Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

From dealing with D. Brutus, however, Antonius was impeded by no doubts of his own, by no disloyalty among his troops.With Antonius out of the way a Republican faction, relying on the support of anomalous allies and illicit armies, attempted to seize power in the city. From his father Philippus inherited comfortable tastes, a disposition towards political neutrality and a fair measure of guile. His father, L. Marcius Philippus , was an astute politician. In politics the son was able to enjoy support from Pompeius and Caesar, as witness his proconsulate of Syria, marriage to Atia and consulate: yet he gave his daughter Marcia for wife to Cato. Philippus was a wealthy man.


しかしD. Brutusに関してAntoniusは明らかに彼自身によって、彼の軍隊の中の不忠実のなさによって妨げられていた。 Antoniusが遠方にいる間に共和主義者の一派は匿名の協力者や不義の軍隊の支持を頼みにして市内の権力を掌握しようと試みていた。 Philippusは父親から安定した嗜好、政治的中立に対する気質、狡猾さに対する公平な評価基準を受け継いでいた。父親のL. Marcius Philippusは抜け目のない政治家だった。政治に関して、息子はシリアの地方総督の立会人として PompeiusとCaesarからの支持、Atiaとの結婚、領事職を享受した。さらに娘のMarciaをCatoの嫁にやった。 Philippusは非常に裕福な男だった。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Later, a dark episode- Antonius arrested certain of the veteran soldiersTo remove a rival was to remove a potential ally. However it was, Antonius took alarm. Rome was becoming untenable. If he lingered until the expiration of his consular year, he was lost.Then Plancus would raise no difficulties about Comata. His enemies might win the provincial armies.Turning to the person and family of the revolutionary, he invoked both the traditional charges of unnatural vice with which the most blameless of Roman politicians, whatever his age or party, must expect to find himself assailed, and the traditional contempt which the Roman noble visited upon the family and extraction of respectable municipal men.


後の暗いエピソード。Antoniusは何人かの古参兵を逮捕した。競争相手を除くことは潜在的な支持者を除くことだった。 そうであってもAntonius は不安を感じた。ローマは維持が困難になっていた。執政官の任期が切れるまでぐずぐす居座っていては、彼はその地位を失ってしまう。そうすれば Plancusは何の苦労もなくComataの包囲を解いてしまうだろう。彼の敵は属州の軍隊を獲得するに違いない。この革命家の人と家族に目を向ければ、年齢や派閥に関係なく、最も潔白なローマの政治家らが、非難されることになる不自然な悪習という伝統的罪と、ローマの貴族が家族や有徳の地方自治を司る者を訪ねるという伝統的な侮辱罪の双方を彼は引き起こした。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

To Antonius, no grounds for satisfaction. Alert and resilient among the visible risks of march and battle, he had no talent for slow intrigue, no taste for postponed revenge. Though able beyond expectation as a politician, he now became bewildered, impatient and tactless. His relations with Octavianus did not improve. Neither trusted the other. To counter that danger and outbid his rival the consul went farther with his Caesarian and popular policy. the stand made by the two consulars, though negative, irresolute and not followed by action of any kind, was certainly a check to Antonius, revealing the insecurity of his position.His enemies let loose upon him a tribune, Ti. Cannutius by name.


Antoniusにとって満足する理由はどこにも見当たらなかった。行軍と戦いの目に見える危険に警戒し回復力をもっていた彼は速度の遅い陰謀に対する才能もお預けになった仇討ちに対する好みもなかった。政治家としての予想以上の能力にもかかわらず。彼は今は当惑し、性急で機転が利かなくなっていた。 Octavianus との関係は好転せずもう1人とも信頼しなかった。その危険に反撃し競争相手と競り合うためにこの執政官はCaesar派と大衆向けの政策を推し進めた。2人の執政官によって支持された立場は否定的、優柔不断でいかなる行動も伴わなかったが、 Antoniusの立場の不安定さを示しており、 Antoniusの判断材料になったに違いない。彼の敵はTi. Cannutius という名の護民官を自由にさせた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Another eminent Roman could furnish a text in the school of politics. The failure of Cicero as a statesman showed the need for courage and constancy in all the paths of duplicity. A change of front in politics is not disastrous unless caused by delusion or indecision. The calculation was hazardous but not hopeless, certain moderates and Republicans might be lured and captured by the genial idea of employing the name of Caesar and the arms of Octavianus to subvert the domination of Antonius, and so destroy the Caesarian party, first Antonius, then Octavianus. But before such respectable elements could venture openly to advocate sedition, violence and civil war, Octavianus would have to take the lead and act.


