Q;What is the exact condition of the watch regarding scratches on watch and leather strap ? Thanks A: There are some minor surface scratches to the watch face which can only really be seen when examining the watch closely. They certainly do not detract from the watch at all. The strap has the slight damage at the end which can be seen in the pic. The snap fasteners have some tarnish due to wear but again they donot detract from the watch
質問:時計の状態ですが、実際に、表面やストラップに傷とかがありますか?答え: 時計の表面に、小さい傷がいくつかあります。近くで良く見ないとわからない程度の傷です。これらは時計の価値を下げるものではありません。ストラップですが、写真にあるように、端に少し傷があります。ストラップの留め具は、使用している間に変色したと思われますが、時計表面の傷と同じように、時計の価値に影響するものではありません。
Can you please let me know if there is a crack on the watch case? I had look at your picture but could not figure out whether it just looked like there was a crack, because of reflection of light or there was indeed a crack. I am looking forward to your answer.
It is not for me, but for re-selling. I found myself in difficulty to make up my mind, while I was looking at your items. I think I had selected most of famous female jazz vocalists but if you have your recommendations or think that I might have missed something, would you kindly advise? I will be completing my selection by tomorrow. I assume that it is a lot work to check those items, I really appreciate you keep processing my orders. Thanks again, talk to you soon.
This piece is in MINT CONDITION with no chips, cracks or repairs showing no signs of wear delivering bright vibrant colors and a glossy finish. It stands 9" tall. The original box and pamphlet are included which are in very good condition with the exception of a fine split partially running down one corner of the box (see picture 10). The book value on this figurine is $270.00 but i will be starting it at a ridiculously low price with no reserve !!! Please excuse the glare from the overhead lighting seen in many of the pictures provided. I will be listing many different Lladro's from one individuals collection in the next few days and always offer combined shipping.
・ It handles detailed setting requirements, such as prohibiting use of duplicated letters and resembled words, and helps you to create a robust password easily.・ It allows you to register and manage newly created passwords as well as existing passwords.・ You can copy the created password onto past board or send it with email.
・ You can generate passwords that composed of 1-227 letters in preset or manual mood.・ You can easily generate WEP key and WPA key for a wi-fi setting, as well as 4 digits ID code. Its manual mood let you create a password composed of 1-127 letters using caps, small caps, numeric, symbols and hexadecimal number.・ It does not depend on availability of internet, as it operates off line.
Introducing the Azalea! Make a big statement in this succulent piece. An enormous 21mm x 15mm brilliant faceted teardrop strawberry quartz gemstone is the pendent which is below a 24K gold vermeil filigree bead cap. The whole necklace is composed of many rich chocolate baroque freshwater pearls and oval faceted strawberry quartz with 48 delicate mini 24K gold vermeil beads. The clasp is 14K gold filled.Make this an addition to your jewelry collection. Strawberry Quartz- Stimulates the heart energy center, filling ones total person with the feeling of love and with the euphoria of the true loving environment.
Azalea(アザレア)の紹介です。魅惑的なこの一品は、目にした人の心を捕らえて離しません。21mm x 15mmの大きな涙型のストロベリークォーツジェムストーンのペンダントは、24K レッドゴールドのフィリグリービーズのキャップで飾られています。ネックレスは、深みのあるバロック調の淡水真珠から成り、楕円形のファセットストロベリークォーツは、48個の華奢な24K レッドゴールドのビーズで飾られています。留め具は14Kゴールドコーティングされています。この一品を、あなたのジュエリーコレクションに加えてください。ストロベリークォーツは、活力の源である心臓を活性化すると言われます。身につけた方は、自らの愛を育み、また、周りにも愛に満ちた幸せな日々をもたらします。
This regal necklace showcases the organic beauty of this magnificent 26mm X 15mm enormous creamy freshwater baroque pearl that weighs 7.06 grams.All surrounded by 24k gold vermeil and on top of the pendent is a tiny creamy freshwater seed pearl. The pearls strung on the 14K gold filled chain are beautiful shades of Neapolitan (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry),I picked up these beauties on a trip to Santa Barbara. The necklace is adjustable as there are multiple 14K gold filled links that make it adjustable as well as a 14K gold filled clasp. I hope this necklace goes to a special lady as this is my new favorite piece. Pearl is the lustrous symbol of modesty, purity, peace, beauty, nobility and longevity.
