翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 英語 / 1 Review / 2014/10/27 23:48:30

ozsamurai_69 60 ー 日本語能力試験1級合格 ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式...




Sorry for contacting you so often.

The remittance information on the invoice I received below and the one in the mail I received previously do not match it seems.
Sorry for the trouble but, could you please re do the invoice and send it to me in an email attachment.
Again my apologies, payment will not be able to be made till the end of the month. I ask for your understanding in this matter.

レビュー ( 1 )

tearz 50 翻訳経験豊富です。 過去の実績や評価などご確認ください。 ご連絡お待ち...
tearzはこの翻訳結果を"★"と評価しました 2014/10/29 01:17:50

Sorry for contacting you so often.

The remittance information on the invoice I received below and the one in the mail I received previously do not match it seems.
Sorry for the trouble but, could you please re do the invoice and send it to me in an email attachment.
Again my apologies, payment will not be able to be made till the end of the month. I ask for your understanding in this matter.

Sorry for contacting you so often.(誤訳:この場合に使う「度々の」はso oftenという意味ではありません。)

The remittance information(誤訳:原文には「振込先」とあります) on the invoice I received below(誤訳:以前=belowではありません) and the one in the e-mail I received previously (誤訳:原文には「先日」とあります)do not match it seems.
Sorry for the trouble, but could you please re do(誤訳:原文には「差し替える」とあります) the invoice and send it to me in an email attachment.
Again my apologies, payment will be made at the end of next month(誤訳:原文では来月末日となっています). I ask for your understanding in this matter.



備考: 直訳にこだわらず、分かりやすく、かつ、失礼のない表現でお願いいたします。