話題沸騰の新曲『Dance In The Rain』 デジタル•シングルとして、11/5(水)本日より 世界110カ国の iTunes® にて先行リリース開始! 日本国内は、好評につき期間限定スペシャルプライスOFF!!倖田來未「初のデジタル•シングル」はエモーショナルに歌い上げる“ダンス•バラード”!
The topic as a new song " Dance In The Rain " digital • Single, start today 11/ 5 (wed), preceding release started at iTunes® of 110 countries around the world ! In Japan, limited special price OFF sale by popularity !!KUMI KODA's " first digital • Single " is the emotionalAnd singing " dance • ballad "!
I have always taken care of you.I Contact the post office.But, it seems take time to research.Sorry for your inconvenience, but I think you can Get a faster answer better to contact customs stations.Current status is ordered and left the Customs Department of Japan.Please check the following status.
Thank you for your email regarding the knee brace you sold. I understand that the buyer opened a return because they wanted two of these and though that it was a pair, but it isn't. I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go as expected. I know how frustrating that can be. I would be happy to help you.At this point I would reach out to your buyer and let them know that the listing was only for one item and not two.This might help them with any confusion they have.You're listing does state that you do not accept returns so rather or not you want to accept the return at this point it up to you.
Before I emailed you I asked my post office here with the tracking number, and they said the package never arrived to this city of Laramie at all. I realized that I did not remember that part and I checked an old tracking number from one of your previous packages. My post office here in this city said that the package must arrive to THIS city of Laramie, before I can ask for it to be held. I have asked that all packages that are sent to be, are to be held and NOT returned unless I have specifically told them to return it. The lady worker here said that she cannot do anything about it, but we must wait for it to be returned and there could be a letter indicating why it was returned to you.
「Music Factory」12/12(金)六本木Mercedes-Benz Connectionで、行われたクリスマスパーティーの模様がオンエア!日時:12/13(土)17:00~17:54http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/musicfactory/2014/12/post-98.html
「Music Factory」12/12(금)롯본기Mercedes-Benz Connection에서、실시된 크리스마스파티의 상황이 온에어!일시:12/13(토)17:00~17:54http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/musicfactory/2014/12/post-98.html
■GYAO! MUSIC LIVE【タイトル】倖田來未「KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2010 〜UNIVERSE〜」【配信期間】2014年12月15日(月)0:00 〜 2014年12月21日(日)23:59【GYAO! MUSIC LIVE】http://gyao.yahoo.co.jp/music-live/player/weekly01/koudakumi
■GYAO! MUSIC LIVE【타이틀】코다쿠미 「KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2010 〜UNIVERSE〜」【배포기간】2014년12월15일(월)0:00 〜 2014년12월21일(일)23:59【GYAO! MUSIC LIVE】http://gyao.yahoo.co.jp/music-live/player/weekly01/koudakumi
■今後の予定Koda Kumi 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 supported by Mercedes-Benzhttp://rhythmzone.net/koda/live/tour.php?id=1000293
■차후 예정Koda Kumi 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 supported by Mercedes-Benzhttp://rhythmzone.net/koda/live/tour.php?id=1000293
「倖田來未 HAPPY BOX 2015」がmu-moショップにて12/19(金)より販売!!日頃mu-moショップをご利用いただいているお客様へ感謝の気持ちと共にお届けする、毎年恒例「HAPPY BOX」が、今年も12月19日(金)19:00~≪数量限定≫販売が決定!!気になる中身はお手元に届いてからのお楽しみ♪あの人気グッズや、もはや手に入らないレアなアイテムが入っていることも!?詳しくは特集ページをチェック☆
「코다쿠미 HAPPY BOX 2015」가 mu-mo샾에서 12/19(금)부터 판매!!늘mu-mo샾을 이용해주신 손님에게 감사드리는기분으로 보내드리는, 매년 향례「HAPPY BOX」가, 올해도 12월19일(금)19:00~≪수량한정≫판매가 결정!!궁금하신 내용물은 수중에 도착하면 기대해주세요♪인기상품이나, 좀처럼 손에 넣기 힘든 레어 아이템이 들어있을수도!?자세한 사항은 특집페이지에서 체크☆