I received the bike. Could you make the flame size of item A smaller?We are obliged to have a red reflex board in Tokyo. We could prepare it but we would like to use your better design.We are thinking that item B is a important item, so please send it.We will deposit the money tomorrow.Will GST cost if we sell it in Japan?Our customers have been waiting, so pease contact us when to send the item.
寿司の握り方8ステップ<立て返し>(1) シャリを軽くまとめ人差し指と親指で軽く押さえます(2) 左手の親指で真ん中を軽く凹ませます。(3) 左手を広げシャリを手前に1回転させます。(4) 両サイドを右手の親指と人差し指でしめます。(5) 右手の人差し指と中指で上からおさえます。(6) 時計回りに180度回転させます。(7) 同じように右手の親指と人差し指で両サイドをしめます。(8) 右手の人差し指と中指で上からおさえて完成。
8 steps to make sushi <Tatekaeshi>(1) make a small rice ball and press it lightly with your forefinger and thumb.(2) make a small dent in the middle of that rice ball with your left thumb.(3) make that rice ball turn forward on your left palm.(4) press both side of that rice ball with your right thumb and forefinger.(5) press the rice ball from above with your right forefinger and middle finger.(6) turn the rice ball 180 degrees clockwise.(7) press both side of that rice ball with your right thumb and forefinger again.(8) press the rice ball from above with your right forefinger and middle finger and done!
I would appreciate if you settle it in your website.
There were few videos that I could hear his laughter. I often see A san and B san in such a situation.My photo folder has only my children's pictures. I am disappointed that I can't use that account any more, but I will continue to work with a new account.Who drew the picture that he uploaded on facebook?
Rusutsu resort is a large-scale resort area with various facilities such as a ski slope, a golf course, a tennis court, an amusement park, a swimming pool, a campsite, an Onsen, and a hotel.As the word, King of Resort in Hokkaido, Rusutsu is one of the most popular spot that you can enjoy the great nature and activities.Of all others, ski slope has the greatest number of gondolas and satisfactions in Japan! You will absolutely enjoy skiing and will satisfy with it!!Also, they have lots of seasonable activity programs such as rafting, kayak, and trekking. Both adults and children can enjoy here all year round , so we strongly recommend it in the family!
Why AWS is so crucial to the future of AmazonAmazon Web Services (AWS) demonstrated yet again today that it’s a powerhouse of a public cloud for companies’ applications to run on. But Amazon itself is also a heavy-duty user of the cloud, as executives pointed out on today’s conference call with investors. As the company’s cloud gets bigger and better, Amazon.com stands to gain.Think of AWS as a turbocharger for Amazon.com to use against e-commerce competitors, including, but not limited to, Walmart, Flipkart, eBay, and even newcomers like Jet.com.In hindsight, Amazon’s introduction of AWS — starting with the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) beta on August 24, 2006 — looks like a stroke of genius.
なぜ、AWSはアマゾンの未来にそれほど重要なのか。アマゾンウェブサービス(AWS)は、AWSは企業のアプリケーションを運用し続けるためのパブリッククラウドの原動力である、と今日またしても明らかに示した。アマゾン自体がそのクラウドの重要ユーザーであるが、重役たちは投資者たちを招いた今日のカンファレンスで指摘した。 企業向けクラウドが拡大すればするほど、アマゾンドットコムは利益を出し続けることが出来る。Walmart, Flipkart, eBay, 最近ではJet.comに限定こそはしないが、これらの電子商取引の競争相手に対抗して、ASWをアマゾンドットコムの使用するターボチャージャーとして捉えるのだ。今だからわかることだが、アマゾンのAWSの導入は、2006年8月24日のElastic Compute Cloud (EC2) beta から始まり、天才のひらめきのようだ。
Lesson 3: Stretch Goal = The Real Goal (Ask yourself: What if?)Whatever goal you set, people tend to come in just a little short or a little above the goal line – no matter what it is. When you create a stretch goal and get rid of the word stretch, the odds are better that you’ll achieve a greater outcome than if you set a lower, more “realistic” goal. I would have much rather fallen slightly short of $20 million than slightly beat $10 million.