別の著名なローマ人は政策学校にある文章を提供することができた。 Ciceroの一流の政治家としての失敗は、二枚舌のあらゆる道のりの中で勇気と志操堅固が必要であったことを示していた。政争において戦線の変更は、それが欺きや優柔不断によって行なわれたのでない限りは破滅的なものではない。打算は危険だったが見込みがなかったわけではない。穏健派や共和主義者の中には、Antoniusの支配を覆し Antonius、続いてOctavianusというようにCaesar派を倒すために、 Caesarの名前とOctavianusの軍隊を利用するというすばらしい考えに魅せられた者がいたに違いあるまい。だが、反乱、暴力、内戦を支持するそのような尊敬すべき原理が危険を冒して堂々と試みられる以前に、Octavianusは主導権を握り行動したことだろう。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Hi yamahaya88102012,

Thank you for resolving your recent eBay Buyer Protection case (5025586635) in the Resolution Center. We know that sometimes there are problems with a sale, and we're happy that you were able to resolve the case with your buyer.

We encourage buyers to buy on eBay with the same confidence, assured satisfaction, and quick response that they expect from a trusted retailer. And we want you to know that we value sellers like you who provide outstanding customer service.

Going forward, here is an overview of eBay Seller Protection, some best practices on avoiding future claims, and what the Buyer Protection Process means for sellers.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and



問題解決センターの最近のeBay Buyer Protection case(5025586635) を解決して頂き有難うございました。時として販売には問題が起こることは弊社も承知しており、購入者との間でこの件が解決いたしましたことは幸いです。


さて、こちらはeBay Seller Protectionについての概要で、将来起こり得るクレイムを避けるためのいくつかの成功事例とBuyer Protection Processのセラーにとっての意味が記されております。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

4.Press the power button on your BabyPlus® unit until the LCD reads “01.” Do not worry
that the sound is too loud or soft – it is designed to be delivered at the correct, safe
level. The BabyPlus® unit will automatically turn off after one hour.
5. Begin by playing lesson “01” twice a day for an hour each time. We recommend an
hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon or evening. Try to use BabyPlus® at
approximately the same time each day.

6. To determine the number of days each lesson should be played, simply divide the
number of days remaining in your pregnancy by 16. The result is the number of days
each lesson should be played before advancing to the next lesson.


4.BabyPlus®ユニットの電源スイッチをLCDが01.を表示するまで押してください。製品は正しい安全なレベルになるよう設計されておりますので、音の強弱があっても大丈夫です。 BabyPlus®ユニットは1時間後自動的に電源が切れます。

6. 各レッスンの再生回数を決めるにはお客様の残りの妊娠日を16で割るだけで結構です。割った数値が次のレッスンに進むまでに再生される各レッスンの日数になります。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Ask Your Doctor
Because we are so confident in the safety and effectiveness of BabyPlus® for both you
and your developing child, we encourage you to share your decision to use BabyPlus®
with your physician. We welcome their comments and questions. If you want a member of
our research team to contact your physician, email us at customerservice@babyplus.com.

lesson Calculator
To determine how many days to use each of the 16 BabyPlus audio lessons,
simply follow the calculation below.
Step 1
Number of weeks remaining in your pregnancy ______ X 7 = _______days
This answer is the number of days left in your pregnancy.
Step 2
Take Step 1 answer (number of days left in pregnancy) ______ 16 = _______


BabyPlus®の貴女とお腹の赤ちゃん両方にとっての安全性と効果に弊社は自信を持っておりますので、BabyPlus®の利用を決める際、かかりつけのお医者様にご相談されることをお勧めいたします。弊社はお医者様のコメントや質問を歓迎しております。弊社の研究チームがかかりつけのお医者様と連絡を取ることをご希望の場合は、 メールアドレスcustomerservice@babyplus.com. にご連絡ください。

残された妊娠の週______ X 7 = _______日
ステップ1の答え(残された妊娠日)______ 16 = _______

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

This answer is the number of days you will use each lesson.
example: 15 (weeks remaining) X 7 = 105 days
105 16 = 6.57 (rounded down to whole number) = use each lesson for 6 days
Use the lessons twice per day.
When you reach your 16th lesson you will use the 16th lesson until you deliver

Can I start using BabyPlus® before the 18th week of pregnancy?
We recommend lesson one be started during week 18 at the earliest.

