Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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they asked that Octavian should take the colony leaders of Antony's legions from Antony's own friends, although the agreement with Antony yielded the selection to Octavian exclusively; they made it a matter of complaint that Antony was not present. They themselves brought Fulvia and Antony's children before the soldiers, and, in terms such as would cause ill feeling, besought them not to forget Antony or allow him to be deprived of the glory or the gratitude due to his service to them. The fame of Antony was then at its height, not only among the soldiers, but among all others. The victory of Philippi was considered wholly due to him, on account of Octavian's illness.


Antonyとの合意では、Antonyのレギオンの植民地の指揮官にはOctavianのみが選出されることで譲歩されていたのに、Antony自身の友人の中から植民地の指揮官を出すようOctavianに要求した。彼らはAntonyの不在を申し立ての理由とした。彼ら自身FulviaとAntonyの子供たちを兵士らの前に連れて行き、 不信感を招くような言葉を使って、Antonyを忘れないでほしい、Antonyの兵士らに対する尽力に対する賞賛と感謝を取り上げないでほしい、と懇願した。Antonyの名声はその当時兵士の間だけでなく他の人々の間でも絶頂期にあった。Octavianは病に伏していたため、Philippiの戦いの勝利はすべて彼のおかだと考えられていた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

For the soldiers demanded the cities which had been selected for them before the war as prizes for their valor,and the cities demanded that the whole of Italy should share the burden,or that the cities should cast lots with the other cities,and that those who gave the land should be paid the value of it;and there was no money.They came to Rome in crowds,young and old,women and children, to the forum and temples, uttering lamentations, saying that they had done no wrong for which they, Italians, should be driven from their fields and their hearthstones, like people conquered in war.The Romans mourned and wept with them, especially when they reflected that the war had been waged, and the rewards of victory given,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

not in behalf of the commonwealth,but against themselves and for a change of the form of government;that the colonies were established to the end that democracy should never again lift its head,— colonies composed of hirelings settled there by the rulers to be in readiness for whatever purpose they might be wanted.Octavian explained to the cities the necessity of the case,but he knew that it would not satisfy them;and it did not.The soldiers encroached upon their neighbors in an insolent manner,seizing more than had been given to them and choosing the best lands;nor did they cease even when Octavian rebuked them and made them numerous other presents, since they were contemptuous of their rulers in the knowledge



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that they needed them to confirm their power, for the five years' term of the triumvirate was passing away, and army and rulers needed the services of each other for mutual security. The chiefs depended on the soldiers for the continuance of their government, while, for the possession of what they had received, the soldiers depended on the permanence of the government of those who had given it. Believing that they could not keep a firm hold unless the givers had a strong government, they fought for them, from necessity, with good-will. Octavian made many other gifts to the indigent soldiers, borrowing from the temples for that purpose, for which reason the affections of the army were turned toward him,



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As Octavian was journeying to Rome his illness became acute at Brundusium,and a rumor gained currency that he was dead.On his recovery he returned to the city and showed to Antony's friends the letters Antony had written.The Antonians directed Calenus to give Octavian the two legions,and wrote to Sextius in Africa to turn that province over to him.This was the course of the Antonians while,as it appeared that Lepidus had not been guilty of any serious wrong,Octavian transferred Africa to him in exchange for his former provinces.He also sold the remainder of the property confiscated under the conscriptions.The task of assigning the soldiers to their colonies and dividing the land was one of exceeding difficulty.



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went to the nations beyond the Aegean to collect the money that had been promised to the soldiers.They divided the provinces among themselves as before and took those of Lepidus besides.For it was decided, at the instance of Octavian to make Cisalpine Gaul independent, as the elder Caesar had intended. Lepidus had been accused of betraying the affairs of the triumvirate to Pompeius and it was decided that if Octavian should find that this accusation was false other provinces should be given to Lepidus. They dismissed from the military service the soldiers who had served their full time except 8000 who had asked to remain. These they took back and divided between themselves and formed them in praetorian cohorts.


Antonyは兵士らに約束した金を集めるためAegeanより先の国々に言った。彼らは以前と同じように地方を分割し、さらにLepidusの土地も得た。父CaesarがそうしようとしていたようにCisalpine Gaulを独立国としたいというOctavianの求めに応じてそのように定められた。Lepidusは三頭政治の事柄をPompeiusに漏らしたとして起訴され、もしOctavianがこの訴えが間違いであることがわかった時には他の地方がLepidusに与えられると定められた。彼らは自らが希望して残った8000名の兵士を除いて終日兵役についていたその他の兵士を解散した。兵士らは兵役の戻り自らが分団し、近衛兵歩兵隊を形成した。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Rhascus, the Thracian, brought many troops from the mountains. He asked and received as his reward the pardon of his brother, Rhascupolis, from which it was made plain that from the beginning these Thracians had not been at variance with each other, but that seeing two great and hostile armies coming into conflict near their territory, they divided the chances of fortune in such a way that the victor might save the vanquished. Porcia, the wife of Brutus and sister of the younger Cato, when she learned that both had died in the manner described, although very strictly watched by domestics, seized some hot embers that they were carrying on a brazier, and swallowed them. Of the other members of the nobility



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These soldiers were not enlisted from the ordinary conscription, but were picked men. They were not new levies, but under long drill and arrayed against each other, not against foreign or barbarous races. Speaking the same language and using the same tactics, being of like discipline and power of endurance, they were for these reasons what we may call mutually invincible. Nor was there ever such fury and daring in war as here, when citizens contended against citizens, families against families, and fellow-soldiers against each other. The proof ofº this is that, taking both battles into the account, the number of the slain even among the victors appeared to be not fewer than among the vanquished.

