iCard English: Daily Micro Lessons to Perfect Your Spoken English
Within a month of its official launch, iCard English has garnered a total of 70,000 users. As its name suggests, this iPhone app is designed to aid Chinese users in the English learning process.
Prior to the launch of iCard English, founder and CEO Yuang Peng was recognised as an English learning expert, and was often asked questions about studying English by followers on his Sina Weibo account, where he now has 280,000 fans. He was asked how they should go about improving their spoken English, what sort of materials are available, and how to motivate themselves to continuously learn and improve. Thus, the idea of iCard English was born.
正式にリリースして一ヶ月も立たない内に、iCard Englishは70,000人ものユーザーを獲得した。その名前からも分かる様に、このiPhone appは、英語を学んでいる段階の中国人に役立つ様、設計されている。
iCard Englishをリリースするまでは、創設者でCEOの Yuang Pengは、 英語学習のエキスパートとして有名で、280,000人ものファンがいるSina Weiboのアカウントでは英語の学習法についてフォロワーからいつも質問を受けていた。そこで彼は、英語が上達して話せる様になるにはどうすれば良いか、どんな教材等を使えば良いか、また、どうすれば英語を継続的に学習でき上達できるのか、聞かれていた。iCard Englishのアイディアは、この様にして生まれたのだ。
立ち上げから1ヶ月、iCard Englishは合計70,000人のユーザーを獲得しています。名前の通り、このiPhoneアプリは中国人ユーザーの英語習得を支援するために設計されています。
iCard Englishを立ち上げる前、創設者でCEOのYuang Pengは英語教育の専門家として知られ、280,000人のファンを抱えるWeibo(中国版Twitter)で英語の勉強方法についてよく質問を受けていました。どうしたら英会話がより上手になるか、どのような教材が望ましいか、そして勉強を継続するためにはどのようにやる気を持続させるか。そして、iCard Englishのアイデアが生まれたのです。
Yuan Peng shared with us that it took him about a year to plan and design the concept, before launching into the development stage with a team of six in April this year. He saw a proliferation in the mobile app market and decided to tap into it by offering their services through the iOS platform.
On a sleek and futuristic-looking interface, users are able to receive daily mini lessons across different categories such as ‘Phrase of the Day’, ‘Modern Slang’, and ‘American Accent Tips’. Each lesson is kept short and concise, and fits perfectly into a mini card. There is also an audio guide that helps users to correct their pronunciation, and the duration of each is kept to one minute. The app is all free for now, and there’s an optional free registration; by signing up, users are able to unlock more features such as keeping a favourite lesson card collection and tracking their learning progress.
This learning app does not make learning a boring and mundane experience, as they have thoughtfully included relevant and beautiful images. There is also a daily learning footprint menu where users can track words that they have learned, and in chronological order, to facilitate effective revision. It is a pretty useful app for busy Chinese users, and with the iCard English’s micro lessons, users only need to spare a few minutes of their day to practice their spoken English.
iCard English aims to reach one million users within a year of the app launch and has future plans to introduce customized learning cards which can be purchased within the app.
iCard English is currently available free only on the Apple iTunes store.