I have just sent you an email which is very important and replace and cancel the previous other, can you please read it before doing anything else.I come over the US few times per year. Please send this item to the US address as mentioned, I will advise Mr LUYSSEN that he should get this camera for me. if you need his mobile phone number i could give it to youHis email address is abcdefg@hexisusa.comthank you very much for everythinglet me know if there are any problems.best regardsHervé
先ほど非常に重要な、以前の他の注文の交換とキャンセルについてのEメールを送りました。処理される前にまずお読みください。私は年に何度かアメリカに来ます。この商品を先に述べましたようにアメリカの住所に送ってください。私のためにこのカメラを入手してくれるはずのLUYSSENさんに連絡いたします。もしLUYSSENさんの携帯電話の番号が必要でしたら、お教えいたします。LUYSSENさんのEメールアドレスは abcdefg@hexisusa.comです。いろいろありがとうございます。何か問題がありましたらご連絡ください。よろしくお願いします。Hervéより
Pls update me when you send my item, and when can I expect it to come.If you can send me the shipment number - I will follow it myself.
FDA guidelines for CPAP machines require that you provide a copy of your prescription. If you have a copy of this, please fax to (888) 290-6188, or email a copy to rx@1800cpap.com.If you DO NOT HAVE A COPY AVAILABLE TO YOU DO NOT WORRY, JUST READ OPTIONS BELOW.Let Us Work For You:We understand the inconvenience of not being able to get an RX or copy of your RX and that is why we are committed to go the extra mile to insure you get the CPAP or Bi-PAP/BiLevel supplies you need. Don’t have your prescription, not a problem, just provide us the requested information and we will obtain it from your physician:
CPAP (シーパップ)マシーンに対するFDA(米国連邦食品医薬品局)のガイドラインは、お客様の処方箋の複写を必要としています。処方箋の複写をお持ちでしたら(888) 290-6188にファックスで送信されるか、またはEメールアドレスrx@1800cpap.com.までお送りください。もし可能な複写をお持ちでなくてもご心配なく、以下のオプションをお読みください。お客様のための取り組み処方箋や処方箋の複写を手に入れることのできないご不便をお察しいたします。だからこそ弊社は、お客様に必要なCPAPまたはBi-PAP(Biレベル) をお客様がうまく手に入れられるよう努力いたしております。処方箋をお持ちでなくても大丈夫です。求められた情報を弊社にご提供くだされば、弊社がお客様のお医者様から処方箋を頂きます。
Reason: Please send updates once you ship out my order.Details: I would like to request a status update regarding my order once it ships out from your warehouse. Thanks!
理由: 私の注文を出荷された時点で最新情報をお送りください。詳細: 貴店の倉庫から商品を出荷されましたら、すぐに最新情報に更新して頂きたい。よろしくお願いします。
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:Hi, I was wondering if the item Shimano reel Biomaster 4000 SW-XG is located in Japan or in the United States? Also I was wondering if the Shimano Stella 2013 4000 SW-XG available already.Thank youNonoy
ご担当者様こんにちは。シマノ製 reel Biomaster 4000 SW-XGは日本にあるのか、それとも米国にあるのか伺ってもよろしいですか。またシマノ製Stella 2013 4000 SW-XGはもう購入可能でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。Nonoy
Always attach Bear and Soundbox using the straps provided. Do not add additional strings or straps,Older Babies: As Baby gets older and more active, continue to locate the Soundbox so that it always remainsThe safety of your baby is very important to everyone at Manufacturer. We have done ourbest to provide you with a safe, effective product to make both your and your baby‘s life morr healthy and rested. You must do your pan by regularly inspecting all parts of our product fordefects, deterioration, or potentially harmful situations. If you notice any defect in the produci please discontinue use immediately and contact Manufacturer.Keep this instruction manuai for future reference.Where to position:
ぬいぐるみについたストラップを使って常にクマのぬいぐるみとサウンドボックスをくっつけた状態にしてください。別のひもやストラップを新たにつけないでください。大きくなった赤ちゃんには: 赤ちゃんが成長し活発になっても、サウンドボックスは赤ちゃんの手の届かないところに置いてください。製造メーカーの一同にとって最も大切なのは赤ちゃんの安全性です。お客様とお子様の生活が一層健康的で安らかであるよう、本製品を安全かつ効果的にするため最善を尽くしております。弊社の製品のあらゆるパーツを定期的に確認し、欠陥、品質低下、または害を及ぼす危険性について厳しく点検してください。製品の不良が見つかった場合は、ただちにご使用を中止され、製造メーカーにご連絡ください。設置場所:
The familiar sounds will provide Baby with the security needed for a healthy, restful sleep.The Soundbox can be inserted into the Bear’s tummy or back pocket, depending on the style of Bear purchased. The Bear, with Soundbox secured inside, can then be attached to a crib/cot rail away from Baby using the hook and loop located on the pews or the back, depending on the style purchased. It can also be secured using the hook and loop strap connected to the Soundbox. The Soundbox has a volume control that can be adjusted so that the womb sounds are easily heard.If the Soundbox is attached to the crib/cot, locate it so that it always remains out of reach when Baby begins to push up on hands and knees.
