I hopeit is cooler and less humid there now.I still haven't figured out what is wrong with my omputer yet, but itworks okay for a little while after rebooting it. Hopefully it willgo back to normal soon. I just wanted to write something short to yousince the last time I wrote was two weeks ago and I didn't want a niceperson like you to wait too long. I have to get to sleep now. Haveto wake up for work in 4.5 hours. =(. Take care and talk to youlater.
もうそっちは、涼しくからっとした天気になってるんだろうね。ボクのコンピューターの不具合の原因がまだ分かってないんだ。でも、再起動した後しばらくは何とか動くようになった。あれから2週間も経っちゃって、君みたいないい奴に長いこと知らん顔したくなかったし、ちょっと一言メッセージを送りたかったんだ。もう寝ないとなんだ。4時間半後には起きて仕事に行かなくっちゃ。(- -;)じゃぁ、元気でね。また後で書くからね。
I have a question about the item I purchased at your store.Your catalogue says, " It's 1 pound and 98 feet."But, the label attached to the item says, " 92 feet "Could you answer which is right, please?Thank you for your apt reply in advance.
" The nuclear policy of major countries and the international order of the 21st century."With the current increasing momentum toward global nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation , and what's more , requested to review the nuclear policies in major countries, we intend to invite some distinguished, noted researchers of the field concerned from Japan and other countries at this conference.
Could you tell me the condition of the instrument? Does it sound smooth from a low tone to a high-pitched tone? Are there any dents or major scars? Any distortion in shape? Is kind of overhaul necessary? What is the serial number?
Thanks for being patient with me and my computer!
public facilities / community facilities
A person in charge of scribe uploads the total summary minutes onto the briefcase.
Class dismissed at noon today!
Because his ‘crazy talk’ was making me a little crazy too. Screen Hero is a hairy goat! He has no hope to win, none he said. I HAD THE MONEY IN MY HAND! In my paw. Please understand, I could have got 6/1 odds. $300 for $50 at least. A small fortune.I might have been rich this week. Money everywhere, but NO! Look at me now, please look. How unbelievably sad I HAD THE MONEY IN MY HAND!Scared me away, that’s what he did.“Hey, by the way, could you lend me a few coins….maybe ?”
だって、彼の熱に浮かされたような話し口にいつしか僕も頭に血がのぼってしまったようなんだ。「スクリーン・ヒーローは見せかけだけの駄馬なんだぞ。勝つ見込みなんてこれっぽちもありゃしない」って彼は言い張った。僕にはこのチャンスに賭ける元手があったというのに、この手の中に。わかりますよね。6倍もの配当を手にすることができたというのに。50ドルだって300ドルにもなるんですよ。ひと財産です。この週に僕は金持ちになっていたかもしれないのに。お金に埋もれるくらい。 ところがどうです、すっからかんのからっけつ!この僕を見て。よ〜く見てください。「僕にはひと財産つくるお金があった」なんてこの世のものとは思えない悲劇の結末です。思い出すだけでもゾッとする、あ〜〜忌々しい、あいつのやらかしたこと。「ところで、ねぇ、もしかしてちょっとばかり小銭を貸してくれません?」
It was because a bookmaker gave me some special information’. Last Sunday at my brothers house.We were talking about the big horse race, The Japan Cup.And he said ‘Screen Hero’ had a great chance. I HAD THE MONEY IN MY HAND!2. No joke, I had the cash and I had made a decision. But then some bad luck, I accidentally met Jim Smith. I have not forgiven him yet. He pulled my coat and said. ’Sreen Hero’?, really? Don’t be stupid. He could never win such a big race, Never!
あるノミ屋が僕にちょっとした秘密情報を流してくれたからなんだ。先週の日曜日に僕の兄弟の家でね。僕たちは「日本カップ」の大レースのことで話しが弾んでたんだ。そしたら、彼は "スクリーン・ヒーロー" が大穴だぞって教えてくれた。何と僕はそれに賭ける元手がたまたまあったんだ!2. うそじゃない。ちょうど掛け金が手元にあったから、迷うことなんかなかった。ところがどっこい、その時ジム・スミスに出くわしちゃったのが運の尽き。今でもあいつのことは許せない。あいつはいいネタ教えてやるって言い寄ってきた。「スクリーン・ヒーロー? マジで? バカ言うな。 あの馬がそんな大レースで勝つなんてあり得ないって、絶対に!」
you only get one of those in a lifetime.
Thanks for your attending here again.Now, let's start where we left off yesterday.The blue characters are meant to have been modified, corrected or closely looked over.Quite roughly, though.What do you think about this?
( proceeding script )Attention, everyone present here, some guidance information is being given before the conference.We'd like to explain how to use the simultaneous interpretation equipments installed at the front of your seats.
Please set a retractable rear spoiler to operate automatically in accord with velocity in Forza3.
Statistical materialsLecturing materialsMaterials for presentation
handling chargedocumentary arrangement
手数料書面契約 (翻訳文字数不足故追加)
株式会社 Green Valley 企画
Green Valley Planning Inc.
The reason there are few Japanese who have a speaking command of English
Are you thinking of visiting Japan?
if he is believed or not, I still should say that long beards are very very popular in his town.