縦長の映像作品は最近でこそ駅を中心に見かけることが増えてきていますが、技術的にはまだまだ新しく、配信サイトなどで販売するのは難しいのが現状です。今回のアルバム「WINTER of LOVE」は全形態スマプラサービス付きということもあり、なんとかスマホバージョンの映像配信を行えないかという想いが今回の結果につながりました!
We are seeing more and more people watching vertical videos in trains, but the technology is still new and it's hard to sell those videos online. However as the album "WINTER of LOVE" is packed will all kinds of smartphone bonuses, we were looking for a way to deliver the video to smartphones and came up with this!
文字通り、「WINTER of LOVE」を購入しなければ「On And On」の縦型バージョンのフルサイズミュージックビデオは見ることができないということになります。スマプラムービー特典映像には、「On And On」スマホバージョンに加え、360°見渡すことができる新感覚のミュージックビデオ「Dance In The Rain」も初収録となり、「WINTER of LOVE」はスマホでも楽しむことができるコンテンツが満載のアルバムになっています。
Of course you will not be able to see the full version of the vertical "On And On" music video if you do not purchase "WINTER of LOVE".In addition to smartphone version of "On And On" you will also get another smartphone video special: a revolutionary music video "Dance In The Rain", which allows you to look around in 360 degrees. "WINTER of LOVE" is full of content you can enjoy on your smartphone.
もちろん、「On And On」「Dance In The Rain」共に通常の横長のミュージックビデオも収録され、それぞれのバージョンを両方楽しむことも可能。従来のCDやDVDを通して楽しむだけに留まらない、購入した収録内容がそのままスマホでも楽しむことができるという今回のアルバム「WINTER of LOVE」。時代の流れに即して様々な場面で楽しむことができるこの作品を、是非手にしてみてくださいね!
Of course, "On And On" and "Dance In The Rain" are both also included in the traditional horizontal format, you can enjoy any version you want.The new album "WINTER of LOVE" can be enjoyed not just through its CD or DVD, all of the content you purchase will also be available on your smartphone. Definitely try out this work which follows the trends and can be enjoyed in many different ways.
※スマプラムービー特典映像は、AL+DVD (RZCD-86046/B)、AL+Blu-ray (RZCD-86047/B)のみ収録となります。 【YouTube】倖田來未 / 「On And On」 (for mobile) - short ver. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LALKiJ1IyP8
Special smartphone bonus video is available only in album versions that include DVD (RZCD-86046/B) or Blu-ray (RZCD-86047/B).Watch it at YouTube:KUMI KODA / "On And On" (for mobile) - short ver. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LALKiJ1IyP8
倖田來未 / Dance In The Rain -360°music video- (from New Album 「WINTER of LOVE」)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4QoqvBtbJY※本映像は椅子にお座りいただき、お手持ちのスマートフォン/タブレットを正面にお持ちいただいてから映像を再生し、前後左右様々な角度をごお楽しみいただくことを推奨します。
KUMI KODA / Dance In The Rain -360°music video- (from New Album "WINTER of LOVE")https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4QoqvBtbJY*We recommend that you sit down, hold the smartphone/tablet in front of you, then hit "Play". After that you'll be able to enjoy the movie from different angles.
So you did found out, lol.You really like gaufre, don't you, Olivia?I'm glad I've made that present. :)I like your hairstyle, it's really cute.
Thanks for contacting me. It's very unfortunate you didn't like the product, but I'm fine with a return. Please send the product to the following address. As soon as it arrives I will return the money through PayPal. I will not return the shipping cost. Sorry for that, but I ask for your understanding.
4/5g パッケージの4g割合を増やして欲しいとお客様からオーダーが来てます。現在は5gの割合が多いみたいです。バキュームパッケージについては今回あなたに回答するまでに時間がかかりますので、今回は通常パッケージであなたに注文します。着色料のバラツキについて改善するように添加物の会社に聞いてます。
There are orders from customers who order 4/5g packages and want them to have a higher ratio of 4g ones. It seems they currently have more 5g ones. As having you answer about vacuum packaging would take time, I'll order regular packaging this time. I will ask the additive production company to correct the food coloring issues.