Research shows that “Some babies will attach themselves to a blanket (Silkie) or toy that becomes a ‘lovey’. This is a transitional object that comforts your baby in your absence,” says Pantley. Babies love the softness of Silkie‘s CVC velour and the smoothness of its satin. Such tactile stimulation is important for their early development.When to start using:Right away! A newborn baby has just emerged from the womb where he heard intrauterine sounds for 9 months! The transition from the womb to the world is enormous and the Bear can help by providing the soothing, reassuring womb sounds Baby knows and trusts. Remember, babies iike routine, so use the Soundbox every time you put Baby down for a nap.
Dear yamahaya88102012,thanks for everything, if I need an item I cant find i'll be sure to let you knowDear yamahaya88102012,Oh one more thing no body is going to buy it for that much it is used lower it to like $88 because it's a deck-
It may be supposed that the escape of the greater number was not actively impeded. The remainder were put to death--among them Ti. Cannutius, the tribune who had presented Caesar's heir before the people when he marched upon Rome for the first time. Death was also the penalty exacted of the town council of Perusia, with the exception, it is said, of one man, an astute person who in Rome had secured for himself a seat upon the jury that condemned to death the assassins of Caesar. These judicial murders were magnified by defamation and credulity into a hecatomb of three hundred Roman senators and knights slaughtered in solemn and religious ceremony on the Ides of March before an altar dedicated to Divus Julius.
Coming two days after the last batch of images showing Apple's supposed "iPhone Lite" hit the Web, another set shows the plastic rear casing against a white background, including a new blue color.The images, which come courtesy of Nowhereelse.fr, are of slightly higher quality than the previous pictures, but reveal nothing in the way of new information.As seen before, the shell appears to be constructed out of a hard, slightly shiny plastic or polycarbonate, with a metal substructure for fastening internal components and EMI shielding. In this case, the parts are covered in a protective plastic covering, suggesting they are near final production models.
AppleのiPhone Liteと思われる一群の画像がインターネットで大変なアクセス数を記録した2日後、今度は白い背景にブルーの新色を含むプラスチック背面カバーが示されている別の一連の画像が出ました。Nowhereelse.frのご厚意で頂いた画像の画質は前のものより若干よくなっていますが、新たな情報は何も明らかになっていません。以前見たように、カバーの素材は幾分光沢のあるハードなプラスチックまたはポリカーボネートで、内部コンポーネントとEMIシールドを固定するための下部構造は金属で出来ているようです。その場合、パーツは保護用のプラスチックカバーで覆われており、画像は最終製品モデルであることが示唆されています。
While the photos don't include anything by which to gauge size, the overall shape of the casings are consistent with leaked schematics provided to AppleInsider by a major accessory maker in June. Subsequent 3D renderings made based on the specifications showed a design similar to the iPhone 5, but slightly thicker and with rounded corners.Although the new blue shell is difficult to see in the image above, the color lines up with a May report that claimed Apple's rumored low-end iPhone will come in navy, gold, orange, white, and gray varieties.
