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SOBA Liveプライバシーポリシー第1条(総則)株式会社SOBAプロジェクト(以下、弊社といいます。)では、以下の個人情報の保護に対する考え方に基づき、個人情報の取り扱いに厳重な注意を払っております。
SOBA Live privacy policyArticle 1 General ruleSOBA project company, limited (hereinafter called the company) shall handle private information with great care based on the policy of protecting private information.
"R11 9dot"が届きました。新品で購入しましたが、プレートに擦り傷があります。割引をお願いできますでしょうか。
I received "R11 9dot".I bought it as a brand new one but they have some scratch on its plate.Could you give me some discount?
I am writing to you because I would like help you with English-to-Japanese translation for your web site.I am enjoying playing games at your website.The games on your web site are quite popular in Japan as well.Many well-known game players are playing games there.Since you have been providing game instructions in Japanese, we are very happy about it. However those translated instructions are bit of funny and kind of broken Japanese.
I am wondering if I could help you with translation.If the instructions became better one in proper Japanese, I assume that people could enjoy your games more.I am glad if you could think about my offer. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
ドクタージョンソン様はじめまして。私は日本に住んでいる森 誠です。貴方の治療が受けたくてメールしました。38歳で、両目とも後部硝子体剥離が原因の飛蚊症です。視界の中心部が見えにくくなり、とてもつらい状態です。5月20日前後に渡米し、治療を受けたいと思っています。ご予定はいかがでしょうか?
Dear Dr. Johnson,Hello, my name is Makoto Mori, living in Japan.I am writing to you because I want to have a treatment from you.I am 38-year old and suffering from floaters from posterior vitreous detachment with both eyes.I have problem in my view, especially at around the center of the view. I can not see things well.If possible, I would like to fly to USA and see you around on May 20.May I ask what date would suit you best?
Please send me your URL so that I can confirm your portfolios.Please upload your portfolios in PDF. (PDF only)Please fill out your estimated hours and cost for designing one icon.Please enter the URL of a web site which you want to design.Please fill out your estimated hours and cost for designing a web site if we ask you to do so.
Students whose life style is going to drastically change in a new environment must be anxious.They tend to overestimate their own ability and feel blue.Counsel from a professional is suggested to those students.
最近一部のマネージャーに部下へのマネジメントについて話した事がある。秀でたマネージャーは絶対に部下をマネジメントする事ばかり考えない。 まず、己自身をマネジメントする事に秀でていると。これは地球の気候変動が太陽に左右されている事にも類似していると思うのだが。極端な例え話と思うならいつも東から昇る太陽は日常の事でしょ。
I have talked about management to some subordinates. A good manager should not think about only managing his subordinates.First of all, he must be good at management himself. I think this is like the weather on earth is controlled by movement of the sun. If you think this is a bit too extreme comparison, It is normal that the sun rises from the east.
According to tracking number, it was sen to Hong Kong.I will forward it to the address which I was told, please receive it. Thank you.
この間、注文していた"New Tour Issue Superfast 2.0 V2"が届きました。一つ教えてほしいのですが、今まであなたから購入したこのヘッドは、全てセカンドシリアルが"01xxxx"か"W1xxxx"のヘッドだったが、今回は"G1xxxx"でした。そこでセカンドシリアルが今までと変わっている理由を教えてくれませんか?"G1xxxx"はどういった場合にこのナンバーがつけられるのですか?あなたからの回答を待ってます。
I received my order, New Tour Issue Superfast 2.0 V2.Let me know why this time the second serial number is different from the previous ones.The second serial number of all heads I have purchased from you was either "01xxxx" or "W1xxxx".But this time it is "G1xxxx". Let me know what the serial number mean and why such number is given.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I am sorry to be late to send you a reply.I understood about the shipping cost.I want priority mail for you to send the package to me.Please send me the invoice with $7 as an additional charge.
Our motto is having trust from customers. We have been doing business based on that motto.We feel terribly sorry for having caused trouble to customers who purchased from us.
Sorry, I informed you of the wrong day of my visit.I will let you know when I visit your shop again later.Will you let me know what is good about making a reservation?
I sell electric appliance in Japan. Currently , the amount of my purchase is more than 70,000 dollars.I am going to open an online shop selling brand A's goods and others.I am looking for a new supplier.If you have a wide variety of brand A's goods and can sell me your goods, I would like to do business with you.I will buy a lot from you, so please give me a better price.Also I want you to ship items directly to Japan. I will pay you via PAYPAL.I want to purchase items as below.Please email me.
Today I received items in a bad condition.The container box are crushed, so they are unsalable.The box was not strong enough. I want a refund for four items of ten.Since the price is low, the shipping cost is higher than the price if I return them to you.That's why I am not going to return.I can send you photo showing the condition of package and items if you want.I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon.
iPhoneAPPSの開発でちょっと困っていることがあるので相談。誰かわかればアドバイスお願いします。開発環境:Titanium Mobile SDK 2.0.1対象デバイス:iPhone困っていること:複数のImageViewをリモートからロード&描画している時に画面が重くなる。(スクロールが鈍くなる)読み込みが終わると元に戻る。iOS SDKのLazyTableImagesがTitanium Mobileで実装できると解決できると思う。
I have problem with programming Phone APPS and I need your advice.Design environment:Titanium Mobile SDK 2.0.1Target device:iPhoneProblem:Display movement becomes slow when loading and displaying several image.When it completes reading all image, it get back to normal.I think I can solve this problem by mouting Lazy TableImages of iOS SDK with Titanium Mobile.
○○○, which I bought and paid through PAYAPL, has not arrived yet.Could you confirm the status of delivery?I have called ○○ many times but has not received any response from him. So I decided to email to you.Is this item a genuine product from a manufacturer?"SONY" is printed in black but one of my friends says that it is usually in golden color. Also a customer center in Japan told me that there is no number printed below the sticker.
返送料金についてお聞きしたいです。 こちらの商品は、当時アメリカの住所に送ってもらいました。現在は日本で使用しております。購入して1ヶ月経っていませんが、水が出にくい不具合が出ているので返品します。日本からアメリカの御社まで返品した場合は日本からの送料は負担してもらえるのでしょうか?
Will you let me know the shipping fee?I have had this item shipped to the address in US before.Now, I use the address in Japan.It has not been one month yet since I bought it.Warter is leaking out of it. I will return it.If I return it to you, do you pay for the shipping fee from Japan to US?
Hello,English is not my native language. My English writing may be a bit funny.I am **, a member of shop.In Japan there are many customers who have hard time shopping due to the language barrier.So, I want to help them buy at your store.I like to use photos posted on your web site to introduce your products to those people. May I use your photos? I believe that the photos will attract more customers to your shop.I am looking forward to hearing from you.