Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

In a glorious recipe posted to Food.com that has been making the rounds on Twitter, a frustrated cook offers a recipe for ice cubes, nothing that is may come in handy for “families who have members who don’t know how or have forgotten how to make ice when the ice tray is empty.” The rundown proceeds as expected-water, freezer-and it’s funny enough on its own: a passive-aggressive plea to refill trays that anyone can get behind.
But then the commenter get ahold of it, and the magic begins.
“This recipe is horrible!” declares Chef #1406275.”Maybe I should have left them in longer than two minutes (the recipe does not say how long to leave them in the freezer so I just kind of guessed) but mine came out all watery



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The organic market in Singapore began since early 1990s by health shops importing organic products for sale in their shops. These shops are specialty shops offering functional foods and foods supplements. Some of these shops are specialize in organic textiles and clothes made from organic cotton. In the last 4 - 5 years, supermarkets started to enter into organic markets, including large supermarket chains like NTUC FairPrice and Cold Storage. Currently, there are around 23 organic shops and 4 supermarket chains selling organic products. Also, some coffee shops and restaurants claim to offer organic menu but they seem not to be so successful.


シンガポールにおけるオーガニック市場は1990年代初頭に、店頭で輸入オーガニック製品を販売するヘルスショップという形で始まった。機能性食品や栄養補助食品を提供する専門店である。このような店の中にはオーガニックコットンで作られた繊維製品や衣料品を専門とするところもある。この4~5年、NTUC FairPriceやCold Storageなどの大型スーパーチェーンを含むスーパーがオーガニック市場に参入を始めた。現在、23のオーガニックショップと4つのスーパーのチェーンがオーガニック製品を販売している。また、コーヒーショップやレストランの中にもオーガニック食品のメニュを謳っている店もあるが、あまり成功していないようだ。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

A compact, affordable stereo compressor with a high-fidelity audio path and compression scheme.
A serious studio tool that easily competes with compressors five times its price.
Achieves such high performance at a low cost by using evolutionary advances in digital technology, coupled with the best analog has to offer.
Using digital controls and an all-analog signal path, the RNC offers accurate, precise controls and a clean tonal character. The RNC provides two modes of operation: normal and SuperNiceTM.
The RNC yields clean, airy compression with few artifacts and little high end loss, even at massive gain reduction.





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Pelican cases feature an exclusive 1/4" neoprene o-ring to guarantee a perfect seal. Neither dust nor water can penetrate this barrier. All Pelican cases are absolutely airtight. The exclusive built-in o-ring sealed pressure purge valve allows for quick equalization after changes in altitude or temperature. Larger cases are by special order only.
Designed with the professional or serious photographer in mind, these cases offer total protection against impact, vibration, and thermal shock for your camera or laptop. Padded adjustable interior compartments instead of pluck-n-fit foam and an ergonomic curved and padded shoulder straps allows you to sling it over your shoulder.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

5. Where are Weibo Users?

Weibo users are – as the above stats give a clue – scattered across China’s richer coastal areas and hi-tech manufacturing hubs. On the heat map, Guangdong stands out in red, with the most Weibo users of all, then Jiangsu province and Beijing municipality. All three provinces have a similar weight of middle-class and wealthy inhabitants, and its interesting that they share a strong Weibo user-base as well:

6. PCs, TVs, Mobile

Basically, this is what media Weibo users are interested in, compared with folks on Facebook or Twitter. Note the greater love for mobile usage in China:



上記の統計がヒントを与えているようにWeiboユーザーは中国の富裕層が暮らす海岸地域やハイテク製造拠点に点在している。色分け図で見ると、広東省は最も多くのWeiboユーザーがいて赤色が際立っており、次に江蘇地方、北京市が続いている。3都市すべての中流階級から富裕層の割合は似通っており、大きなWeibo ユーザーベースを共有していることは興味深い。

6. PC、テレビ、モバイル

基本的に、これは Facebook或いはTwitterのユーザーと比較して、Weiboのユーザーはどのようなメディアに関心を持っているかということだ。多くのユーザーが中国のモバイル利用を非常に好んでいることに注目してほしい。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

This keeps bandwidth used on your account low, and will allow faster loading of the images where they are linked out.