写真には製品のサイズを測定できるようなものは何も含まれていませんが、ケースの総合的な形状は、6月にパーツメーカーからAppleInsiderに提供された流出図面と一致しています。これに続く、仕様に基づいて作成された3Dレンダリングでは、 iPhone 5と同様で、やや厚みがあり角が丸くなったデザインが示されています。新たなブルーのカバーは上記の画像では見づらいですが、この色はAppleの噂の低価格 iPhoneにネイビー、ゴールド、オレンジ、ホワイト、グレイの各色が揃うと主張していた5月の報道とぴったり合っています。
Thank you for placing your order with NothingButSoftware.com! We have been contacted by our carrier to request a company name listed for the above address. Please reply back at your earliest convenience with any company information attached to this order so that we may proceed with your order. Feel free to contact us with any further questions you may have. Have a Great Day!
NothingButSoftware.com! でご注文を頂き有難うございます。運送会社より上記の住所の記載された会社名を求められました。お客様の注文処理ができるよう、この注文に付随する会社情報を添えてなるべく早く返信頂きますようお願いいたします。何かご質問がございましたらご遠慮なくご連絡ください。良い一日をお過ごしください。
Pollio, Plancus and Ventidius separated and retired, leaving Perusia to its fate. After a final and fruitless sortie, L. Antonius made a capitulation (late in February?). Octavianus received with honour the brother of his colleague and sent him away to be his governor in Spain, where he shortly died. The city of Perusia was destined for pillage. The soldiery were thwarted by the suicide of a prominent citizen, whose ostentatious pyre started a general conflagration. Such was the end of Perusia, an ancient and opulent city of the Etruscans. The captives were a problem. Many senators and Roman knights of distinction had espoused the cause of liberty and the protection of their own estates.
The ○○○ are out of stock untill August 15 do you want to wait. They have a new price increase. I can send your money back. And you can reorder. The price will be more. Or do you want to wait. I have to buy these right from ■■■ to get the better pricing
○○○ は8月15日まで在庫切れです。お待ちになりますか。商品は値上げされました。返金可能です。また再注文も可能です。価格は高くなります。それともお待ちになりますか。有利な価格設定を得るためにこの商品は■■■から仕入れなければなりません。
As per your concern, we see that, you have clicked on the "confirm shipment" button for the order - ●●. However, the product to be sent is still with you. In this case, we request you to, communicate the same with the buyer and ship the product to the buyer at the earliest.Also in case if the product to be sent by you is not available with you to be able to fulfil the order, then in that case, since you have clicked on the "confirm shipment" button so the buyer has already been charged, so in this case, you can go ahead to refund the order.Also we are providing the below link for more insight into the "order process" and "confirm shipment" details:
Bergamot also makes a fabulous marmalade. Check out a recipe here: http://bit.ly/eCbuam And don’t forget to wash your face twice daily with our Australian Wild Plum and Willow Facial Cleanser with Bergamot…it’s perfect to keep summertime shine at bay for Combination to Oily Skin! http://bit.ly/Zv3jMNBorage has been used for its medicinal and cordial effects for centuries. According to Sir Francis Bacon, “The leaf of [Borage] hath an excellent spirit to repress the fuliginous vapour of dusky melancholie”See what Borage can do for your skin with our Himalayan Geranium & Pomegranate Balancing Oil! http://bit.ly/13zUVjj
ベルガモットでとてもおいしいマーマレードもできます。レシピはこちらでご覧ください。 http://bit.ly/eCbuamそれから当社のベルガモット入りオーストラリア産ワイルドプラムと柳の洗顔料で毎日2度洗顔するのをお忘れなく。脂性肌の方と共に、この洗顔料は夏の日差しを防ぐには最適です!http://bit.ly/Zv3jMNルリジサはその薬理効果、疲労回復効果から何世紀にもわたり利用されてきました。フランシス・ベーコンによれば、「<ルイジサ>の葉は陰鬱のすすけた気分を抑え込む素晴らしいスピリットを持っている」のだそうです。当社のヒマラヤゼラニウムとザクロのバランシングオイルがお肌に働きかける効果をぜひお試しください。http://bit.ly/13zUVjj
Following news of Apple's "iWatch" trademark filing in Japan, identical applications were made public in Mexico and Taiwan on Monday, adding to the mounting pile of reports pointing to the company's possible entry into the wearable computing device market.Like the Japan filing, Apple requested protection of the "iWatch" moniker in Mexico and Taiwan on June 3, just two days prior to yet another application in Russia. All requests pertain to computing hardware or, more specifically, portable computing devices.Included in of the filing with Mexico's Institute of Industrial Property, as first discovered by 9to5Mac, Apple includes a basic graphic of the name, which reads "IWATCH" in bold block letters.