レッスン3:目標は大きく=現実的な目標(「だとしたらどうか?」と自分自身に問いてみる)自分が設定した目標に、人はあれやこれやと口を挟みがちだが、それが何であれ気にすることはない。 大きな目標を掲げて、その大きなという言葉を抜いてみると達成する確率も高くなり、より低く設定した”現実的な”目標よりも大きな成果が得られるだろう。私はわずかに1千万ドルをたたき出すよりむしろずっと2千万ドルをわずかに達成出来ないほうがいい。
When you’re put in a pressure cooker — and your back is against the wall — you do things that you didn’t think possible. If the goal feels impossible, just remember to ask yourself: “What if?” You’ll do things you can’t and won’t do when you’re comfortable and enjoying the ride.
I would like to buy 2 of them if each costs 70$.If you enter your address in Japan when you check out, it will be erred.We hope you would deal with it.
I have just asked Japan Post.Since the package is in Italy, they won't be able to ask a post office in Italy about shipping.The only way is you contact an Italian Post to get tracking number and ask them to re-send it.
2014年10月に9枚目のオリジナルアルバム「GOLD SYMPHONY」をリリース。前作「Eighth Wonder」に引き続き、アルバム2作連続となるオリコンウィークリーチャート1位を記録。同年末には、5年連続となる「日本レコード大賞」優秀作品賞受賞、「NHK紅白歌合戦」出場。デビュー10周年Yearとなる2015年、4月~AAA初のアジアツアー「AAA ASIA TOUR 2015 -ATTACK ALL AROUND- Supported by KOJI」
They released their 9th Original Album 「GOLD SYMPHONY」 in October 2014. Secondary to a previous work 「Eight Wonder」, it recorded no. 1 on the Oricon Weeklychart successively.It will be their 10th anniversary of their debut in 2015,From April,AAA the first Asia tour 「AAA ASIA TOUR 2015 -ATTACK ALL AROUND- Supported by KOJI」
Thank you for your quick reply. I would like to purchase a couple of product A, but how many stocks are in?I would buy product A and B in haste, so please settle accounts with Paypal.Could you please send me the invoice?I appreciate that you offered me about product C. I want some of them so I will let you know soon.
Thank you for your inquiry about the items.We are afraid that we won't be able to retake pictures due to the item is in Amazon's warehouse.When the item have warehoused, we couldn't find any noticeable scratches or dirt.There is a little bit of trace which was rubbed against something out of box.If you wouldn't be satisfied with it, Amazon will pay you back.We'd appreciate it if you consider it.
Thank you for your email. We cancelled your order and your reserved payment. You have already bought 2 Msn Bag and 3 Runner Bag on our web shop. In this case we need to refer you to our distributor in Japan, Working Group Japan, purchase@jp.workingunit.com, +81 3-6277-6047, who can help you regarding shops and web shops in japan.
メールをいただきありがとうございます。商品とご予約金はキャンセル致しました。 既に弊社のサイトからMsn Bag2点とRunner Bag3点はご購入戴いております。 この場合、こちらのWorking Group Japan, purchase@jp.workingunit.com, +81 3-6277-6047日本の販売店にお客様お問い合わせをしていただく必要があり、日本での関連店舗やウェブショップのお役立ちができることと存じます。
The picture of Olivia made my family happy.She is really cute and beautiful. So lovely.Now, my kids are on their summer vacation, and having fun going to the swimming school and playing with their friends.We have been doing good.
Hello, we hope all is well with you.We would like to inform you about the product.We have already sent the good the other day, but has it arrived yet?Today, we checked our records and we found out that your name might have been omitted.Could we trouble you to tell the post office near by beforehand that your package with no names would arrive there?We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.If there is anything, do not hesitate to contact us.