Mortuary tablet and crystal hanging scroll are not included, but I will include 3 traditional Japanese paper hanging scrolls instead. These traditional Buddhism sets are twice as expensive, but I'll be giving them free. The tablets in the picture, unfortunately, are sold separately.Once again, I sincerely apologize.Please forgive the inconvenience I've caused.Please tell me which one from I to III you would like. Or tell me if you hope for something else.I'm waiting for a reply.
I must apologize to you.The altars are in stock, but the third Buddhism items set is sold out.I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.I would like to make up to you.What can I do for you? Please tell if you want me to:I. Return the full payment.II. Cancel the Buddhism items set, buy the altar. In that case I will return $200.III. Buy the altar and a different set. In that case I will send a traditional Japanese Buddhism set for the same price.
Thank you for the reply. Just as I said before, with ebay invoices the "send invoice" button disappears as soon as the buyer pays, and I cannot issue an invoice anymore. I asked ebay customer support about this, and they said their system only allows to issue invoices in case the buyer has not paid. So what do we do about it?
Thank you for the reply.You sound like a very busy person.I will try to reserve the order somehow.I am eagerly waiting for a reply.
キャンペーンでは最新アルバム「WINTER of LOVE」収録曲はもちろん、これまで発表してきた楽曲100曲以上が“PV映像&CDそのままのリアルサウンド”で歌えることができます。また、“歌う場所にもこだわりたい!”という人、倖田來未の大ファンという人には、是非今回のキャンペーンのメイン店舗、新橋SL広場前店へ足を向けてみてください!
At the Campaign Event you will not only be able to sing the songs from the newest album "WINTER of LOVE", but also over a hundred previously released songs which will be available with PV imagery and real CD sound.And if you're one of those people who care about where they sing or a big fan of KUMI KODA, definitely head to main site of the campaign event which is the store front at Shinbashi SL Square!
「WINTER of LOVE」をイメージしたコンセプトルームや大型ポスター、パネルなど、店内のいたるところで倖田來未仕様になっており、部屋に入った瞬間日常では味わえない空間へ来た気分が味わうことができます。この部屋で歌えば、いつも以上に歌がうまく歌えるかも!?特設サイトから予約をして是非遊びに行ってみてくださいね!さらにキャンペーン期間中は、ニューアルバム収録曲をイメージしたコラボドリンクを販売!
Everything — the big posters, the light panels, the store interior, the "WINTER of LOVE"-themed concept room — is as specified by KUMI KODA. You will be able to taste the outwordly feel the moment you step into the room. Who knows, maybe in this room you'll sing better than ever?!Book it at the site and definitely come to try it!We will also sell special collaboration drinks for the duration of the campaign, which are themed after the songs from the new album.
コラーゲンやヒアルロン酸、黒酢等が豊富に含まれた、美容を意識して制作されたスペシャルドリンク。1回の注文につきもれなくオリジナルコースターがプレゼントされるということなので、対象店舗へ行った際には是非注文してみてください。【倖田來未×カラオケの鉄人 大型コラボレーションキャンペーン】特設サイト:http://www.karatetsu.com/avex/koda2.shtml
The special drink is tailored for beauty and rich in collagen, hyaluronic acid, black vinegar and other ingredients.Every buyer gets an original drink mat as a present, so if you find yourself at a participating store that sells - definitely order them."KUMI KODA x Karaoke Steel Man large collaboration campaign"Campaign site: http://www.karatetsu.com/avex/koda2.shtml
J-WAVE「GROOVE LINE Z」1/20(水)16:30~20:00倖田來未がゲスト生出演!お楽しみに!番組HP : http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/grooveline/
J-WAVE "GROOVE LINE Z"20 Jan (Wednesday), 16:30 to 20:00Look forward to a guest live performance by KUMI KODA!Program Homepage: http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/grooveline/