Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語からネイティブ 英語への翻訳依頼] ユーザの声を商品開発に活かす。インターネットの普及やソーシャルメディアの台頭で今でこそ当たり前になってきた考え方だが、その実践は想像以上に難しい。株式会社...

ユーザの声を商品開発に活かす。インターネットの普及やソーシャルメディアの台頭で今でこそ当たり前になってきた考え方だが、その実践は想像以上に難しい。株式会社CUUSOO SYSTEMの「空想生活」は、それを15年も前から実施するプラットフォームだ。
1997年にローンチし、現在は空想生活に加えて「空想無印」と「LEGO CUUUSOO」も運営する。総アクティブユーザ数は約15万人、2009年11月にリリースしたLEGO CUUUSOO英語版はその9割が海外ユーザ。そんな空想生活を立ち上げたエレファントデザイン株式会社代表取締役会長の西山浩平氏に、空想生活、またユーザを巻き込んだ商品開発のポイントなどを伺った。

自ら立ち上げた株式会社CUUSOO SYSTEMの社長の座を退いた西山氏が現在取り組むプロジェクトが「停電検索」だ。東京電力の資本が入っているエレファントデザインは、これまで電気自動車、エコキュートなど小さな需要を集めて未来のプロダクトをつくる「Switch! the design project」に取り組んできた。

エレファントデザインを15年間経営し、常に新しいことを仕掛け続ける西山氏は「アントレプレナー」と呼ぶに相応しい。学生時代、彫刻家になることを目指していた西山氏。デザイン大学に合格したものの、親の反対を受けて日本に止むなく帰国。自らの彫刻を大使館で販売するなどして生計を立てていたが限界を感じ、職人と共に下北沢で鞄をつくるビジネスを始めた。 5年続けたビジネスは年商3,000万に成長したが、きちんと経営を学びたいという思いからマッキンゼーに入社。それから4年、インターネットが登場した頃に「空想生活」を立ち上げて独立。鞄時代のオーダーメイドの仕組みを活かし、先に注文をとってから作るという絶対にこげつかないモデルで事業を開始した。
「市場があるからといって始めてしまうと絶対に回らなくなる。他人の声を聞いて作ることはもともと難しい。つまり、自分がユーザでないものを作るってすごく難しいんです。だから、まず起業するタイミングでは、自身がユーザであるものを作る、自分が欲しいものを作ることが近道です。ユーザの意見を取り込んだり、それを仕組み化するのはサービスが成長してからでいい。起業時に人の意見を聞きながら作るのはブレるし危険です。むしろこのタイミングでは聞かずに、自身がユーザの分野で起業すべきだと思います」。 「空想生活」、「LEGO CUUSOO」と「空想無印」

LEGO CUUSOOと空想無印の総アクティブユーザは約14万人。みんなの「ほしい」をかなえるサイトとして15年前から運営される「空想生活」は、そのユーザのほとんどが男性で65%、女性が35%を占める。
katrina_z さんによる翻訳
Capitalize on the opinions of users' during product development. This has become a way of thinking more than ever before thanks to the spread of the internet and the popularity of social media sites but putting it into practice is harder than you imagined. CUUSOO SYSTEM Inc.'s "Dream Living" is a platform that has been operated for the past 15 years.
Launched in 1997, they now also manage "Dream Unbranded" and "LEGO CUUSOO" in addition to Dream Life. There are about 150,000 general active users and 90% of users for the English version of LEGO CUUSOO, released in November 2011, are overseas. We asked Mr. Kohei Nishiyama, the representative president of Elephant Design Inc. who started this Dream Life, about the benefits of product designs that are wrapped around Dream Life and its users.
"Blackout Search" is an app that puts together small power restrictions.

Mr. Nishiyama, who stepped down from being president of CUUSOO SYSTEM Inc., the company he started, is currently tackling the project "Blackout Search." Elephant Design, with funding from Tokyo Electric, had so far collected small requests like electric cars and EcoCute and wrestled with those in "Switch! the design project" where he will build the products of the future.
However, conserving electricity took top priority after nuclear disaster from the March 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. He commercialized "Blackout Search" immediately after the earthquake as a service that collects small power restrictions. Three days after the earthquake, the engineer who made the software that can search for areas where a planned power outage would be and Mr. Nishiyama were already turning a profit from BtoC's greatest energy conservation app (supported on iPhone and Android). He says he want to convert energy saving into a benefit and finally make dealing with electricity possible.
Make something you yourself would use when timing your launch

Mr. Nishiyama has managed Elephant Design for fifteen years and always continuing to make new things, so it would be appropriate to call him an "entrepreneur." As a student, he wanted to become a sculptor. He reluctantly returned to Japan after his parents opposed him attending a design school. He started to make a living selling his works at the embassy but felt his options were limited and started a bag-making business with a craftsman in Shimokitazawa.
Their business continued for five years with an annual turnover of 30 million but he entered McKinsey out of the desite to study management. Four years after that, around the time the internet appeared, he started up "Dream Life" and was self-sufficient. Making use of the custom-made system from his bag-making days, he started his business on the model that absolutely nothing would be made before the customer ordered it.
Now Mr. Nishiyama talks about being active in seeking out developers and often meeting up with talented people surrounding startups. He says looking back at who he was when he launched Dream Life, he holds dear to him his startup from when he launched his service.
"I stopped going around just because there was a marketplace when I started. At first it was hard to hear people's opinions and make things. That's to say, it's really hard to make things that I myself wouldn't use. So, first when timing your launch, a shortcut is to make something you yourself would use; to make something you yourself want. It's okay to get users' opinions and then afterwards structure your service around that. It's risky to make things while listening to people's opinions during your launch. I think you should startup with the idea that you are your own customer without listening to others during this time."
"Dream Life," "LEGO CUUSOO," and "Dream Unbranded"

There are about 140,000 active users of LEGO CUUSOO and Dream Unbranded. "Dream Life" was managed fifteen years ago as a site that grants everyone their "wants" and those users consisted of about 65% men and 35% women.
On Dream Life there was a fifteen-year list of "things not for sale but I wish were." Mr. Nishiyama would pick from this list the thing that had the most demands and commercialize them with smaller companies who have the designs and technology for it. The "Window Radiator" is the one item that has left a lasting impression on Mr. Nishiyama out of all the items made by Dream Life.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
katrina_z katrina_z