この豪華なネックレスは、天然の美しさに満ち溢れた、豪華な26mm X 15mm、重さ7.06グラムのバロック調の大きな淡水真珠が特徴です。縁取りは24K製のレッドゴールドで、ペンダントの上部には、小さなクリーム色の淡水シードパールが付いています。真珠は14Kゴールドコーティングがされた、ネオポリタン(チョコレート、バニラ、ストロベリー)の美しい色合いのチェーンに付いています。サンタバーバラに旅行したときに見つけた品です。ネックレスには、14Kゴールドコーティングされた繋ぎ部分がいくつかあり、また留め具が付いてある、長さの調節が可能です。私のお気に入りの品なので、特別な貴女が手にしてくれることを望んでいます。真珠は、慎み深さ、清純、平和、美、高貴さ、および長寿の光り輝くシンボルです。
Can I ask you a question about shipment to Japan? Can you let me know incremental shipping cost per record? I would like records to be shipped in a batch of 5-10 or more. Would it be possible for you to store them for few days before they are shipped together? I surely will make payment within 6 hours for each bid that I win.
・ Adding half-size Kana conversion function・ Improved process to delete entire data
I am very interested in your records.I will be actively placing my bids on your records. I will make payment as soon as I win the bid but I was wondering if you can ship them in batch. How many days can you hold off shipment after me winning the bid? If I want them shipped in batch, do you have incremental shipping cost per 1 record? If so, can you tell me how much it will add?
・ Register xxxxxxxxx pass code with 4 digit numbers. For security reason, it is recommended to use different pass code from system pass code.・ Modify registered pass code.・ Set time interval between entering the pass code and receiving pass code request to re-enter. Auto-lock function can not be disabled due to security reason.・ Reset settings for generating password to default values.・ Association between pass code and pass bank will not revert to default.
In order to use the KeyBank, you must set pass code for xxxxxxxx. Please be noted that if you forget registered pass code, you will not be able to use the KeyBank. ・ You can register existing password using add new button in KeyBank tab.・ You can change title of the password at later stage, regardless it is registered from xxxxxxxx or added as new.・ Registered password can not be edited in order to prevent it from being renewed by incorrect operation.
KeyBank tab let you register and manage your existing password in KeyBank , as well as ones that you created with xxxxxxx. You can call the registered password when you need and then paste onto the paste board or send as email. In order to use the KeyBank, first you need to set your password for xxxxxx in setting tab. ・Settings that related to password creation will be reverted to default.・Associations between pass code and the KeyBank will not be reverted to default.
Aviva will decide the fate of businesses in 18 non-core countries over the next year, said Andrew Moss, chief executive, who declined to say if any specific unit would be sold.The UK-listed life and general insurance group revealed its strategic overhaul last November, saying it would focus on 12 core markets out of its current 30, choosing those that met certain scale or profitability requirements.However, Mr Moss said on Thursday that some of the smaller non-core markets could yet be promoted. “We say we are de-emphasising our presence in those 18 countries and you can expect some announcements on that over the next 6-12 months,” he said. “But one or two of those might come into our core list.”
