority rule, but instead is usually seen to be a congeries of institutions that
guarantees rule of law, separation of powers, protection of minorities, and protection
of civil liberties.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

Though many observers speak of democracy when they examine self-governance in
China, few of them have stopped to define the term. Because they seek to avoid courting controversy, as democracy is at root an ‘essentially contested concept’. Still, some efforts have been made by political theorists to standardize usage.many have taken Dahl’s definition of polyarchy as the first, most straightforward characterization of democracy. Following Dahl, they adopt a ‘procedural minimum’ understanding of democracy, which ‘presumes fully contested elections with full suffrage and the absence of massive fraud, combined with effective guarantees of civil liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and association’.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

But changes in the ‘exercise of power’ have not kept up with changes in the ‘access to power’.
This suggests that a purely procedural definition of democracy is problematic and that
democratization depends on the power configuration in which elected bodies are embedded.
When tracing the introduction of village elections, Shi highlighted the role of democratically committed midlevel officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs who employed an incremental approach that focused on extent first and quality later.
we re-examine the practice of self-governance and suggest that the working definition of democracy adopted by most observers, which underscores its procedural components, is incomplete.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

Dear yamahaya88102012,

I never received a response to the two messages I sent after the auction ended. I was completely ignored, and that was rude. Then when I received the item, it was not packed as it shows in the description in your auction. The item was simply wrapped in bubble wrap and put in a padded envelope. There was no shipping box to protect it from being sent overseas. The auction also states it is a "new" item. It was NOT new. it was in a worn box, that was open on both ends. That is NOT "new". I still want this item, even if it is not what I was expecting, but the fact of the matter is that as a seller, you did not follow through with what was shown and stated in your auction,




gloria 英語 → 日本語

The Type 99 monopods are not an item that I normally carry. I can order them for you, if you want. It would have to be a special order. I have to order 10 or more and cost will be $49 each to you (including your discount). I have had numerous problems with this item, not with the product, but with the buyers. Most buyers don't understand that you need the barrel band with the mounting lug to install this item. They don't read the description, which explains this, before making the purchase. When they realize they don't have the mounting lug on their rifle, they want to return the item. Additionally, some will have difficulty aligning the pin and screw in the lug.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

I have had this amp for several years and it has performed very well. I had to have one repair made to it a little over year ago. The power relay started acting up. He repaired the faulty relay, cleaned all the pots and switches and gave it thorough look over. He did one modification and that was jumpering the pre-out and main- in circuit internally. He explained that it was not a problem and the amplifier's sound would be improved and I could still hook up an additional amp if needed. I misplaced the factory jumpers when I had removed them to hook up an additional amp. The amp is in very good condition with no bubbling of the paint on the glass and the metal case is very good as well.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

Thanks for reaching out. I do appreciate it. Like I said, this will be the best way to conduct business since you are a big reseller and I'm sure you don't want to waste anytime on going back and forth when we can just hammer out the details with one email. If we can get to some type of common ground in that process, then I'll give you a special code to use on our special offer screen.

on the AA
These are basically priced to move already. Believe it or not, $475 is very close to my cost. If you got them for that price then you got them for a good deal. I can't do much with that. That's me being up front.

I can lower it to $229.99 which is basically break even for myself. That's for a quantity of 20



