Instructions for Cancelling the OrderLog into B.From the order history record, please cancel the order or submit a return claim.The cancellation process is complete.P.S.As compensation for the trouble I have caused you, I am sending a gift certificate.Please feel free to use it.I would be grateful if you withdrew the claim.Wishing you the best,
They transform into warriors armed in "palette suits" that give them superhuman powers, and fight to protect humanity from the threat of Alone.Coming in spring 2013, this anime is the latest production of Kazuhiro Takamura, director of "Strike Witches," and is being met with great anticipation.Just from the design of the "palette suits" equipped by the main character Akane and her "Palette Team" (although some of them seem to excessively emphasize the ass)
For shoulder stiffness and painSilk and titanium shoulder supporterExtensive, crippling shoulder pain is tough.Easy-to-use shoulder supporterYou can use it with either shoulder.A shoulder supporter made especially with silk and titanium.Silk shoulder supporter usable in winter, summer, all seasons.Silk and titanium shoulder supporter
ぐらつくかかとをしっかり固定、歩行の衝撃を吸収シリコーン100%で、足になじむシリコーン補正サポーター「ヒールロッカー」 プロスポーツのテーピング理論を忠実に再現かかとの衝撃をやわらげ足底筋を刺激するパット部 かかとの衝撃を和らげ足底筋を心地よく刺激するパット部ヒールロッカーでかかと固定ゆるんだかかとO脚やX脚を予防、正しい歩行誘導で健康歩行をサポーヒールロッカー
Fix unsteady heels and absorb shock from walkingMade of 100% silicon, they adapt to your feetSilicon correction and support: Heel LockA return to the taping theory of pro sportsA piece that relieves shock to the heels and stimulates muscles in the solesA piece that relieves shock to the heels and pleasantly stimulates the muscles in the solesFix your ankles with Heel LockFor weak heelsProtects your legs and supports correct and healthy walkingHeel Lock
Reduce stress on your heels, and relieve pain in your legsSolbo "Heel Lock"Relieves heel painAbsorbs pressure on the heels, and reduces stress placed on the heels when walkingWith a mesh knit, it has good breathability and an excellent anti-bacterial, odor-resistant makeSolbo: Excellent shock absorbtion and anti-bacterial, odor-resistant materialThe "Heel Lock" feature stabilizes the ankleSolbo's "Heel Lock"
螺髪UBシャンプー・UBヘアパックシリーズご使用方法1. シャンプー 適量を手のひらに取り泡立ててから 髪になじませます。 頭皮をマッサージするように 洗いしっかりと流します。2. ヘアパック髪全体にゆきわたらせ、なじませます。くしなどを利用されますと毛先まで充分にのばすことができます。3.より効果的な方法としてタオルなどで髪全体を覆い蒸らします。約10分程度蒸らした後、ヘアパックを充分に洗い流します。
Spiral hair UB Shampoo: Instructions for use of the UB hair pack series1. ShampooTake the proper amount of shampoo and lather it in your hand, then rub evenly into the hair.Rinse thoroughly while massaging the scalp.2. Hair packApply completely throughout the hair.Using a comb, you can spread it properly to the tips of your hair.3. For more effective resultsCover your hair completely with a towel and let it steam.After leaving it for about ten minutes, rinse thoroughly.
4.タオルで水気をよくふき取り、 ドライヤーなどで しっかり乾かします。ブラック、ブラウンともに使用方法は同じです。「螺髪」ご使用にあたってのご注意次の方はご使用にならないでください1.染毛剤等で発疹・発赤・かゆみ等、かぶれの症状をおこしたことのある方。2.皮膚試験(パッチテスト)の結果、異常が生じた方。3.頭、顔、首筋に、はれもの・傷・皮膚病がある方。4.生理時、妊娠中または、妊娠している可能性のある方。5.出産後、病中、病後の回復期にある方、その他体に異常のある方。
4. Wipe off the moisture thoroughly with a towel, then use a dryer to dry your hair.The instructions for the black and brown are both the same.Warnings when using this productPlease do not use the product at the following times:1. When you have rash symptoms such as reddening or itchiness from hair dye.2.When you have abnormal results from the patch test.3. When there are swellings, injuries, or diseases on your head, face, or neck.4. When you are on your period, pregnant, or when there is a possiblity of pregnancy.5. After childbirth or illness, during illness, or at any other times where your body is unwell.
