Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語からネイティブ 英語への翻訳依頼] 世界各国から一芸に秀でた優秀な学生が集められる私立「夢蘭学園」高等学校。(Moulin Academy ) 夏合宿に集まった学生達は、昭和の日本の文豪 太...

世界各国から一芸に秀でた優秀な学生が集められる私立「夢蘭学園」高等学校。(Moulin Academy )
夏合宿に集まった学生達は、昭和の日本の文豪 太宰治(Dazai Osamu)が書いた”走れメロス”(Run, Melos, Run)をもとに劇の稽古をすることになる。
劇のシナリオを引き受けたのは、【宛月純】(Atezuki Jun)。 医師を目指して「夢蘭学園」に通っている城ヶ崎拓海(Jyogasaki Takumi)の弟で、来年「夢蘭学園」高等学校に入るはずである。
彼に脚本を頼む事になったのは、演劇のサークルを担当する【神崎光】(Kanzaki Hikari)先生。優秀な若い医師でもともと大学病院で忙しく働いていたが、今は週の多くを「夢蘭学園」高等学校の校医として務めている。

”走れメロス”はギリシャが舞台。暴君に捕われ殺される事になったメロスが自分の妹の結婚式にでるため、友人を自分の代わりに暴君に差し出し、必ず自分はもどってくるからと身代わりを頼んだところから始る。  友情を信じない暴君は、自分の性悪説を立証する為にもメロスが時間内に戻らなかった場合は友人を処刑する事を条件にメロスの申出を許す。結婚式に出て帰ろうとするメロスに様々な困難が襲いかかり、友人が処刑されるまでに戻れるのか怪しくなってくる。メロスの代わりに友人は殺されるのか、メロスは愛しい妹家族と別れ、友人の為に殺されに帰るのか。メロスが帰った時暴君はどう思うのか。。。



ストーリーは無料で楽しめますが、ストーリーを読むごとに、コヨン(体力)が少しづつ減っていきます。 朝4時にはコヨンがちょっと回復するよ! !
ヴァンパイアと人間と妖狐の三つ巴のサスペンス乙女ゲーム 「リコリスの刻印」(The Seal of Lycoris)が来年リリース予定。先行登録すると「リコリスの刻印」が出たときにボーナスを差し上げます。
[削除済みユーザ] さんによる翻訳
This is Moulin Academy, a private high school that has gathered superior students that excel at their art from countries all around the world.
It has been decided that the students who have been gathered for a summer training camp will be practising a play based on "Run, Melos, Run", written by Showa Japan literary master Dazai Osamu
The one who has undertaken the writing of the play scenarios is Atezuki Jun. As the younger brother of Jyogasaki Takumi, who is attending Moulin Academy because he is aiming to be a doctor, he should be entering Moulin Academy high school next year.
The one who decided to ask him to write the script is the theatre circle's advisor, Kanzaki Hikari. The excellent young doctor originally worked hectically at a university hospital, but is now employed as Moulin Academy high school's school doctor for many weeks.

"Run, Melos" is a Greek play. It starts just after Melos, who was imprisoned by a tyrant and is to be killed, asks a friend to present himself to the tyrant as a substitute so that Melos can appear at his younger sister's wedding ceremony, telling his friend he would definitely return.
In order to prove his own view of humanity as fundamentally depraved, the tyrant, who does not believe in friendship, permits Melos to go under the condition that if he does not return within that time, his friend will be executed. When Melos tries to appear at the wedding ceremony and return, various difficulties arise for Melos, and it is doubtful whether he will be able to return before his friend will be executed. Will Melos' friend be killed in his place, or will Melos bid his lovely younger sister's family farewell and return to be killed for his friend? What will the tyrant think if Melos returns...
It becomes a question about the trust and bonds between people.
Surrounding this play, the "forms of love" that each believes in will be confronted...
A heartrending light BL story spinning off of Love Academy, which has grown immensely popular
A scenario writer whose specialty is BL and original music from the sound creator. Beautiful.
The CGs enliven the aesthetic of a world with a play within a play.

[Kanzaki Hikari]

Moulin Academy's school doctor.
He is also working as a normal surgeon at the hospital.
He is an ideal teacher who thinks from the student's perspective and gives advice.
He is trusted by all students, regardless of whether they're male or female.
Quiet and prudent. Sometimes his silences are long when he is recalling something.
He likes theatre-going and plays.
The story can be enjoyed for free, but each time you read a story, Koyon (power) will go down a little. It will recover a little every morning at 4!!
For those who haven't played "Love Academy" yet, try playing it!
It is an otome game (a dating sim for girls) where you can be the female protagonist, enroll at Love Academy, and get a boyfriend.
"The Seal of Lycoris", the suspense otome game with a three-way struggle between vampires, humans and fox spirits, is planned for release next year. If you register early, you will be given a bonus when "The Seal of Lycoris" comes out.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)