What if I am past 18 weeks when I begin to use BabyPlus®? Will I still see benefits?
Absolutely. We have many parents who have started using BabyPlus® much later than 18 weeks and still report the tangible developmental benefits.

Why does each lesson sound different from the last?


例:15(残った週の数)X 7 = 105日
105÷16 = 6.57 (端数は切捨て)=各レッスンを6日ずつ使用する。




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

The recurring patterns of BabyPlus® and the progressive changes in the rhythms over the course of your pregnancy are the most beneficial for earliest development.

How do I keep track of my lessons?
You can print a lesson calendar to record your daily use from our website, www.babyplus.com.

What if I have completed all sixteen lessons and still haven’t delivered?
Simply continue playing lesson 16 until delivery.
My baby moves more when I am using BabyPlus®. Is this normal?.
Many mothers report an increase in activity during or prior to the use of BabyPlus®.
This is perfectly normal. Most infants will move gently in response to the lessons while
others will sleep.

Do I have to rest while using BabyPlus®?


BabyPlus® で反復されるパターンとコースを通してのリズムの漸進的変化は早期の発達に最も役立ちます。





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

You may continue all normal daily activities except bathing or swimming. Using BabyPlus® during periods of relaxation is also encouraged to fully enjoy the bonding experience between you and your baby.

Why didn’t my system automatically turn off after 60 minutes?
The internal timer will reset if the pattern is interrupted for any reason

Where should I place the speaker?
Place the speaker in the area that elicits the best response from your baby, ideally mid-abdomen. Please note that this position may change slightly from week to week as your baby grows.

There is a “b” or a “6” flashing in my LCD window and/or has
started making a very rapid sound.






3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Your batteries are too low for optimal performance. Insert 4 new “AA” batteries, taking care to align the positive and negative contacts properly. Please be sure you are using new, high quality alkaline batteries.

My BabyPlus® is making an unusual static sound.
It is likely that your battery connection is loose. Please be sure that your battery contacts are making a tight connection with your batteries. Please be sure you are using new, high quality alkaline batteries.

How do I store my BabyPlus® when I’m finished using it?
With proper care, your BabyPlus® can be used for several pregnancies.
Just remove the batteries and return it to the original box. Store in a cool, dry place.





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

An inborn and Roman distrust of theory, an acute sense of the difference between words and facts, a brief acquaintance with Roman political behavior that he possessed. It is a common belief, attested by the existence of political science as a subject of academic study, that the arts of government may be learned from books. The revolutionary career of Caesar's heir reveals never a trace of theoretical preoccupations: if it did, it would have been very different and very short. Lessons might indeed be learned, but from men and affairs, from predecessors and rivals, from the immediate and still tangible past.Octavianus took the measure of Antonius: the soldier was a warning against virtues and vices.


ローマ人の先天的な理論に対する不信、言行不一致に対する鋭い感覚、ローマ人の政治行動の大まかな知識を彼はもっていた。統治術は書物から学べるであろうというのが、学術研究の主題としての政治学の存在に裏付けられた一般的な認識である。 Caesarの後継者の革命の経歴は理論的先入観の形跡をいささかも示さなかった。もし示したとすれば、それは非常に異なった非常に短いものだったであろう。まさに教訓は人々や事件から、先人や競争相手から、即時の具体的な過去から得られたのだった。OctavianusはAntoniusの力を見極めた。即ち、この兵士Antoniusは美徳と悪徳に対する1つの教訓だった。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Gatiss plans to have Watson react very differently from the original character at the discovery of Holmes's return in series three; "I always found it a little unlikely that Watson's only reaction was to faint for instance—as opposed to possibly a stream of terrible swear words," he said. Gatiss revealed that the first episode of the series will be called "The Empty Hearse" via Twitter . Moffat and Thompson will again write the other two episodes.
Moffat aspires to tackle the fact that eventually Watson will be living apart from Holmes, though he is uncertain whether he will have Watson get married in this adaptation.
Moffat also wants to use other villains and adversaries from Conan Doyle's original stories.


