レア★機動戦士ガンダム オリジナル複製原画 大河原邦男氏の直筆サイン入り「三井住友 ガンダムVISAカード」の景品「オリジナル複製原画」です。この商品の交換に必要なポイントは6000ポイント。1ポイント=クレジットカードで1000円の使用が必要なので、単純計算で600万円分の買い物をカードでしなければ手に入らない非常に貴重な景品です。商品は届いてから未開封の状態です。日本国内でもオークションに出品される事のない、非常に貴重な商品をこの機会に是非ご検討下さい。
Rare Opportunity** An original Mobile Suit Gundam autographed by Kunio Okawara san (邦男大河原), the Gundam's mechanical designer himself.Card holders of the Mitsui Sumitomo Gundam Visa card have the privilege to obtain this premium replica of the original product.In addition, the points required to exchange for this premium gift is 6000 points.That being since every 1000yen spent entitles you to 1 point. Therefore, to put it simply, customers would have to spend 6 million yen worth of shopping using the Mitsui Sumitomo Gundam Visa card in order to obtain this extremely valuable and rare replica.Upon delivery, the product will remain untouched in its pristine condition and in its original packaging.As this product is not available domestically in Japan even in auctions, this is an extremely rare and valuable opportunity which you should consider.