AppleのiWatchの日本での商標登録出願のニュースに続いて、月曜日メキシコと台湾でも同様iWatchの商標出願が公表され、Appleの装着可能なコンピューター端末市場への参入の可能性を指摘するレポートがぞくぞくと出ています。日本での商標登録出願同様、 Appleはロシアでの出願の僅か2日前の6月3日、メキシコ、台湾でiWatchの呼称保護を請求しました。全ての請求はコンピューター・ハードウェア、より具体的には携帯コンピューター端末に関連しています。 9to5Macによって最初に発見したように、Appleはメキシコ工業所有権庁への申請を含め、はっきりした黒文字でIWATCHと読める名称の基本のグラフィックを盛り込んでいます。
Also noted in the document is Apple's name and address at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino,though the application was lodged by a local law firm.According to a separate report by MacRumors,the Taiwan filing also bears the same graphic and notes Apple's name and California headquarters.While there has yet to be any "leaks" surrounding the supposed device,many reports cite insiders as saying Apple is hard at work on the "iWatch" project.Also unknown is what form the purported device will take,though most believe it will look like an advanced wristwatch.AppleInsider was first to discover a U.S. Apple patent filing in Feb for a wearable computing device that boasted a flexible touchscreen fitted to a bendable bracelet.
また、出願は現地の法律事務所によって行なわれているものの、出願書類に記されているのはAppleの会社名とApple本社のクバチーノの住所 1 Infinite Loopです。MacRumorsの別のレポートによると、台湾での出願書類にも、同じグラフィックがあり、Appleの会社名とカリフォルニア本社の住所が記載されているとのことです。想像されている端末をめぐる漏洩情報はまだありませんが、多くのレポートは内部関係者の言葉を引用してAppleがiWatchプロジェクトのために懸命に働いていると報じています。また、うわさの端末の形状についてもほとんどのレポートが進化した腕時計のような形状を想定しているものの、いまだにはっきりしません。曲げることのできるブレスレットにフィットしたたわみやすいタッチスクリーンを誇る、装着可能なコンピューター端末のアメリカでの2月特許出願を最初に発見したのはAppleInsiderでした。
Due to cost and the current state of technology, such a design is unlikely to appear anytime soon, though the technical features detailed by the invention could make it into a possible first-generation product.Other tech companies like Apple rival Samsung have already announced that they will be rolling out "smart watch" products later in 2013. With the exception of Google Glass, the head-mounted augmented reality "glasses" device, most are believed to be wrist-worn.Most recently, Apple's partner manufacturer Foxconn announced it will debut an iPhone-compatible smart watch this year, complete with biometric data sensors and low-level remote control features.
コストや現在の技術の状態から、そのようなデザインがすぐに出現することはありそうもありませんが、創意工夫によって詳細に練り上げられた技術的な特徴は、第一世代の製品にこぎつけることができるかもしれません。Appleと競合するSamsungのような他のテック企業は、すでに2013年後半にスマートウォッチ製品を本格展開することを公表しており、頭部装着型の拡張現実「メガネ」端末Google Glassを除いては、ほとんどが腕に装着するものになるだろうと考えられています。つい最近、Appleの提携メーカーFoxconnが バイオメトリック(生体認証)データセンサーや低水準のリモコン機能を備えたiPhoneと互換性のあるスマートウォッチを今年市場に出すことを公表しました。