翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 3 Reviews / 2014/11/06 13:30:33

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...

11月に入ってからamazon EUのセラーアカウントにログインできなくなった。


From the beginning of November, I cannot log in the seller account of Amazon EU.
I have changed neither ID nor PW. My seller account has been suspended, but I have to answer the inquiries from purchasers. The money has also been on hold.
However, I have not received the email at all, and I do not know what is happening. How can I log in?
I sent an email once but I have not heard from you.

レビュー ( 3 )

[削除済みユーザ] 44
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/11/07 13:21:12

From the beginning of November, I cannot log in the seller account of Amazon EU.
I have changed neither ID nor PW. My seller account has been suspended, but I have to answer the inquiries from purchasers. The money has also been on hold.
However, I have not received the email at all, and I do not know what is happening. How can I log in?
I sent an email once but I have not heard from you.

Since the beginning of November, I have not been able to log into my Amazon EU seller account.
I have never changed my ID or password. My seller account has been suspended, but I still have to answer the inquiries from purchasers. The money has also been put on hold.
However, I have not received an email at all, and I do not know what is happening. How can I log in?
I sent an email once, but I have not heard from you.


cielo_translation 61 2015年3月に英日翻訳でJTFほんやく検定3級を取得(翻訳士) 大学で...
cielo_translationはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/11/07 23:12:49

From the beginning of November, I cannot log in the seller account of Amazon EU.
I have changed neither ID nor PW. My seller account has been suspended, but I have to answer the inquiries from purchasers. The money has also been on hold.
However, I have not received the email at all, and I do not know what is happening. How can I log in?
I sent an email once but I have not heard from you.

From the beginning of November, I cannot log in to the seller account of Amazon EU.
I have changed neither the ID nor the PW. My seller account has been suspended, but I have to answer to the inquiries from purchasers. The money has also been on hold.
However, I have not received emails at all, and I do not know what is happening. How can I log in?
I sent an email once but I have not heard back.

susumu-fukuhara 60 静岡県登録の通訳案内士です。通算で3年ほど貿易実務の担当をしていたことがあ...
susumu-fukuharaはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/11/28 17:29:26

From the beginning of November, I cannot log in the seller account of Amazon EU.
I have changed neither ID nor PW. My seller account has been suspended, but I have to answer the inquiries from purchasers. The money has also been on hold.
However, I have not received the email at all, and I do not know what is happening. How can I log in?
I sent an email once but I have not heard from you.

Since the beginning of November, I have not been able to log into my seller account of Amazon EU.
As far as I recall I have changed neither my ID nor password. My seller account has been suspended, but I have to answer the inquiries from our purchasers. The money has also been put on hold.
Furthermore, I have not received the email at all, and I do not know what has been going on. How can I log in?
I sent an email once but I have not heard from you.

アカウントにアクセスするはlog inよりlog intoのほうがふさわしいと考えます。対象物がはっきりしているときはintoを使ったほうがいいのです。「覚えがない」なのでこの場合As far as I recall(remember)を使うといいでしょう。PWをパスワードの意味で使うのは技術者レベルの話で普通にpasswordとするのが無難に感じます。資金を止められたとなると"put on hold" となります。四行目は日本語では「しかし」ですが後に続く文から「しかも」と同じ意味で使っていることが分かります。全体的にはよく訳せていると感じます。
