※P. S.You order may be checked by Customs in a random manner. Please note that the product which we packed may be delivered unwrapped in such a case.
I checked the condition of the item before the bidding. You answered it was in perfect condition. The image in your home page does not show any chip in the tongue of the doll. Didn't the doll suffer the damage before its shipping?
コレクションに最適! 日本の伝統的な着物の布で手作りした刀袋!刀袋は貴重な刀剣を保管しておくための専用の袋です。日本では、刀袋もコレクションにおける美意識の一つで、着物に使われる上質な布が使われ、房紐で刀袋を結んで保管します。私たちの刀袋は、日本の刀文化を愛好するコレクターのためにサービスの一環として格安で販売していますので、細部の仕上がりに関してのクレームはご遠慮ください。刀袋をご購入された場合は、房紐の結び方のマニュアルを差し上げます大量注文の場合は私たちにメールください
Best for your collection! Hand-made sword bag(Katanabukuro) using Japanese traditional kimono material! Sword bag is a specific bag to keep your precious sword in.In Japan, sword bag is one of the aesthetic values in the collection. Fine cloth for kimono is used as material and keeps sword in lacing up with braided ropes(fusahimo). We sell our sword bag at a bargain price as part of the our service, so we ask for your kind understanding if you are not satisfied with its finish. We'll offer the manual of fusahimo knot to those who bought our sword bag. If you want to place a large order, please feel free to e-mail us.
私のメールアカウントのkotakaという名前は将来生まれてくる私の子供につけようと思ってる名前なんだよ:)僕の顔写真なんて恥ずかしいけど送るね(笑Skypeはは使ったことがないんだ。 Ben君とSkypeでテレビ電話したら会話が成り立たないだろうね(笑僕は英会話もドイツ語もできないから全てゼスチャーになってしまうだろうしね(笑Ben君は若いから勉強したらすぐに日本語なんて話せるようになるんだろうなぁ~
My e-mail account kotaka is the name which I want to give to my future kid:)It's embarrasing to give you a photo of my face, but anyway, I will send it to you lolI have never used Skype. If I used TV phone, I would not be able to build a conversation with you lolAs I can speak no English or German, I should communicate totally with gestures lolAs you are still young, I'm sure you will soon become fluent Japanese speaker.
I received the items. But the strage case on the third item image was not included. Please ship the strage case immediately. Please contact me once you have shipped it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.
Hello,Yesterday, I asked by e-mail to the customer service and they stated that I would be able to up the selling limit on April 15. I have a great stock and I steadily expand sales. I'd like to keep contributing e-bay. However, there's a limit and I can not sell high volume as I want. I would like to sell up to 1500 units, and $300,000.
We have to tell you discouraging news. We can not sell the items which we bought this time from you on account of the problems with copyright laws. We are extremely sorry, but could you please cancell these 10 products which we bought this time and give me a refund ?We will contact you again when we will be able to sell the them in Japan. We apologize for a great deal of inconvenience. Thank you for considering our request.
本来、バランスのとれたマローに敢えてバランスを崩すものを添加しないのです。三つの特徴1.生命の源 高純度マロー成分配合40年以上の研究から生まれたマロせー成分を一番肌の馴染みやすいバランスで配合。人間が本来持っている『自ら美しくなろうとする力』をサポート。2.厳選された植物成分マローと哀調の良い厳選された食別成分を配合(ローズマリー、オオバク、ダイズエキス)3.Wヒアルロン酸2種類のヒアルロンサ酸を配合。もっちりとするタイプと肌に留まりやすいタイプを独自比率で配合
Originally marrow is well balanced, so we do not put any additive to marrow which may break down its balance. Three caracteristics1. Contain highly-pure marrow extract, the essence of lifeWith the blend of Marrow extract,the product of more than 40 year's research conducted, in a fast-absorbing balance, it supports our own original power to be beautiful'.2. Well-selected botanical ingredientSome botanical ingredients(rosemary, plantain, soy bean extract) which go well with Marrow are blended.3. Double hyaluronic acidTwo types of hyaluronic acid are mixed. Sticky type hyaluronic and easy-permeating type hyaluronic are mixed at our own ratio.