How can I access my originals?
There are two ways to download your original stored photos. The first option to download the image individually, which will you find under the option drop down tab, when viewing the image in full view. The second option is download the album, which will download all of the images in their original sizes.

Printing and your originals:
When you print a photo through our Partners at Lifepics, they will always use the original size image for your prints. You may contact them here if you have any questions about ordering prints.




当サイトのPartners at Lifepicsを通して写真を印刷する時、常に印刷用に元のサイズの画像を使うことができます。印刷の指示について何かわからないことがあれば、ここに連絡してください。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

To understand this, you need to understand what originals are, and how they are stored on our site. Your original photos are your photos in their original state when uploaded from your PC/Phone/Camera, without any resizing or compression done to them. Previous Pro account holders were able to upload their high resolution photos, and they would be stored on the site for accessing at any time, and their web-size copies created would be larger than allowed for the free users.

With your originals always stored for all users on Photobucket, you will always have those memories available to download and view whenever you'd like, in their original unaltered state.


これを理解するためには、元の写真が何なのか、当サイトにどのように保存されているのか理解しなくてはなりません。自分の元の写真はPC、携帯電話、カメラからアップロードされた時、サイズ変更や圧縮はされず元の状態にあります。以前のPro アカウント所有者は、高画質の写真をアップロードでき、いつでもアクセスするためにそれらの写真をウェブサイトに保存できていました。またアカウント保持者が作成したウェブサイズのコピーは無料ユーザーに許容されたサイズよりも大きくなっていました。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

In UNNI DROUGGE'S swedish novel JAG JAG JAG (Forum 1994, Månpocket 1995) there are stories about the making of this LP and her bringing a copy of it to Malcolm in London. There's also a piece about her giving Steve Jones a blowjob and staying upstairs at Denmark street.
The second version of the LP has the same kind of folded cover and the same yellow labels, but instead of the screen print it has two small purple rubber stamps on the front of the cover. SEX PISTOLZ and SEX PISTOL2. This has no song listing at all and there's no safety pin. This version is said to have been made in 500 copies but it's much harder to find than the first one, so I don't know? I've only ever seen my own copy of the second version.


スウェーデンの作家UNNI DROUGGEの小説「JAG JAG JAG」(Forum 1994, Månpocket 社1995)の中 には、このLP を作って、1部をロンドンのマルコムに届けるとういストーリーや、彼女がスティーブ・ジョーンズとフェラチオしてデンマーク通りのアパートの2階に滞在するという作品がある。
LPの第2版にも同じような廃版や同じイエローラベルがあるが、スクリーン印刷の代わりにこのカバーには2つの小さなパープルカラーのラバースタンプがついている。SEX PISTOLZ とSEX PISTOL2だ。これには収録曲の目録も安全装置ピンもついていない。このバージョンは500部作られたと言われているが、第1番よりさらに見つけるのが困難だ。わたしはこれまでに自分がもっている第2版しか見たことがない。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Novita tells me that a lot of electronic manufacturers are looking to tap into this female audience, as they are looking to infuse a fashion sense onto their gadgets. They gave an example of how Acer held a runway fashion show where the runway models used the laptops as a fashion item during the recent Clozette Daily launch.

It is not often that I find women tech entrepreneurs in Indonesia. But male-dominated e-commerce startups might want to consider partnering with a few ladies to treat the female audience a little better, since they have the most spending power!


Novita tells me that a lot of electronic manufacturers are looking to Novitaは多くの電機メーカーはこの女性オーディエンスをうまく活用しようとし、彼女らのファッションセンスをガジェットの中に吹き込もうとしていることを教えてくれた。彼らが例に挙げたのは、最近のClozette Daily のローンチの間、Acerがファッションショーを開き、その中でファッションショーのモデル達がラップトップをファッションアイテムとして使っていたことだった。
