Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Certain friends of Caesar supplied abundant funds, 1 which along with his own money he expended lavishly at the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris, in honour of the triumph of Caesar's arms
and of Venus Genetrix, the ancestress of the Julian house (July 20th to 30th).A new complication in Roman politics towards the end of July. The recrudescence of public disorder and the emergence of a Caesarian rival might well force Antonius back again to the policy which he had deserted by the legislation of June 1st - to a strengthening of the coalition of March 17th,and, more than that, to a firm pact with the Liberators.Brutus and Cassius published an edict conceived in fair terms,probably with honest intent, not merely to deceive;


Caesarの友人の中には多くの資金を提供した者がおり、自分自身の資金と共に Caesarは Caesar軍の勝利とCaesar家の先祖Venus Genetrixを祝うLudi Victoriae Caesaris(Caesarの勝利を祝う競技会)に惜しみなく金を使った(7月20日~30日)。ローマの政治は7月末にかけて新たに複雑な状況になった。治安の混乱の再燃とCaesarのライバルの台頭がAntoniusを再びその方策に立ち戻らせることになった。Antoniusは、3月17日の同盟を強化するため、さらに解放者との堅い約束のために、6月1日の法律制定により、すでにその方策を放棄していた。BrutusとCassiusは公正な条件が考えられた法令を布告したが、それは単なる欺きではなく、おそらく正直な意図からだったに違いない。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Ministry officials attributed the decline to the number of deaths exceeding births and a rise in the number of foreign residents who left Japan compared with those entering the nation because of the impact of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami and the economic slump.

People aged 65 or older accounted for a record 24.1 percent of the total population.

The number of people in this age bracket rose by 1.04 million to 30.79 million partly because many of those born in the baby-boom years of 1947 to 1949 have turned 65 years in a telling sign that measures such as increased social welfare spending must be addressed swiftly.

Meanwhile, the number of people 14 and younger fell to a record low of 13 percent.






3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

I do not have any Scotty Cameron products available or Taylormade graphic shafts. The Rescue Proto head that you are looking for are all sold out, but I do have one used 22* head like that if you are ok with one that is not brand new. I can order the Matrix 6X3 shaft for you as well, but it will not say "not for resale" like the ones that they give away on tour. The shafts that are offered through dealers are the same, but they put that on the tour issued shafts in order to stop them from

How about 1450 shipped for the three heads, 1 replacement and 2 new ones?

I can do 1400 for both. Plus I will send the other one. Or if you prefer I will just throw the new R1 9* in the box with the shafts. Let me know.




両方で1400にさせて頂くことができます。さらにもう1つ別のを送りましょう。あるいは箱入りでシャフトのついた新品の R1 9* だけを送った方がよければそうさせて頂きます。どうすればよいかお知らせください。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

・100% nylon oxford with durable polyester construction
Elasticized waist
Reinforced knees
Hook-and-loop closure at leg openings
Cargo side pocket for extra storage
The Coleman Chilko River Fishing Pants are designed to keep you comfortable and dry, even out in the elements. Made of 100% nylon oxford with durable polyester, the Chilko River Fishing Pants are built for a secure fit. An elasticized waist and hook-and-loop closures at the leg openings ensure that moisture stays out. Reinforced knees stand up to rugged use. And a convenient side cargo pocket offers extra storage.

・Elasticized back waist for added comfort
Polyester stretch mesh at back for breathability
Reinforced knee for increased durability




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

YKK vislon zippers throughout
Center front storm flap
Cargo side pocket
Acetal top release buckles
Adjustable suspender straps with convenient acetal side release buckles
Matching Jacket also available

・Rugged steel construction, Black granite finish withstands temperatures up to 300 degrees
Includes: 1 quart boiling pot with lid, 1 1/2 quart boiling pot with lid, 1 fry pan and 2 plastic cups
Durable non-stick finish makes cooking and clean up a breeze
Hand wash in mild soapy water, avoid metal scrubbers
Mesh carry bag for easy transportation

・8-oz. flask
Durable stainless steel construction
Attached lid won't get lost
Leather cover with stylish contrast stitching
Funnel included for easy filling






