Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

4.9 28 件のレビュー
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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

DeNA and Yahoo Japan’s Yahoo Mobage passes 10 million users

DeNA and Yahoo Japan’s joint social gaming service, Yahoo Mobage, has passed the 10 million users mark.

It seems like DeNA’s rebranding to a fun image isn’t the only positive change that it is experiencing. Just recently, the partnership between DeNA and Yahoo Japan takes on another notch as the joint service Yahoo Mobage passes 10 million users in Japan. In early November, both companies renewed their agreement and has seen growing numbers of users signing up for that service. The updated agreement sees the fundamental joint service to port to mobile devices instead of just serving PCs.


DeNAとYahoo JapanのYahoo Mobageのユーザーが1000万人を超える

DeNAとYahoo Japanの共同ソーシャルゲームサービスYahoo Mobageのユーザーが1000万人の目標を超えた。

DeNAの楽しいイメージへのブランド再構築だけが同社が体験しているプラスの変化ではないようだ。つい最近、DeNAと Yahoo Japanの連携はジョイントサービスとして別の段階に入り、 Yahoo Mobageのユーザー数は日本国内で1000万人を超えた。11月初めに両社は契約更新し、同サービスに加入するユーザー数は増加している。更新された契約ではパソコンのみへのサービスを提供に代わり、モバイル端末へのポートを基本ジョイントサービスとしている。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

He sent them home delighted, singing his praises to everyone and calling him their savior.Thereupon many people approached him, asking for his patronage,and he proved of considerable value for them.Some he relieved of the charges brought against them,for others he secured rewards,and he placed still others in offices of state.His kindness, and the prudence he had revealed at these gatherings were subjects of comment to all.[lacuna]..., according to the ancestral custom; nor to associate with young fellows who drank freely, nor to remain at banquets till nightfall, nor to dine before the tenth hour, except at the house of Caesar or Marcellus, his sister's husband, a man of sobriety and of the best Roman descent.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Yes. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I told you that I had 10 Statue of Liberty sets because that was what I ordered, but when I opened the box to get them for your package all I had was Empire State Buildings!! I had to wait for my new shipment to come in to get the Statue of Liberty sets for you. My apologies.

Also, I included a few free nanoblock kits for you in your first box.

The box I had was too small yesterday so you will be getting 2 packages. The largest box has everything but 3 of the White House kits in it and it is coming via Fed Ex https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/index.html?tracknumbers=201500216647282

The second box is coming via Priority Mail and has the remaining 3 White House kits for you.


はい、すみません。私はミスを犯しました。あなたには自由の女神像が10セットあると言いましたが、それは私はそのように注文したからです。けれどもあなたに梱包するために箱を開けてみると出てきたのはすべてエンパイヤステートビルだったのです!! あなたのために自由の女神像を手に入れるために新たに配送されるのを待たなくてはなりませんでした。本当にすみません。

昨日、私がもっていた箱はあまりにも小さかったため、あなたは2つの小包を受け取ることになります。大きな箱にホワイトハウスのキット3つ以外はすべて入っています。Fed Ex で届きます。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Then he set out from home toward the army, according to his uncle's instructions (for that is what he called him). Many were eager to accompany him on account of his great promise but he rejected them all, even his mother herself, and selecting the speediest and strongest of his servants he hastened on his journey and with incredible dispatch he covered the long road and approached Caesar, who had already completed the whole war in the space of seven months.When Octavius reached Tarraco it was hard to believe that he had managed to arrive in so great a tumult of war. Not finding Caesar there, he had to endure more trouble and danger. He caught up with Caesar in Spain near the city of Calpia.



3_yumie7 英語 → スペイン語 ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0

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