Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から中国語(簡体字)への翻訳依頼] 10) - Pick up some fun souvenirs at the Art Deco wet market, otherwise know...


- Pick up some fun souvenirs at the Art Deco wet market, otherwise known as the Central Market.
-Stroll around MAP, the Kuala Lumpur arts district.
- Enjoy Saturday evening in Kampung Baru, enjoying traditional Malay treats.
- Book a guided tour through the Malaysia Heritage Walk, a cultural event only open to foreign tourists.
- Grab dinner at No Black Tie, a venue famous for its poetry, live jazz, piano, and Brazilian funk music.
- Savor delicious rice, dal, and curries wrapped inside traditional, fresh bamboo leaves.
- Shop among the stalls in Little India, getting a taste of authentic Indian food and culture.
- Stroll around and shop at Bukit Bintang (Star Hill). 13)

- Come and enjoy Vietnamese food at Ngon restaurant Thao Dien Village with water puppet show.
- Walk along the Pham Ngu Lao Street, named after Pham Ngu Lao, the national hero. Ho Chi Minh city locals flock to the area markets to buy cheap clothes, souvenirs, and war memorabilia.
- Visit to Notre Dame Cathedral. This French-built cathedral occupies scenic Paris Square in the heart of HCMC.
- Take a leisurely stroll down, Dong Khoi Street, full of fancy shops.
- Know about Emperor Jade Pagoda (Chua Ngoc Hoang or Phuoc Hai Tu), known as the Tortoise Pagoda and considered to be Saigon’s finest.
tandl さんによる翻訳

- 去艺术装饰街市(又名中央市场)买些有趣的纪念品。
- 漫步在吉隆坡的艺术之区, MAP。
- 星期六晚上去甘榜巴鲁,享受一趟传统马来风格的款待。
- 预订一个只对外国游客开放的马来西亚文化步行街的文化之旅。
- 去“无黑领带”吃晚饭,一处以诗,现场爵士,钢琴,和巴西乡土音乐而闻名的场所。
- 品尝由新鲜的竹叶包裹的传统美味,里面有米饭,木豆和咖喱。
- 去小印度的摊位上寻找地道的印度美食和文化。
- 去武吉免登(天星山)逛一圈。

- Thao Dien小镇的Ngon餐厅可以一边享受越南美食,一边观看水上木偶戏。
- 沿着以民族英雄彭谷劳命名的彭谷劳街逛一逛。胡志明市当地人聚集这里,买便宜的衣服,纪念品,和战争纪念品。
- 参观由法国建的,座落于胡志明市中心的巴黎广场的巴黎圣母院大教堂。
- 去Dong Khoi街漫步,一路上满是各式花哨的店铺。
- 参观一下皇帝玉宝塔(蔡玉晃或者福海图),这座塔又被称为龟塔,是西贡最好的。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 中国語(簡体字)
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
tandl tandl