I just opened my package and discovered the attached 4 picks were missing from the set.Of course I have no proof or reason for you to believe this, but it is so.Would be willing to purchase these missing picks from you so I can complete the set.Thank you for your consideration.The package was fully sealed and appeared secure. There was actually 6 picks missing, but I already had 2 of the missing picks in my collection. Now I only need the 4 pucks I sent you pictures of to complete the set. Thank you
・荷物の状況を常にオンラインで確認し、更新があった際にお客様に連絡する専門のスタッフを1人配置しました・Order Defect Rateを1%以下に維持するために、Account Healthを毎日チェックします・注文確定後は速やかに配送の対応をします・このような対策を実施した結果、Order Defect Rateの問題が再発する可能性は無いと確信しています・今後はお客様と御社にご迷惑をおかけしない事を最優先に業務を行ってまいります
We have a dedicated person who will constantly check the status of packages online and contact you when they are updated.We are going to check Account Health daily to keep Order Defect Rate below 1%.We will promptly arrange the delivery, after the order is confirmed.We are confident that there is no possibility that the Order Defect Rate problem will occur again as a result of these measures.We will do our business with the highest priority not to cause any inconvenience to our customers and your company.
Dear Ms. Sinem Aleda返信が遅くなり大変申し訳ありません。私の契約するサーバーのトラブルにより、私はあなたからの返信を受信できておらず返信が遅れました。同報メールに含まれている私の担当者より あなたから返信があったことを教えてもらい、メールを転送してもらいました。この件に関しての解決策を、非常に詳しくアドバイスをして下さり大変感謝しております。荷物をSHIPPERに返送する事と比べて、本件を最も早く解決出来るベストな選択を協議中ですので今暫くお待ち願います。
I am very sorry for the late reply.Due to a problem with the server I have contracted with, I have not received your reply and it has caused a delay.The person in charge included in the broadcast email let me know that you replied and forwarded the email.Thank you very much for giving me very detailed advice on how to resolve this matter.Please wait a little longer as we are discussing the best option to resolve this matter faster than returning the package to shipper.
I am sorry to say that we are currently unable to provide Japanese language support for the marketplace your selling account is registered in. Also, troubleshooting support is offered in English and if different, the primary language of the site in which your seller account is registered. We are sorry if this had caused inconvenience to you.However, you can very well submit your question in English by creating a new case and we will be glad to assist you further.To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.
大変申し訳ありませんが、現在、あなたの販売アカウントが登録されているマーケットプレイスは日本語サポートに対応しておりません。また、トラブルシューティングサポートは英語または販売アカウントが登録されているサイトの第一主要言語で提供されます 。 ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。しかしながら、貴方様はしっかりとした英語で新しい事案を提案、質問されておりますので今後さらなるサポートをさせていただきたく存じます。我々の継続的な改善を支援するため、下記のアンケートにご記入いただき、この案件に関するお客様の経験をお聞かせください。
I sent an email to xxx@yy to confirm about my order, but there is no reply from you.I also tried to access to your website, but I couldn't.So, I want to cansel it.
I have thought that the entire house chould be rent.I cancel a contract.