About saying that I have received deposit in my Paypal account from e-check yesterday, I am sorry I have made a mistake.After asking Paypal, it is not deposited yet. It seems to take a few days more.I am sorry to keep you waiting, please wait for a while for the delivery of product.The item you are looking for is now in auction,however the price is 500USD (for buyout price) it is a more expensive than the current market price.
A frame from MARUI airsoft gunAlthough the frame is taken from a brand new product,the frame may have scratches when being taken off.Ikuhide KobayashiA Ukiyo-e painter that was active from 1887~1897Works include "Tokyo Nadokoro" Series and "Tetsudou Nishikie"Some of the labels are peeled off from the booksThere is stains over years and a little bit of stickinessThe supporting stick of Mothra from "Godzilla VS Mothra" is missingJapanese Art Swords magazine published by The Society of Preservation of Japanese Art SwordsAt the beginning of every volume there is an introduction of life-sized famous swordsThe content of the magazines is mostly Japanese, but for the introduction corner of famous swords, there is some introduction in English
Estimated delivery datesについの質問です。当社は米国各地の配送センターから商品を発送しています。よって、発送元として登録した住所と、実際に商品を発送する住所の違いが原因で、商品到着日がずれることがあり、困っています。この配送予定日について、Standard Shippingであれば7日後、Expeditedであれば3日後と、表示を固定することは可能でしょうか?当社のように発送元が複数あるセラーはこの問題にどのように対処すればよいのでしょうか?
Regarding some questions about estimated delivery dates, our company delivers products from our distribution centers all over USA,Because registered ship-from address is different from the actual ship-from address,we are having a problem that the products cannot arrive in buyers's hand at the same time.Regarding this estimated delivery date,for Standard Shipping it will take 7 days for the product to arrive;for Expedited Shipping it will take 3 days for the product to arrive,is it possible to fix the date of arrival?How will our company fix the problem if sellers are shipping from a series of different addresses?
商品ページのmake offerから金額交渉をお願いします。
Please negotiate the price by choosing "Make Offer" from the product webpage.
MOONrhythm zone通算40枚目となる倖田來未のシングルは4曲入りのマキシシングル「MOON」ABC・テレビ朝日系全国ネットドラマ「パズル」主題歌に決定したバラード「Moon Crying」ブラック・ アイド・ピーズ“ファーギー”とのコラボレーション曲「That Ain't Cool“PUSHIM(プシン)”作詞/作曲のラバーズ・レゲエ、他一曲と、国内外のビックアーティストを迎えての4曲入りマキシシングルです。
MOONrhythm zoneAs a maxi-single, "MOON" is the 40th single of Kumi Koda the indludes 4 songs: "Moon Crying", a ballad song as the theme song of ABC/ TV Asahi Nationwide TV drama Series "PUZZLE" ; "That Ain't Cool", a collaboration with Fergie from Black Eyed Peas ; Another collaboration with PUSHIM, Lyrics and Music by Lovers Reggae, and one more song. This is a 4 songs maxi single with multinational famous artists.
feelrhythm zone12週連続リリースシングル第6弾!しっとりとしたトラックと、英語と日本語で綴られるヴォーカルが絡み合う一曲。
feelrhythm zoneThe 6th Single from our 12 weeks consecutive single release campaign! A graceful melody with a harmony of English and Japanese vocal.
flowerrhythm zone「恋バナ」著者Yoshi自身が作詞を担当。倖田來未の力強さと優しさを兼ね備えた歌声とともに、全ての「恋する人達に捧げる」物語。
flowerrhythm zoneLyrics written by Yoshi, the writer of "Koi Bana". With the powerful yet gentle vocal of Kumi Koda, the song devotes to people who are now in love.
東方神起ファンクラブイベントが2014年11月に開催決定!!今年もファンクラブイベントの開催が決定いたしました! 今回は、横浜・大阪にて合計9公演開催!!Bigeastの皆さんと楽しい時間を過ごせるようなイベント内容を只今企画中です!お楽しみに♪♪【お申込み対象者】今回のチケット抽選予約のお申込み対象は、2014年7月9日(水)23時59分までに『Bigeast』年会費コースへご入会(=ご入金)、もしくは月額コースからアップグレード継続された方となります。
TOHOSHINKI Fan Club Event will be held in 2014 November!This year, fan club event will also be held!This time, events will be held in 9 places including Yokohama and Osaka!Activities are still being planned so that Bigeast members can have fun with TOHOSHINKI!Please wait for our updates!【Application】People who have paid Bigeast annual course fee by 2014/7/9 23:59, or those who have continued upgrade from monthly course, are applicable to join the lucky draw for ticket reservation.