3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

They were chosen, as was traditional at Rome, from partisans. On June 5th, at the instigation of Antonius, the Senate appointed Brutus and Cassius to an extraordinary commission for the rest of the year: they were to superintend the collection of corn in the provinces of Sicily and Asia. Complimentary in appearance, the post was really an honorable pretext for exile. Brutus and Cassius were in doubts whether to accept. A family conference at Antium, presided over by Servilia, debated the question. Cassius was resentful and truculent, Brutus undecided. Servilia promised her influence to get the measure revoked. No other decision was taken. For the present, the Liberators remained in Italy, waiting on events.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

From the content of your email I understand that, you would like to why funds were deducted for the settlement period March 28, 2013 to April 11, 2013.

On reviewing your seller account I see that, $A was held reserve as your account was under review. Kindly note that, this amount was not debited. It was on hold until the review was complete.

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Also, $A along with the order payment 002-9544387-0708209 will be disbursed to you on April 25, 2013. Please click on the link below after logging on to your seller account to view the payments.



お客様のセラーアカウントを確認いたしましたところ、 お客様のアカウントは審査中であるため$Aは予備金として保留してあります。この金額は引き落とされていないことにご注意ください。これは審査が完了するまでの期間保留されます。


また,$Aは注文のお支払い002-9544387-0708209 と共に2013年4月25日に支払われます。決済をご覧になるには、お客様のセラーアカウントにログインした後、下記のリンクをクリックしてください。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

But Antonius proposed to exchange provinces, to give up Macedonia, while retaining the Balkan army, and receive as his consular province Gallia Cisalpina and Gallia Comata as well. Such was the Lex de permutatione provinciarum (June 1st). This manoeuvre might well alarm the moderates as well as extreme Republicans. They knew what the last extended command in Gaul had meant. Two other measures of a Caesarian and popular character were passed, a law permitting all ex-centurions, whether of the standing of Roman knights or not, to serve on juries, and another agrarian bill, of fairly wide terms of reference. More patronage: L. Antonius the tribune was to be president of a board of seven commissioners.


だがAntoniusは地方を交換してMacedoniaを断念する一方、Balkanの軍隊を保有して Gallia CisalpinaとGallia Comataを自分の執政官の地方として受け取ることを提案した。これがLex de permutatione provinciarum(地方交換法)(6月1日)だった。この術策には穏健派も超共和主義者も警戒しただろう。彼らはGaulにおける最後の延長された指揮が何を意味するか知っていた。Caesar派と人気者の他の2つの法案は通過し、法律は元百人隊長らがローマの騎士の身分を持っているか否かにかかわらず陪審員として働き、他の都市所有法案にかかわり、他の権限をもつことを許可していた。その他の地位への任命:護民官のL. Antoniusは7人委員会の委員長に任命された。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Please return items in the same condition received and make sure they are free from signs of wear or abuse such as belt-buckle or pick scratches, scuffs, dings or scrapes on the instrument or collateral materials. Use the original packaging and include all materials such as warranty cards, owner’s manuals, free gifts. Returns failing to meet these requirements may be subject to a return handling charge. Please take care in packing the item to avoid potential damage during shipment.

Once you receive the email, you can print the return label and tape it securely to the package. You can then either drop it off at a UPS location or give it to a UPS representative if they’re making another delivery at your house.




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Whether his insistence that Caesar be avenged and the murderers punished derives more from horror of the deed, traditional sense of the solidarity of the family, or resentment at the thwarting of his own legitimate aspirations is a question that concerns the ultimate nature of human character and the deepest springs of human action.Exorbitant ambition mated with political maturity is not enough to explain the ascension of Octavianus. A sceptic about all else, Caesar the Dictator had faith in his own star. The fortune of Caesar survived his fall. On no rational forecast of events would his adopted son have succeeded in playing off the Republican cause against the Caesarian leaders.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Robert Pattinson buys Kristen Stewart £30,000 gold pen for her birthday and asks her to move back in

Robert Pattinson surprised girlfriend Kristen Stewart with a very extravagant 23rd birthday present on Tuesday.