This product is recommended to people:who worry about devitalized skin who want to keep the skin enriched and moisturizedwho want to firm the skinwho want to firm the skin around the eyes and mouthFour caracteristics1. The essence of life, marrow nutrient is blendedIt contains more than 60 types of nutrients, so you can feel its moisture retain ability.2. Revive your skinIt has a effect to accelerate metabolism and rejuvenate your skin.3. Give the skin rich and transparent feelingVCIP improves skin absorption ability and it makes your skin beautiful sinking deeply into the cells4. Improve the regeneration of keratose layer of the skin and the barrier function from fat It protects your skin from ultraviolet damage and improve the regeneration of keratose layer and the barrier function from fat
海外で支社を立ち上げをし、成功する為に。 私は、今年の9月にタイバンコクにおいて、支社立ち上げをする責任者(CEO)として、任命されました。 ある人はそれを島流しと言い、またある人は栄転と言います。 そこで、私がタイバンコクにおきまして、必ずや成功を収める為のプランについて、お話いたします。 まず最初に、私はまったく英語とタイ語ができません。なので、設立準備とあわせて、語学を勉強いたします。次に、現地にて、代理店開拓を実施します。
To launch a branch office overseas and succeedI was appointed person in chage (CEO) to start a branch office at Bangkok,Thailand in this September. Some persons call it a career setback and others call it a promotional transfer. So, I would like to talk about my plan to achieve a successful outcome. First of all, I can not speak English and Thai at all. So I will study these languages along with a preparation for establishment of the branch. Then, I will find business agents at the site.
タイバンコクにおいて、弊社サービスは、まったく0からのスタートの為、サービスパートナー及び顧客のネットワークがありません。そこで、現地に根付いている企業とアライアンスを組む事で、提携推進と顧客開拓を実施していきます。 次に、日々考え、臨機応変に対応する事です。日本と違う文化・生活習慣の為、何のニーズがあるか、現時点で分かっておりません。そこで、日々熟考し、臨機応変に対応する事により、必ずや受け入れてもらえるサービスを構築できると考えます。
As we begin our service in Bangkok,Thailand from zero, we do not have any service partner nor network of customers. So, by building an alliance with local established companies, we are going to promote the cooperation with them and seek for local distributors. In the second place, we need to reflect day by day and adapt to sudden changes in circumstances. On account of a difference in culture and lifestyle, we have not identified the needs at the present moment. So I feel certain that we will be able to establish a service to appeal to local customers by reflecting and adapting to sudden changes in circumstances.
最後に、ここにいる皆様のご支援を頂く事です。ぜひタイバンコクに支社を持つ、顧客のご紹介をお願い致します。 優秀な皆様のお力をぜひともお貸しくださいますよう、宜しくお願いいたします。最終的には、タイにおいて上場し、タイ国内では、誰でも知っている企業として存在し、●●グループに貢献できるよう頑張ります。皆様もタイにこられた際にはぜひご連絡ください。以上です。ご静聴ありがとうございました。
Finally, I need the support of all of you. I would like to ask you to introduce customers who have branches in Bangkok, Thailand. I ask for your kind support. We aim to be listed on the local stock market finally and exert a strong presence in Thailand so as to be able to contribute to ●● group. Please feel free to contact us when you visit Thailand. In closing,I would like to thank you all for listening so attentively.
半型15枚入×2 コンビニエンスストアなどでよく見かけるおにぎりに使われているのが、このタイプのフィルム海苔です。おにぎりを食べる直前に海苔を巻くので、パリパリとした食感を楽しめます。(海苔は湿気やすい食品です。開封後は袋のチャックをしっかりと閉じ、冷暗所で保存してください。)1回の食事でとりたいビタミンが1袋で補給できます。練習期の体調維持や試合前のコンディションづくりに、重要な役割を果たすビタミン。
15 sheets of half size seaweed(Nori) ×2It's this kind of Nori sheet that is used in Onigiri which you often see in convinience stores. As you wrap nori just before eating onigiri, you can enjoy crunchy texture.(Nori is a food easy to get wet. Please zip the bag firmly and store in a cool and dark space after opening)Just one bag provides you sufficient vitamin desirable to take in one meal. Vitamine which serves an important function to stay in good condition through training period and regulate your physical condition for a next match.