6.特異体質の方、腎臓病、血液疾患の既往症のある方。[ご使用上の注意] • ご使用前に必ず皮膚試験(パッチテスト)をしてください。• 特にアレルギーのある方など、ごくまれにかぶれることがあります。お肌に合わないときはご使用をおやめください。染毛剤でかぶれたことのある方は特に注意してください。• お肌、頭皮に傷・はれもの・湿疹等の異常がある時は、使用しないでください。
6. If you have a history of body abnormalities, kidney disease, or blood disease.Warnings When Following These InstructionsAlways take the patch test before using.Especially if you have allergies, there are rare cases of rash. If you experience skin irritation, stop using this product. Be careful especially if you have experienced irritation from hair dye.Do not use this product when you are experiencing injuries, swelling, or rashes on your skin or scalp.
• 使用中または使用後に異常が現れた時は使用を中止し、皮膚科専門医等へご相談ください。そのまま使用を続けると症状が悪化することがあります。• 汗やしずく等で本品が目に入るおそれがあります。また、顔・首筋等につかないようにご注意ください。万一、目に入った時は絶対にこすらないで、直ちに水または、ぬるま湯で15分以上よく洗い流し、すぐに眼科医の診療をお受けください。自分の判断で目薬等は使用しないでください。• ご使用時、まれにタオルに色がつく場合がありますのでご注意ください。
If any abnormal symptoms appear while or after using this product, stop use and consult a dermatologist. If you continue use, your symptoms may grow worse.There is a small chance this product may get in your eyes through sweat or water droplets. Be careful not to get it on your face or neck. If this does occur, do not scrub, and immediately rinse thoroughly in lukewarm or cold water, then see an eye doctor as soon as possible. Do not use eye drops or anything without consulting a doctor.When using this product, there have been rare cases where the color has stained the towel, so please be careful.
• 本品をご使用中に、ごくまれに手や爪等に色素が着色する場合がありますのでご注意ください。色素は数日後には落ちてしまいますので、ご安心ください。また、色素の着色がご心配な方はビニール手袋の着用をお勧めいたします。• 本品が衣服、床、じゅうたん、壁、洗面台、お風呂場にタイル等に付着すると落ちませんので、充分にご注意ください。ついた場合はすみやかに洗い流してください。時間が経ちますと、落ちにくくります。• 本品を頭髪以外に使用しないでください。
When using this product, there have been rare cases of pigment staining the hands or fingernails, so please be careful. The color will fade some days later, so don't worry. If you are worried about pigment stains, we recommend that you use a vinyl glove.If this product gets on clothing, bedding, carpet, walls, sinks, or bathtub tiles, it will not fade, so be especially careful. If it gets on any of these, quickly rinse it off. As time passes, it becomes difficult to get rid off.Do not use this product on anything other than the hair on your head.
• 顔そり、ヒゲそり直後は皮膚が細かく傷ついているおそれがあり、刺激等を受けやすくなりますのでご使用にならないでください。• 本品使用中前後1週間は、パーマは極力避けてください。髪を傷めたり、色落ちすることがあります。• トリートメント(ヘアパック)塗布時に、汗やしずく等で本品が目に入るおそれがあります。また、顔・首筋等につかないようご注意ください。[保管上の注意] • 乳幼児の手の届かないところに保管してください。
Immediately after shaving the face there may be small cuts on the skin and it becomes very sensitive, so please do not use this product at this time.One week before and after using this product, do not get a perm. It may damage and discolor your hair.When applying this treatment, there is a chance that the product may get in your eyes through sweat or water droplets. Be careful that it does not get on your face or neck.Storage WarningsPlease store out of reach of children.