The actor, 26, is reported to have splashed out a massive £30,000 on a personalised fountain pen for Kristen, who already has stylish collection.

'Rob decided to go big for her birthday this year and bought her a limited edition white gold Tibaldi Bentley Crewe fountain pen,' says a source.

'He had her name specially engraved on it with the year and wording: "From R". There are only 40 of these pens in the world, so it's a real collector's item.


Robert PattinsonはKristen Stewartの誕生日に3万ポンドのゴールドのペンを送り、彼女に戻って来てほしいと頼みました。

Robert Pattinsonは、火曜日、ガールフレンドのKristen Stewartの23回目の誕生日にこの上なく贅沢なプレゼントをして彼女を驚かせました。


「Robは今年の彼女の誕生日には奮発しようと決めて、限定版の白金のTibaldi Bentley Creweの万年筆を彼女に買った」と消息筋は伝えています。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

I can do the R1 heads but the best I can do on them right now is 750, the quantity has really been limited the past few weeks and I havent had any myself until today...

I can't lower the price much on these heads now. The best that I can do is $225 per head.

We are selling tons of PXI and Project X Flighted 95 shafts. They are moving well along with Dynamic Gold Spinner wedges.
$160 per set they sell for $312
DG Spinners $9.50 sell for $19
I can ship 10 sets at a time USPS for $75 which takes about 10 days and Fedex for $145 takes 3-5 days

Please hit the buy it now on the items you need.

Once I receive them I will take a picture and send you the information you are requesting.
Thank you


R1 ヘッドは今のところ750にするkとおが出来ます。ここ数週間、数量が限られており、今日までにこちらに入荷がありません。



必要な商品のbuy it now (今すぐ購入)ボタンをクリックしてください。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

On my website we sell it cheap due to constant movement on other sellers in the uk market,

We have very big problem here with undercutting of price from smaller retail

We have a shop in fulham/Chelsea and why we keep the brand is as the manufacturer wants a store presence in the area, so my web pricing is always open to mistakes but look any way,

I have attached a price list with rrp and my price to you without vat as per your request, my base margin with full rrp is rougly 35% on cast iron, 37% on china, 41% on accessories,

This is there overall margin calculations if I sell one of each line in the catorgories which never happens in real life.





推奨小売価格の価格表と、ご要望通りVATを含まないあなたへの価格を添付しました。推奨小売価格の私の基本的利益は鋳鉄で 約35%、瀬戸物で37%、アクセサリーで41%です。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

So what I have done is taken max 7% to 5% margin on wholesale to you, hence you should get at least 25-30% on your retail
But as it’s a luxury brand there you might be able to get more as I will be able to give you the newest uk colours which might not be available straight away in japan.

You can email me anytime I will look to reply

Now from this I am guessing we will look at pallet rates sent to japan so it can be on weight and qty,

Look at pricing and let me know what you think today

I don’t want to waste your time and I want to be open honest and fast, so please excuse my hurried tone.







3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The custom of prefixing or appending to historical narratives an estimate of the character and personality of the principal agent is of doubtful advantage at the best of times it either imparts a specious unity to the action or permits apology or condemnation on moral and emotional grounds. All conventions are baffled and defied by Caesar's heir. Not for nothing that the ruler of Rome made use of a signet ring with a sphinx engraved, The revolutionary adventurer eludes grasp and definition no less than the mature statesman. For the early years, a sore lack everywhere of personal, authentic and contemporary testimony, a perpetual hazard in estimating the change and development between youth and middle age.


歴史物語の最盛期に主役の性格や個性に対する評価を前置きしたり付け加えたりする慣習は、行動に上辺だけの一貫性を与えるにせよ、道徳的立場、情緒的理由から謝罪や非難を許すにせよ、その効果は疑わしい。全ての慣習は Caesarの後継者により挫折し、否定される。そのローマの統治者がスフィンクスが刻まれた印章指輪を利用したというわけではない。その革命の野心家は円熟した政治家に劣らず理解と定義を避ける。初期の時代には、どの場所においても個人的な、本物の同時代の証言が決定的に欠如し、青年期と中年期の間の変化と成長を評価することには永遠の危険がつきまとう。