ゲイティスは、第三部でシャーロック・ホームズの帰還を発見した時、ワトソンを原作の性格とは全く違った風に反応させようと計画している。「ワトソンの唯一の反応が、例えば一連のひどく汚い言葉とは対照的に、気が遠くなるというのはありそうもないといつも思っていました。」と彼は述べた。ゲイティスはシリーズの第1話のタイトルは"The Empty Hearse" (空(から)の霊柩車)となることをツイッターを通して明らかにした。モファットとトンプソンは他の2話も再び執筆する予定だ。モファットは、今回の脚色でワトソンをを結婚させるかどうかまだ決めていないが、ワトソンがついにホームズと離れて暮らすという話に取り組もうとしている。モファットはコナンドイルの原作から他の悪役や敵対者を使うことも検討している。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Without revealing whether Moriarty faked his own death at the end of series two, Moffat has suggested that Moriarty will not feature heavily in future series of Sherlock.
Moffat and Gatiss have announced three words that allude to the content of the third series.
These words were, "rat, wedding, bow". Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival in August 2012, Moffat said that these words "may be misleading, are not titles, are only teases or possibly clues, but might be deliberately designed to get you into a lather." The titles of the first two episodes were revealed as "The Empty Hearse", which will be written by Mark Gatiss and "The Sign of Three",which will be written by Stephen Thompson.


モリアーティが第2話の最後に自分が死んだように見せかけるかどうかは明かしていないが、モファットはシャーロックホームズの今後のシシーズでモリアーティは主役級にはならないことをほのめかした。モファットとゲイティスは第3話の内容に触れて3つのキーワードを発表した。そのキーワードとは「ネズミ、結婚式、おじぎ」だ。2012年8月のエジンバラ国際テレビフェスティバルで、モファットはこれらのキーワードはタイトルではなく、単なる言葉遊び、キーワードに過ぎないと断った上で、視聴者を期待させるよう意図的に創られているかもしれないと述べた。最初の2話は、マーク・ゲイティスにより執筆される"The Empty Hearse" (空(から)の霊柩車)、スティーブン・トンプソンによって執筆される"The Sign of Three"であることが明らかになっている。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

I get busy with work too at times because I work mid morning til nite (usually 10a to 6:30p or 1p to 8:30p). I used to do so much more but that was when I only had to work day time (7a to 3 or 4p)
Anyway I think softball is ok.. (There's usually not many of us who play, and I'm not too good throwing the ball back lol so I take pictures sometimes.. Ill send pics of a day we went this past autumn :) later cuz they are home on the computer...
My cake didnt turn out as good as I thought... it was too messy :( I sent a picture anyway for u to laugh :D
I'm so excited for the pound cake!! I haven't went on another diet yet because I'm waiting for it, lol.. Hope ur day is nice.... And don't work too hard



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

perhaps he suggested that Gaul should cease to be a province and be added to Italy.That would preclude competition for a post of vantage and armed domination.A fair prospect of concord or a subtle intrigue against the consul had been brought to nought.In no mood to be thwarted in his ambitions,he still hoped to avoid an open breach with the party of Brutus and Cassius.With what consummate art Octavianus worked upon this material in the month of July has already been narrated.Rumours went about in the July days at Rome that Octavianus,though a patrician, had designs upon this office. Nothing came of it for the moment.So it was to be in the end. But this was no time for an ideal and patriotic appeal.


おそらく彼はGaulは属州であることをやめイタリアに加わるべきだと提案したのだろう。そうなれば優勢な立場と武装による支配は不可能となる。協定の見込み、或いは執政官に対する巧妙な陰謀は完全な失敗に終わっていた。野望がくじかれたような気分ではいられなかった。彼はBrutus、Cassiusの一派とのあからさまな不和を避けることにまだ望みを抱いていた。見事な策を使って、 Octavianusが7月にこの問題に取り組んだことはすでに述べた。7月にはローマにOctavianusが貴族でありながら、この仕事を計画しているという噂が広まった。当分の間は何も起こらなかった。そこでそれは最後に起こるはずだった。だが、それは理想的、愛国的な訴えをする時期ではなかった。