Thank you for your inquiry.This item is a used item in very good order. There is almost no sallowness. We think this one is a quite good item and please consider purchasing.Thank you.
If the goods is shipped to the address in USA and then forwarded to Japan, the shipping charge will increase. Would you please ship it to Japan directly?Since I am not good at English, please contact me via emails.
I've got it.Then, please change the package with a white box from the next order.Today, I tried to measure the lighting time and found 4.5 hours of continuous lighting time from fully charged.Thank you for the item with splendid quality. After a trial selling, I'll make a large order.Please wait till then.
Thank you for very clear reply.- Same printed content on the package may cause complaint. Aren't there any packages without any printing?-Please send the editable data of the English instruction manual.We look forward to your return.
それによって徐々にJarden社のOrganizational cultureを浸透させていくことを進める。一方的にJarden社のOrganizational cultureを押し付けては反発が起きるので良くない。
According to it, we proceed gradually to penetrate jarden's Organizational culture. It is no good to push Jarden's Organization culture on a unilateral basis because it produces objection.
まず、Jarden社とMapa Spontex 社とOrganizational cultureのどこが共通しているのか、どこが違っているのかをすべて明確にすること。そしてOrganizational cultureの違っている部分を丁寧にMapa Spontex社の社員に教えて理解してもらうこと。また、Jarden社のマネージャーをMapa Spontexに配属させ、逆にMapa Spontexの一般社員をJardan社に配属させる。
First of all, clarify all points which are common and different betwenn the Organizational cultures of Jarden and Mapa Spontex. Then, explain the different points to Mapa Spontex's employees in a polite way and have them understood.Additionally, assign Jarden's managers to Mapa Spontex and vice versa assign Mapa Spontex's general employees to Jarden.
こんにちは、メッセージをありがとう>It usually takes about (39-65) days for your order arriveとの回答ですが、EMSを使っての発送でこんなに時間がかかるものなのでしょうか?トラッキングナンバーを調べてもまだ追跡することができません。EMSで発送していただいたのは間違いないでしょうか?
Hello, thank you for your message.You say, "it usually takes about (39-65) days for your order arrive".Does it take such a long time even though dispatching by EMS?I have checked the tracking number, but it is not available yet.Are you sure you have dispatched via EMS?
Thank you for your reply.I have been a buyer for about three years for my private online shopping, BUYMA.My line of business is lady's apparel of imported fashion brands. I have no real shop or my own shopping site.However, since I have warehouses in Japan and America, there is no problem for importing from America and also for storing goods.I'll pay by credit cards and receive goods at my warehouse in America.Even so, I would like to deal with you.Would you please give me your permission?
For your reference, BUYMA sells imported goods from abroad. Especially, celeb's favorite brands are very popular. it's possible to approach two million men and women who are interested in foreign goods (especially apparel).They are not seeking cheap commodities, but give great importance to brand value. Therefore, there is no price collapse like other shopping sites.I can strongly say, therefore, your commodities are most suitable to sell here.I would like you to consider my proposal. I am looking forward to hearing good news.
We will do buisness with you.We would like to make a transaction on the following items.----------Would you please let us know how to make the payment?If it's acceptable, we would like to use Paypal.
Thank you.I want to buy four items from the URL below.How much is the shipping charge?I wolud wait for your reply.
Thank you for your advice on arrival of the good.The certificate for the item is not available.However, the item is completely a real thing. Therefore, please put your mind at rest.Thank you.
Thank you for reply.Are you going to ship on the first Monday next month?Do you grasp what products are unsent?It's acceptable you send S200 for my all items instead of other models, if other models are unavailable for immediate shipping. If you agree, we'll inform of number of unit (8 pieces set, Wedge) to be shipped. What would you like? I look forward to your reply.
Hello,Thank you for your inquiry.Since this item includes a lithium ion battery, it is impossible to ship as its status quo.However, it is possible to ship by pre-installing the battery into the item.Therefore, we can ship to Vancouver if you agree we open the item to install the battery, even though this is a brand-new.Thank you for your consideration in advance.
It's been ages.Has your company name changed?What happened to Singapore IPO?Our business is in order.Would you please suggest any good business for us?
コトリ・メディアの宮島と申します。再度のお問い合わせをいただき、ありがとうございます。 「***」の本バージョン(ASIN: B001AAZ4GO)にDVDは付属していません。CDのみの17曲入りアルバム・バージョンです。
I am Miyajima of KOTORI Media. Thank you for your inquiry again.The book edition (ASIN: Boo1AAZ4GO) of [***] does not contain DVD. It's an album version of CD only with 17 tracks.
私が前払いをしたあと、契約者が仕事をしなかったなら返金はされますか?また、私は契約者に荷物を発送してほしいです。それで先にある程度の送料を契約者に支払いたいです。そして、送料がそれより低かった場合、契約者は差額を私に返金することができますか? バックパックを注文し、送られてきた商品をチェックしてUSPSで日本へ送る仕事です。条件は、アメリカに住んでいて、住所がアメリカのクレジットカードをもっていることです。商品代金と送料は先にお支払します。月に1~4回お願いします。
Can I get a refund in case the contractant does not work on it after I made a pre-payment? And I want to ask the contractant to ship.I want to make some pre-payment for shipping charge.If the actual shipping charge is less than my pre-payment, can I get a refund?The work is to order backpacks and check them when arrived, and to ship them to Japan via USPS. The contractant must live in USA and has an American credit card of which address is in USA. I will pay for the goods and shipping charge in advance. I would ask the contractant to do the work from one to four times a month.
×××様お世話になっております。 コトリ・メディアの宮島と申します。このたびは、「***」のお問い合わせをいただき、ありがとうございます。 ご質問についてですが、「***」は日本版でございます。台湾等の他国版ではございません。以上、お知らせします。ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお尋ねください。失礼いたします。
Dear xxx,Thank you for your patronage.This is Miyajima of KOTORI Media. Thank you for your inquiry on [***]. Regarding your inquiry, [***] is a Japanese version, not an other country's version like a Taiwanese version. Above is the answer for your inquiry. Pleae don't hesitate to ask us if you have any unclear matters.Good-bye,
Thank you for your reply.If we agree for the price, I would like to order 30 units.Therefore, would you let me know your price?Thank you for your help in advance.
こんにちは。わたしから「Body Pillow FREEZING NEW Satellizer Nude Anime Cosplay Cushion Licensed」を購入してくれてありがとう!商品を気に入ってくれていると本当にうれしいです。あなたFREEZINGのファンですか??他にどんな物に興味があるか教えて欲しいです。あなたと知り合えて本当に良かった。ありがとう!これからも仲良くしてください!
Hello, Thank you for buying “Body Pillow FREEZING NEW Satellizer Nude Anime Cosplay Cushion Licensed” from me.I am really glad if you are fond of the item.Are you a fan of FREEZING?I would like to know what something else you are interested in. It’s very wonderful to have got to know you. Thanks.I wish I would get along with you in the days ahead.