freckles 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
freckles 英語 → 日本語

●Dr. Upshaw, can you tell us what

●This case is an example of primary hepatic
lymphoma — a rare presentation of lymphoma
that mainly affects middle-aged or older men, such
as our patient.

●The CDC guidelines
also recommend allowing oral, opt-out consent
for HIV testing, rather than written, opt-in

●The rapid, point-of-care HIV test
can provide preliminary results in 20 minutes, during
the same clinical encounter, and has allowed
for expanded testing in emergency departments
and urgent care facilities.

●This patient is typical of many elderly patients
with complex medical issues that may culminate
in a presentation characterized by nonspecific
findings such as failure to thrive.




● CDCのガイドラインでは、書類署名を必要とするオプトイン同意よりも、口頭によるオプトアウト同意によるHIVテストを推奨している。



freckles 英語 → 日本語

●The diagnoses of esophageal
candidiasis and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma do not
guarantee that the patient has no other diagnoses.

●will you give us your impressions
at the time you saw this patient?

●Our thinking
was similar to that of Dr. Stone. We obtained written
informed consent from both the patient and
his family for antibody testing for HIV;

●We were also concerned about the possibility of additional opportunistic
infections. An induced sputum specimen
was positive for the presence of P. jiroveci,

●Fine-needle aspiration and core
biopsy of the liver were performed; small cores of
tissue and fluid for cytologic evaluation were obtained.

●Dr. Abramson, how did you manage
this patient’s lymphoma?





●私たちは、他のHIV関連日和見感染症の可能性を考えた。採取した喀痰の検査ではP. jiroveciが検知された。



freckles 英語 → 日本語

GAFRI selected Lincoln Investment, due to its high service standards and expertise in the qualified plans arena. “This action is consistent with GAFRI’s desire to refine its strategic focus on its core lines of business,” said GAFRI EVP. “We believe that current GAA reps will benefit from the independence that Lincoln can provide.”
Specifically, the agreement affirms that GAA will no longer provide retail brokerage services to independent registered representatives. However, GAFRI will continue to sell variable annuities through unaffiliated broker/dealers and operate GAA as an SEC registered broker/dealer and registered investment advisor to service its variable annuity and retirement plans businesses.


GAFRIがLincoln Investmentを選択した理由は、優れたサービスと適格退職年金の分野における豊富な知識と経験を所有するためである。「この動きはGAFRIの戦略焦点を事業の中核に置くという方針を基本としている。私たちは現在のGAA外務員が、Lincolnが提供できる独立系事業によって利益を得ることを確信している。」とGAFRI の執行副社長は述べている。

freckles 英語 → 日本語

Philadelphia bought Phoenix Life and Reassurance Co. of New York, a company that had no actual business on its books when it was sold, but allows Philadelphia Financial to market and sell its products in New York.
Philadelphia itself was formed in 1996, sold to the Phoenix in two parts until the Hartford-based insurer owned all of it in 2003, said Philadelphia Financial CEO and President John Hillman. On June 23, the company became independent with capital from its new majority owner, Tiptree Financial Partners, a diversified financial services holding company that is mostly owned by major financial institutions, including J.P.


Philadelphia社は、ニューヨークにあるPhoenix Life and Reassurance Co.社を買収した。同社は、被買収時には会計上の事業取引は行っていなかったが、これによって、Philadelphia Financial社が同社の製品のマーケティングと販売を行うことができるようになる。
Philadelphia社は1996年に設立され、ハートフォードに拠点を置く保険会社であるPhoenix社に2003年に完全に所有されるまで、2度にわたって分割買収が行われたとPhiladelphia Financial 社の最高経営責任者兼社長のJohn Hillmanが話している。同社は6月23日には新しい主要株主であるTiptree Financial Partners社からの資本によって独立した。Tiptree Financial Partners社は、J.P .を含む、大手の金融会社がその大半を所有する、多岐にわたる金融サービス事業を行っている。