Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 地元密着かつグローバル思考はMindtalkの成功の鍵 Mindtalkは共同設立者Danny Wiriantoがインドネシア最大のオンラインコミュ...

Staying local but thinking global is what will make Mindtalk succeed

Mindtalk comes from the experience of co-founder, Danny Wirianto, on building Kaskus, Indonesia’s largest online community. Find out how this social channel is staying local but thinking global. Indonesian social channel, Mindtalk recently launched out of beta. The service has since seen an additional 80,000 sign ups to its new public service. Adding to the existing 180,000 from the beta, Mindtalk is steadily growing at about 2000 new daily signups without any marketing activities. As shared by co-founder Danny Wirianto, monthly active users have doubled since the public launch and Mindtalk sees about 30,000 posts daily with 45,000 responds made on these posts.

Talking more to Danny, e27 reveals more about the story behind Mindtalk and the plans the team has for the service. How did you conceive the idea for Mindtalk and what do you envision Mindtalk to be in the future?

We got the idea of Mindtalk from Blackberry Messenger Groups and mIRC, in early 2011. Robin and I talked about on how people interact with each other. We believe that people socialise in two different ways. One is based on the social graph (who I know) and the other is the interest graph (what i like). However, most new social media sites are focused on the social graph and many interest graph social media are in the old style such as forums, mailing lists, blogs, and groups in applications. There are so many limitations in each of these interest-based social media or tools. For example, forum engines don’t have the flexibility to create a new forum or sub-forum. This is determined only by the forum administrators and it is very hard for people to contribute because they need to know about the special code to upload pictures, videos and others. The other example is mailing lists that is being dominated by Yahoo and Google. These services are very visually boring. Using emails to communicate, there is no privacy between conversations since you reply to the sole group.. BlackBerry Messenger and Whatsapp groups have a limit of 30 people in each group. So after scanning the landscape at that time, we saw an opportunity that we can create a tool that helps people to interact based on their interest and can gather their own community without limits and barriers. We put in public beta to analyse the engine and to build features. However, Google+ launched their service two weeks after we launched. Two months later, Pinterest gained traction. Four months later, Path also gained momentum. This is a proof of concept that we are thinking on the same wavelength and see the same opportunities. Our vision for Mindtalk in the future is to be an interest platform for local communities. This is derived from the idea “stay local, think global”. We are planning to create local presences in different countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, the US, South Africa, India, Brazil and other countries. We will create local domains by using our engine. This way, each time people search for Mindtalk in, for example from Singapore, they will be direct to and will see local content and local people that they can interact with. We also want to encourage local app developers to collaborate with us and be highlighted on the Mindtalk platform. With so many social sharing sites, what sets Mindtalk apart? Especially from larger social networking sites.

We never intended to replace the existing social media such as Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube and Twitter. Mindtalk is a complement of existing social media. We believe people will use up to five to seven sites to interact and satisfy their curiosity. Mindtalk is an interest meet up space that has features from text to articles, photos to videos and queries to deals compared to other sites that focuses only photo or video. We believe people love to share in a variety of formats. Mindtalk also helps people to create their own communities or crowds instantly, easily. Can you describe the target user of MindTalk? Which countries are your current focus?

The target user of Mindtalk is between the ages of 15 and 25 years old. We are now focused on Indonesia. In the next few months, we will focus on India, Malaysia, USA, Japan and Singapore.
transcontinents さんによる翻訳

Mindtalkは共同設立者Danny Wiriantoがインドネシア最大のオンラインコミュニティKaskusを作った歳の経験に基づいている。このソーシャルチャンネルは地元密着でありながらどうグローバルに考えているのだろう。
インドネシアのソーシャルチャンネルMindtalkは最近テスト版をローンチしたばかりだ。以来、80万人が新しい公式サービスに新規登録した。テスト版の既存の18万人に加え、Mindtalkはマーケティング活動を行うことなく着実に毎日2,000人のペースでユーザーを増やしている。共同設立者のDanny Wiriantoによると、毎月のアクティブユーザーは公式版のローンチ以来倍増し、毎日3万件の投稿と4万5千件のコメントが寄せられている。


Mindtalkのアイデアは2011年初旬にBlackberry Messenger GroupとmIRCから思いつきました。Robinと私は人がどうやって交流しているかについて話し合いました。人の交流には2通りあると思います。ひとつはソーシャルグラフ(知り合い)ともうひとつはインタレストグラフ(興味のあるもの)です。しかしほとんどの新しいソーシャルメディアサイトはソーシャルグラフを中心としていて、インタレストグラフソーシャルメディアはフォーラム、メーリングリスト、ブログ、グループといった古いスタイルのアプリケーションに取り残されています。
これらの興味を共有するソーシャルメディアやツールには多くの制限があります。例えば、フォーラムエンジンは新しいフォーラムやサブフォーラムを作る柔軟さがありません。これはフォーラム管理者によってのみ可能で、写真、ビデオなどのアップロードに特別なコードなので一般のユーザーが貢献できない内容です。もうひとつの例として、YahooとGoogleが大半を占めるメーリングリストです。これらのサービスは視覚的には退屈です。特定のグループへの発信なので、メールでのコミュニケーションでは会話のプライバシーを守れません。Blackberry MessengerとWhatsappは各グループの参加人数が30人までと制限されています。




Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
transcontinents transcontinents

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