Avivaが、来年度における18国の非中核市場での方針を決定する予定であると最高経営責任者のAndrew Mossは発表したが、特定のユニットが売却されるかどうかについては明言しなかった。英国株式市場に上場している一般保険会社であるAvivaは、昨年11月に戦略的な再生方針を発表した。これは現在の30カ国の市場の中から、一定の規模と利益を満たす12カ国の中核市場に焦点を置くということであった。しかしMoss氏は、木曜日に、これらの小規模の非中核市場でも、今後に中核市場に昇格する可能性があると述べた。彼は、「Avivaは、これらの18カ国における事業を縮小する予定であり、今後の6-12ヶ月の間に、何らかの発表を行う予定である。」「しかし、これらの国の中から1-2国は中核市場のリストに移行する可能性がある。」と述べた。
i need to know so i can complete the other by this weekend and ship by monday.i mean ship asap.. thought today was friday but just wednesday. if we can conclude today, i can ship asap
I hand-list about 80 new items a week, including plenty of jazz. I'd prefer if you'd settle up after a week or two, as I need to keep my inventory moving. If you buy a lot, we'll adjust the shipping rate so you'll pay only the exact cost plus $5.00 for materials.
yaM Labs, a Russian startup not to be confused with Yammer, has secured $500k from Foresight Ventures. The company has developed Cloud-based software to make meetings – both face-to-face and virtual – more efficient by enabling participants to collaborate on the planning, running, and execution of a meeting.The premise being that traditional offline tools make for a lot of wasted time because meetings lack focus and ‘memory’ – you have to be there to know what went down and even if you were, often the answer is not a lot or there at least exists no actual record. Shifting these tools to the Cloud – the yaM app runs completely in a web browser – and improving them along the way is supposed to help with this.
ロシアから台頭したyaM Labs(Yammerと混乱しないように)は、Foresight Venturesから50万ドルの投資を得ることに成功した。yaM Labsは、クラウドベースの会議作成ソフトウェアを開発した。このソフトウェアでは、会議参加者が、その計画、準備、さら実行段階において共同作業を行うことで、実際の会議またはバーチャル会議のどちらであっても、会議の効率化を図ることができる。既存のオフラインツールでは、会議の焦点が不明確で、その「記録」がなされないため、多大な時間を無駄に費やす可能性があるという問題を考えてみる。たとえば、会議で何が話し合われたのかを知るには、その場に居なければならないし、参加していたとしても、議論に対する回答は十分ではないうえに、少なくともそれらが記録として残されることは無い。yaMはプラウザ上で完全に実行できるソフトウェアであり、これらの既存のオフラインツールをクラウドに移行して改善することで、この問題が解決されると予想される。
“These are post-PC devices, that need to be even easier to use than a PC.”That was Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ closing remark as he left the stage having just announced the iPad 2 at an event today in San Francisco. And that comment really summed up the vibe of the entire event. When Jobs was on stage, he made it very clear over and over again that the iPad competition out there just doesn’t seem to get it.And the iPad 2 is really a bet directly related to that. Apple kicked things off by noting that the iPad 2 was about much more than “marginal improvements”, but the reality is that this is what many people writing about the event will see when they look at the iPad 2.
「これらはPCの後継となる装置であると同時に、使いやすさではPCを上回ることが必要です。」これはAppleのCEOであるスティーブ・ジョブ氏が、本日開催されたサンフランシスコのイベントでiPad 2を発表した後、壇上から去る前に述べた言葉である。このコメントがイベント全体の流れをまとめていたと言っても良いだろう。ジョブ氏は、壇上から、iPadの競争相手がそれに気づいていないことを何度も繰り返した。iPad 2は、この必要性に賭けて勝負した製品である。AppleはiPad 2が「マイナーな改善」をはるかに超えた新しい製品であることを強調することでこのイベントを開始した。しかし、実際のところ、イベントを記事にした記者たちがiPad 2を見たときに感じたのは、この改善点だけである。
Booklet highlighting the history of the fine English porcelain, explaination of processes, photos, illustrations, coloring, bibliography, glossary of terms and a selection of backstamps. Stapled binding is solid; text is unmarked. Front wrap has "free" written in black marker. Mild edgewear and shelf rub.