翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ スペイン語 / 2 Reviews / 2014/09/17 17:52:57

fujisawa_2014 52 エンジニアリング、自然科学、社会科学での知識と経験があります。




I think things are progressing well.
Did CITES arrive at your place?
As you may know, to obtain a permit from the Japanese government, it is necessary to make an application and submit also the invoice and the CITES.
If you already got CITES, please send it to me as attached file in a mail as soon as possible. Then, to receive them, I must send the application to the Japanese government, and a mail to Narita airport.

We trust you very much.
The environment to welcome them is already prepared. After that, only the documents have to be sent.

レビュー ( 2 )

aspenx 53 プロフィールをご覧いただき、感謝申し上げます。 工学出身でありながら...
aspenxはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/09/18 17:39:35

Great work

mars16 50 翻訳を始めて、そしてConyacに参加して5年ほどになります(スタンダード...
mars16はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2014/09/18 18:54:47

I think things are progressing well.
Did CITES arrive at your place?
As you may know, to obtain a permit from the Japanese government, it is necessary to make an application and submit also the invoice and the CITES.
If you already got CITES, please send it to me as attached file in a mail as soon as possible. Then, to receive them, I must send the application to the Japanese government, and a mail to Narita airport.

We trust you very much.
The environment to welcome them is already prepared. After that, only the documents have to be sent.

I think things are progressing well.
Did CITES arrive at your place?
As you may know, to obtain a permit from the Japanese government, it is necessary to make an application and submit also the invoice and the CITES.
If you already got CITES, please send it to me as attached file in an email as soon as possible. Then, to receive them, I must send the application to the Japanese government, and an email to Narita airport.

We trust you very much.
The environment to welcome them is already prepared. After that, only the documents have to be sent.

Very good translation.