It's a nutrient indispensable for athletes in all seasons. I recommend it also for those who are not eating enough vegetables. A refreshing grapefruit taste. Charcoal moss in which preserved moss is placed. It provides a space for relaxation by making use of charcoal effect without getting dry and embrowned. *Direct sunlight and dust will cause damage and color fade-out. A cut edge of the charcoal made from sawtooth oak has even breaks like a chrysanthemum. For that reason, it's called chrysanthemum coal. It's beautiful coal used at tea ceremonies.
炭には脱臭効果があり、浄化を兼ねたお部屋のインテリアにも最適です。注意: 燃料や水の浄化用としてのご使用はおやめ下さい。食べ物ではありません。直射日光や日の明かりが強い場所に置くと、苔の変色が早くなります。*時期によりご用意できない種類もございます。
Charcoal has a deodorizing effect and will also serve as an interior item as well as air cleaning in your room. Note: Do not use it as fuel or water purification porpose. Do not eat. Exposing it to direct sunlight or strong sunlight stimulates discoloration process of the moss. *Some types of moss are not availabe according to a season.
マローの成分とその働き脂肪 80% リン脂質の含有量が高く、中でもスフィンゴミエリンは脳細胞の特殊な栄養素です。 タンパク質 11.5% 全ての細胞の主要構成成分です。 ミネラル 0.55% 全てのミネラルを含有していますが、特にカルシウム、マグネシウム、鉄分が多く、骨、血液の製造原料となります。 ビタミンA・D 粘膜の抵抗力・成長力を助けるのに欠くことのできないビタミンです。 ビタミンB1~B12 代謝ビタミンとして欠くことのできないビタミンです。
Components and functions of the marrowFat 80% It contains a high level of phospholipid. In particular sphingomyelin is atypica nutrient factor for brain cells.Protein 11.5% It is main constituent of all cells. Mineral 0.55% It contains all types of minerals. In particular, It is rich in calcium,magnesium and iron which become raw materials to builde bones and produce blood. Vitamin A,D They are vitamins indispensable to help the resistance force and vitality of the mucosaVitamin B1,B12 They are vitamins indispensable as metabolic vitamins.
コラーゲン・コンドロイチン 保湿作用があり、細胞結合組織に欠くことのできないものです。脳とマロー脳そのものの構成成分は、水分を除くと半分は脂質で、三割はたんぱく質です。たんぱく質の割合は他の体の部分と比べるとかなり少ないのです。つまり脳の特徴的成分は脂質であるといってもいいでしょう。脳の脂質は皮下脂肪のような〝アブラ〟とはちがって細胞や神経線維の内部にまで入りこんでいます。また皮下脂肪のような脂肪は体内でつくることが出来る飽和脂肪酸と呼ばれるものですが、
Collagen, chondroitinIt has moisturizing effect which is indispensable for connective tissues. Brain and marrowThe constituent elements of brain itself are 50% fat and 30% protein with the exception of water. The percentage of protein is much smaller compre to other part of human body. So, we could say that characteristic costituent of brain is fat. Brain's fat gains entrance into cells and nerve fibers different from fat under the skin.Fat under the skin is called saturated fatty acid which can be produced in the body,
Thank you for your quotation.Would you pease confirm the following points?・Is the shipping cost included in the price? ・Please let me know delivery method, release time and delivery time. ・Don't you have a package with gel? ・Can I pay by Paypal? ・Please send me the product maunal in pdf. format. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
A person who creats hanging scrolls( hyousou or mount pictures) is called Hyougu-shi or Kyouji. A hyougu-shi makes hanging scrolls with homemade starch paste and selected Japanese paper(Washi). To creat a hanging scroll, basically three-steps lining is necessary. Japanese paper(Washi) is used for Urauchi. Mino-shi(a type of Japanese paper created in Mino province) is used to attach a sheet of paper to an art work . Different types of Mino paper -thinner, medium, thicker- is used depend on the thickness of art work. An experienced hyougu-shi is capable of distinguishing a slight difference of thickess of a sheet of paper by touching it with his fingertips
The lining to the textile is the similar work to the lining to the artwork. To back up and equalize the thickness of an artwork and the textile, we back them by a Japanese paper called misu. This process is called So-ura. But we attach silk fabric called Uwamaki on the upper part. This part is directly touched by hands, so we use silk in place of paper that shows up hand marks and scuffing. Explaining these papers simply, Mino paper and Misu paper are used to back up, while Uda paper is used to prevent artworks from humidity and dryness.