Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] お金を追え The New York Timesは、ブームになっているセキュリティ業界についてのレポートを掲載している。この記事によると、「大企業は...

Follow the Money

The New York Times had a report on the booming security trade. The article says that “big companies are expected to spend $32.8 billion on computer security this year, up 9 percent from last year”, and that the future looks great for the industry as well, as “small and medium-size businesses will spend more on security than on other information technology purchases in the next three years”. The Times then went on to list firms that have successfully entered the capital markets, including the likes of Imperva, Splunk, an Plao Alto Networks. In addition, there are also firms that have been sold for big bucks, such as AuthenTec and NetWitness. Things are even looking swell for start-up companies, as they collectively raised $935 million last year, nearly double the $498 million the year before. Bing winners include Lookout, who raised $78 million from top-tier firms like Accel Partners and Andreessen Horowitz, Zenprise, who raised $65 million, and Solera Networks, who has raised over $50 million from Intel Capital and others. This shouldn’t be hard to understand. After all, while cyber crimes may or may not cost $1 trillion of damage a year, cash cows like Visa and Mastercard have been and will always be targets. Even Internet companies like Linkedin are not immune to breaches either. If big data is indeed the future, then there will only be more enticement for thieves, and along with them, more police on the beat.

On the other side of the fence, the far better known Facebook, a site that attracted so much wider attention and affect everyone’s daily lives, is getting slaughtered because it cannot produce any money for its investors. Technology firms can do much more in enterprise, as even farmers, one of the oldest traditions, may be in need of computer wares to help them manage their business. Groupon and its Chinese knock-offs are suffering the same fate.

The lesson, as always, is that helping other people make money is much more lucrative than helping people consume. That is not to say there is no money to be made in entertaining people, Apple has already disproved that notion. However, behind every Apple, there is always a graveyard littered with failures. In today’s world, people have so many choices that they can afford to be fickle with their money. While the called Downgrade Strategy that’s been proliferating in the Chinese Internet circles in the past few days probably won’t work, for many companies, re-evaluate their orientation would probably help. Rather than entering a crowded consumer market, produce products and services that enterprises want may be a better choice. This will not make the company a house name, but it will put food on the table. This is especially for China, where everyone lusts after a billion plus customers. What they don’t see is that China lacks the proper infrastructure for many forms of consumptions to properly function, and the Chinese are probably one of the world’s stringiest customers.

However, Chinese entrepreneurs and businessmen are also willing to bear huge risks in order to make money. Maybe the key to success in China lies not in the way of reaching a billion customers, but convince others that El Dorado exists, and sell them shovels while they search for the illusive gold.
yoggie さんによる翻訳

The New York Timesは、ブームになっているセキュリティ業界についてのレポートを掲載している。この記事によると、「大企業は、コンピューターのセキュリティに、昨年度より9%アップの328億ドルもの額を使うとみられる」らしく、「今後3年の間には、中小企業も、情報技術よりもセキュリティに経費を使うようになる」ので、セキュリティ業界の未来は明るいという。
それから、The Timesは、ImpervaやSplunk、Plao Alto Networksなどの好みも含まれるが、うまくキャピタルマーケットに入り込めた企業のリストを挙げた。それに加え、Authen TecやNetWitnessのような高額で買収された企業を挙げている。昨年は、前年の4億9800万ドルの2倍近く増額の9億3500万ドルの資金を調達したスタートアップ企業にとって、状況は高まっているように見える。Bingの勝者には、Accel PartnersやAndreessen Horowitzのようなトップ企業から7800万ドル調達したLookout、6500万ドル調達したZenprise、Intel Capitalなどから5000万ドル調達したSolera Networksなどがある。



しかし、中国の企業やビジネスマンは、利益を得るためなら、喜んで、大きなリスクを負おうともする。中国で成功するためのカギとなることは、おそらく、億万長者にどうやって近づくかではなくて、El Doradoが存在すると人々に納得させ、幻の金を探している彼らにショベルを売ることにある。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
yoggie yoggie