■11月2日(日)/インテックス大阪 5号館1回目開場13:00/開演14:002回目開場17:00/開演18:00 ■11月3日(月)/インテックス大阪 5号館1回目開場13:00/開演14:002回目開場17:00/開演18:00 ■11月5日(水)/横浜アリーナ1回目開場13:30/開演14:302回目開場18:00/開演19:00■11月6日(木)/横浜アリーナ1回目開場13:30/開演14:302回目開場18:00/開演19:00
■11/2 (SUN)/INTEX OSAKA Hall 51st Performance Door Opens 13:00 / Performance starts 14:002nd Performance Door Opens17:00 / Performance starts18:00■11/3 (MON)/INTEX OSAKA Hall 51st Performance Door Opens13:00/Performance starts14:002nd Performance Door Opens17:00/Performance starts18:00■11/5 (WED)/Yokohama Arena 1st Performance Door Opens13:30/Performance starts14:302nd Performance Door Opens18:00/Performance starts19:00■11/6 (THUR)/Yokohama Arena 1st Performance Door Opens13:30/Performance starts14:302nd Performance Door Opens18:00/Performance starts19:00
出演 南真世、日下純ゲスト SOLIDEMO、ベリーグッドマン※観覧無料(雨天決行、荒天中止)http://www.k-mix.co.jp/topics/140721_shizunami.html?argType=3
表演嘉宾∶南真世、日下纯 嘉宾∶SOLIDEMO、BERRY GOODMAN 免费观赏(雨天照常举行,雷暴中止举行)http://www.k-mix.co.jp/topics/140721_shizunami.html?argType=3
a-nation island powered by inゼリー Asia Progress ~from a-nation~8/14 「a-nation island powered by inゼリー Asia Progress ~from a-nation~」日程:2014/8/14(木)開場16:00 / 開演17:00会場:東京・国立代々木競技場第一体育館
a-nation island powered by inゼリー Asia Progress ~from a-nation~8/14 「a-nation island powered by inゼリー Asia Progress ~from a-nation~」日期 : 2014/8/14(星期四)16:00 開場 / 17:00 開演會場: 東京國立代代木競技場第一體育館
※a-nation island 入場料込み。※再入場可。※3歳以上有料※お一人様1公演につき4枚までお申込可能です。※出演者変更に伴うチケット代金の払い戻しは出来かねますので、予めご了承下さい。※開場/開演時間は変更になる可能性があります。※抽選制での受付となります。先着順ではございませんので受付期間中にお申込みください。
※已包含a-nation island入場費用※可以再入場※三歲以上需要收費※每人每公演最多可購買4張入場券※出演者如有更改,門票恕不推換,敬請留意。※開場/開演時間可能有變,敬請留意。※因以抽籤形式售賣門票,沒有優先順序。
With a dramatic rise of Japanese yen after Plaza Accord in 1985 and the dramatic fall in price of petroleum in the following year, the consumption pattern of energy in Japan has changed. Rise of Japanese yen has changed Japanese economy to a domestic‐demand‐oriented economy, recession caused by strong yen has resulted in the decline of energy consumption. However, with housing and consumer durables has been expanded due to bubble economy from the late 80s, domestic energy consumption has actually increased. The increase in size and multi-functionalization in consumer electronics, and diffusion rate has risen. The number of possession of air conditioners has also hugely increased. Supply of power, hot‐water supply system and air conditioning has an obvious growth in the field of domestic energy consumption, while kitchen-use and heating system has a decreasing usage in the same field.
7/3(木)~7/6(日)の代々木公演4日間限定で、会場内に「LINE PLAY×浜崎あゆみ」の特別ムービーが流れる他、席置きの封入内にあるポストカードサイズのクーポンから、シリアルナンバーをLINE PLAY内、浜崎あゆみルームで入力すると、スペシャルアイテムが受け取れます!⇒クーポン有効期間:2014年7月3日~2014年7月31日何が当たるかは当日までのお楽しみに♪「LINE PLAY」http://play.line.naver.jp/
於7月3日至7月6日举行的代代木公演期间限定!会场内将会有「LINE PLAYx滨崎步」特别影片播放。放在座位上的信封内有优惠券,只要在LINE PLAY中的滨崎步房间内输入优惠券上的编码,就可以赢取特别奖品! ⇒优惠券有效期间∶ 2014年7月3日~2014年7月31日 敬请期待♪「LINE PLAY」 http://play.line.naver.jp/