• 高温、直射日光を避け、なるべく涼しいところに密栓して保管してください。• 劣化を避け、品質を保持するために、他の容器に入れ替えないでください。~皮膚試験(パッチテスト)の方法~ご使用の2日前(48時間前)には次の手順に従って、皮膚試験(パッチテスト)を行ってください。過去に何回も異常がなかった方でも体質の変化によりかぶれるようになる場合もありますので、必ず行ってください。
Keep away from high temperature and direct sunlight, and whenever possible store safely in a closed, cool area.In order to maintain product quality, do not store in other containers.Patch Test InstructionsTwo days (48 hours) before use, perform the patch test according to the following procedure.Even if you have never experienced abnormal results from this test before, please perform it every time as there are cases in which rashes have developed from changes in the body.
1. Thinly smear a nickel-sized portion of the product onto the inside of your arm, then let dry. (If the covered area has not dried after 30 minutes, wipe the area lightly with tissue paper.)2. Without touching the area, leave it for 48 hours. (Waiting the entire time is vital.)
3. During the test, make sure to check the area twice, both 30 minutes and 48 hours after application. If during application you experience rash, redness, itchiness, bubbling, sensitivity, or other skin abnormalities, do not rub and immediately rinse the area, and do not use the product. During the test, even before the 48 hours have passed, if you experience similar symptoms, immediately stop testing and rinse the affected area, and do not use the product.4. If no symptoms appear within 48 hours, feel free to use the product.
Correcting sagging in the breasts, back, and armpitsA bra that uses gauze for a feeling as light as airIt's important to correct early the sagging of the bust that comes with ageThe restorative "gauze touch" braHighly functional design3D support on the length and widthSpinal support gives you a thin profileLight and elasticEven though made of gauze, it has an elastic, flexible fitIt won't constrict youInstructions for use1. We recommend that you wear it from under the spread of the neckline2. Wear it so that the bust is inside the cups3. Put the flesh that falls in the armpits or under into the cupsExperts on the female body use this bra
Okita is the Shinsengumi's First Division Captain whose sword skill surpasses that of everyone else, and he has great respect for the Shinsengumi commander, Kondo Isami. As for Chizuru, even though there are times where her mean side can be seen, in the third and twelfth episodes there are scenes where Okita protects her. Those scenes are really cool, so I've watched them countless times! Also, in the eighth episode there is a scene where he tells her about his hairstyle.This scene is heartwarming, and Okita's appearance when he says "It's just between us?" is my favorite!Okita has a collection of fan magazines and character merchandise, so find your favorite goods!
Saito is the leader of the third division of the Shinsengumi, and his sword skill is about equal to Okita's. He's a quiet person and can make calm decisions but he also participates actively within the Shinsengumi.Because he is such a quiet person, at first glance he seems to have a cold personality, he worries about Chizuru and there are many scenes where he saves her; so really, he is a person with a kind personality. In episodes five and seven I think Saito's kindness is shown, so I really recommend watching those! Out of those, in episode seven the Saito who rarely smiles, for just a moment, smiles. While watching it I gave a sigh of relief, so I'd really like you to see it!Saito's goods include stationary illustrations that are really cool! I recommend them!
Chizuru was in Edo, but she is a girl who came to meet the Shinsengumi when she came to Kyoto to find her father. She is a kind girl who always worries about Shinsengumi affairs, and she's also a hardworking person.Chizuru normally dresses as a man, but in episode 8, in accordance with a suggestion from the people in the Shinsengumi she is made to wear a women-only kimono. I'd really like you to see the reactions of Heisuke, Shinpachi, and the others of the Shinsengumi when they see Chizuru's appearance in the woman's kimono!Because there are many fan magazines where she and the Shinsengumi are depicted, why don't you try looking for fan magazines of your favorite couple?
He is the vice-commander of the Shinsengumi, called "the Ogre Commander." Even though he unifies the Shinsengumi his is an extremely important existence.He is strict, but truthfully he is a master with a kind personality. For example, if you see the scenes in episode 3 and 4 where he acts thinking of Chizuru, I think you will understand that he has a kind personality.Also, in episode 8 he fights with Nagakura because he broke the rules, from Hijikata's words at that time the fact that he is thinking of Nagakura and everyone in the Shinsengumi is conveyed.There is character merchandise of Hijikata with cool illustrations, so you should check it out!